Salty Lesbian Toothbrushes

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     Bitch, okay first of all who gave this asshole the right to be purple? She thinks she's all that and a bag of chips hmph what a slut brushing bristles with any brush that even looks at her, she probably has cavity residue imbbedded  in her plastic.
      Ok but lemme tell you about this bitch ass hoe, shes purple but not any purple shes like a royal purple but like that expensive ass purple that royal bitches use, anyways  her name is violet but her colour isnt  violet its a bitch ass royal purple and its  quite  nice for a bitch ass hoe like her.

She may be one of my friends but i still think shes a bitch ass hoe, why am i so salty you may ask?! Its because violet is  a bitch and  always the favourite like why does she get all the action and attention what  about me i deserve attention too but noooooo everyone just acts nice around  me cause they dont wanna admit they hate me.

   Oh shit here comes the bitch ass hoe just hopping around  acting like shes Sini's gift to toothbrush landia.

"Hey lapiz!" Violet said with such cheer it made me want to body brush slam her to the ground

"Sup bitch ass hoe" i replied restraining myself from calling her something worse.

"Bitch ass hoe?"  Violet looked hurt but i could give less of a fuck at the moment

"Bitch ass hoe!" I respond maybe bitch ass hoe can be our always? What deep circle of  hell did that fucken come from what the fuck?

"I dont understand lapiz why are you being so mean?!"  Violet look on the verge of tears but lapiz still didnt  give  a flying fuck.

" I don't know V maybe it because you  bring  out  the worst in me" i said as venomously as i could without her bursting into tears.

"Why cant we have one day without fighting? Cant you just be nice for once? We need to fix this <3" she said meanwhile i was trying to figure out how in the FUCK she said '<3' out loud.

"Look violet you're a little bitch and if  you cant deal with my friendly abuse you need to sēti the hell up". I told her she huffed and hopped away like a little bitch.

"Sini fuckin farasha she's so damn sensitive! Maybe thays why shes a recommended  toothbrush  for sensitive teeth. 

   After the encounter i decided maybe i had been a lil bit mean, but then again violet's a lil bitch, but i mean  thats fine shes still my friend right? riGHT?!  OHNO WJAT DID I DO ?????? I need to fix this!

I arrived at violets  Tandbørsteholder only to find violet with another toothbrush they were brushing bristles i really shouldnt have been suprised but I think i fell in love with her  somewhere in the midst of me being a bitch ass hoe for the past like 4 years.

I gasped i felt like my plastic was ripped from me it hurted me.

Violet turned seeing my hurted plastic form i turned and hopped away as fast as possible i made it to my Tandbørsteholder and hid in the back, violet found me tho.

"Why  did you run away? I was gonna as if you wanted to join?!"

She's breaking my- wait what the fuck? 
"You want ME to join YOU and that rattie ass bitch?!!" I spit out in my shock

"I mean yeah, i want you to join me frais doesn't have to be around tho if  you dont want  him there." She said seductively.

Holy shit im so down
"I mean i guess yeah?"

Should i tell her??
Nah bitch shes gonna give  me that good succ I'll tell her after wards.

Lemme speed this up but first thing is first she attacked my bristles with  her own, It happend so fast but slow at the same time, it  was bristles against bristles plastic against plastic by the end we were a tangle of plastic and bristles panting for breath.

"Look V i kinda maybe love  you" I admitted "but like not as a friend like maybe as a salty lesbian lover"

Violet looked at me in disbelief "really?!" She looked conflicted or as conflicted as a toothbrush could  look

"Well Lapiz i maybe kinda love you too exactly like a salty lesbian" she beamed.

Soon enough we welcomed a baby toothbrush to our family a brown brush named cocoa. And  we lived happily ever after the end.

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