6 - Hurting

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Vanessa's POV

I hear Roni come home so I rush to greet her. "What did he say?" I ask eagerly. Collins told me what he plan was. He turns and kisses Roni, pulling her to sit with him. She tells me the story of Angela, and everything he told her.

"And he said.. Well..." Roni stutters. "Spit it out!" I ask annoyed. "He said the wedding is off." She says quickly. My mouth forms into an O shape, and tears well up in my eyes. "Well, ah, good for him." I say, running into my room and locking the door. I sink to the floor and sob. I cry and cry.

I hear a small bark, and look up to see Star sitting on my bed. "I do t know if I want to hug you right now. You remind me of Aaron." I say quietly. Star jumps off my bed and walks over to me anyway. I pick up his small fragile body and hug him. Animals make me feel better in times of need.

"Nessa open up! You'll be okay! Let's watch high school musical or something!" Roni yells from the other side of the door, knocking on it. "I just need to be alone. I'll be fine for a few more hours. You two go ahead and watch a movie or something, but don't leave the house. Okay? Please?" I ask, I don't want to be all alone, I just need some time.

"Of course Nessa. If you need anything we are on the couch." She says,and I can tell she is smiling. I hear shuffling footsteps, and the TV turn on. They begin to quietly talk, and I smile. I love seeing my sister happy. 'This is a good chance to catch up on Netflix!' I think to myself, running and jumping on my bed.

I decide to make a little fortress for myself. I stack up pillows on my bed, hanging sheets over it from two chairs, I string my fairy lights just above it so I have light, and I make myself a door from a towel. I put a tray with my Oreos and soft batch cookies that I have in my room next to my laptop, and crawl inside. I smile at my hard work, and play the next episode of the show I am addicted to.

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"Nessa?" Roni calls through the door after a couple hours. "It's unlocked! I went to the bathroom just before." I giggle. She walks in and j see her gasp. "Wow. This is cool Nessa! How on earth did you do this?" She laughs, poking her head in the door. I shrug my shoulders and pause the episode. "Room for one more?" She asks. I giggle and nod, patting the bed beside me.

She takes an Oreo and I lean my head on her shoulder. "Your a great sister, you know that?" I tell her, eating another cookie. "I know. But I'm not as great as you." She grins. "Your so cheesy." I laugh, playing the show. We sit there for the rest of the episode, before my laptop dies.

"Dang." I laugh, crawling out of fort after Roni. "You should talk to him." Roni says as I search for my charger. "Why? He doesn't love me, or even like me anymore. What's done is done!" I say, plugging in my newly found charger.

"But there is no point sulking around, if you still love him, you need to talk to him. You only live once, what is there to loose? You could gain much more than you could suffer." She smiles, pulling me into a hug. "Your right. But your coming and staying in the car." I smile, pulling her out of my room.

Aaron's POV

I arrive at my parents house, and settle in. They told me I could stay while they are on holiday, and they will help me look for a house when they are back. I dump my things in my old room, and knock down a pile of things stacked on my bed.

I pick them up and one thing my eye, a photo book of me and Nessa. Being the sucker I am, I pick it up and sit on my bed. I flick through the pages and pages of pictures of us, happy and in love. All the flashbacks of us start flooding back to me, and a tear rolls down my face onto the page.

A text message lights up on my phone, and I check its from Collins.

You still at your parents house buddy?

Yeah I am. Bye man.

I respond quickly, and shut the book in rage. Nessa meant everything to me, I don't know what to believe anymore. A dark thought rushes through my head, what if I end everything? Won't that be better? I rush into the bathroom, forgetting to lock the door.

I pull out the blade from the top draw, and look at my reflection for one last time. "Goodbye...." I inserts the blade into my skin, and scream in pain as the blood trickles out. I go deeper and deeper until all u see is white.

I feel myself fall on the floor, collapsing from the pain. I hear a knock on the door. All I can manage is a whisper. "Here....." My eyes begin to close as I see a figure rush in and scream. "Aaron!"

A/N short and dramatic chapter for y'all. Sorry about the length, hoping to write a but longer ones :) hope you enjoyed! Keep voting and commenting, we are already at 300 reads wth? Thank you so much. Ily! Xx - zozobear

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