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"Probably at home, but please don't-"

"Where is Aouli's home." Jimin spits through clenched teeth.


"We are going. Take me to Aouli's home." He grabs my wrist and drags me to his car.

"Hey, wait... what about my car?!" I protest.


( Jimin's POV )

Does she really think something like that can just blow over like nothing happened?

Justice will be served, for sure.

(y/n) obediently gives the directions, even though they were kinda hard for me to understand.

She huffs in her seat, but I ignore her objections. 

We arrive at Aouli's property, and I've never wanted to barge into someones house this badly before. 

"You stay here." I point to the car, notating for (y/n) to stay put.

"No Jimin I-"

"Shh... it's alright." I gently place a strand of hair behind her ear. She gives me a puzzled look.

"This is illegal." 

"What Aouli did was illegal." I snap and turn away without another word.

I climb over the poorly trimmed shrubs and slide open the window. 

Dumbass doesn't even lock his windows.

Being careful not to make a lot of noise, I creep around the silent home. Footsteps trail behind me and my nerves tighten, ready for a fight. I turn around and swing at the figure, but immediately hesitate when (y/n)'s face flinches. 

"Oh, I'm sorry (y/n)."

"Shhh-" She scolds and clamps my mouth shut with her hand.

I loosen up and continue to tip-toe with (y/n) close behind me. (y/n) and I peer around a separate door and see Aouli standing on the deck overlooking the ocean. My fists clench and my face stiffens.

This is gonna be good.

( (y/n)'s POV )

Before Aouli could finish his sentence, Jimin grabs him by the throat.

I don't know how Jimin is able to do so because Aouli is almost two feet taller than him.

"Why did you do that to (y/n)?!" Jimin snarls, tightening his grip on Aouli's neck.

"She wanted it, and if that filthy whore didn't stop me, she would have been screaming my name in pleasure." Aouli smugly coughs.

Jimin's expression somehow becomes even angrier.

Without warning, Jimin slams his fist across Aouli's jaw as hard as he could. Aouli falls into his hands and knees with blood dripping down his neck.

I gasp and take a few steps back.

I wouldn't have thought a man like Jimin would do something like this. He seems like the softest person you'd ever meet, but I guess he has an extremely protective side.

"You asian bastard." Aouli mutters and stands up to look down onto Jimin. Right before Aouli could punch back, Jimin grabs Aouli's shoulders and knees him hard in between the legs.

Aouli groans in pain and collapses on the floor.

"Do not touch (y/n), michin-nyeon." Jimin grunts and spits on Aouli in pity. 

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