Fine Wine~Dionysus x Apollon

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(Mature content warning)

     Dionysus had a habit of doing a lot of out of normally out-of-character things when he was drunk, but no one had anticipated this.
     Today was his birthday, and the Norse gods had thrown him a big party at their dorm. Everyone had expected Dionysus to get drunk,  as he normally did, but after downing around fourteen glasses of wine and finishing off six more shots of vodka, Yui had decided he'd had enough, and sent him home before he accidentally fatally overdosed.
     Barely able to see straight, Dionysus had already knocked a couple of chairs over before making it out the door. "Go get him!" Yui demanded Apollon, "Before he breaks something. Like a bone!" "But fairy..." Apollon whined, "I don't want to leave you..,And Dee-Dee will be just fi-" Just then, a loud crash and screams could be heard coming from the girls rest room. Yui glared at Apollon, who quickly ran out the door to find his brother.
     Dashing through the halls, Apollon finally caught sight of Dionysus, stumbling around and tripping over himself. Apollon sighed, before grabbing his brother by the shoulder and dragging him back to his dorm, grumbling quietly the whole way. "The party was just getting heated, Dee-Dee! You couldn't have waited 10 more minutes to get so drunk?" He may as well have been talking to himself, as Dionysus wore a glazed over look that told Apollon he wasn't listening at all.
     Finally making it back to the dorm, Dionysus, who miraculously hadn't passed out yet, flopped over onto his bed and immediately fell fast asleep. Apollon sighed to himself, and began the almost nightly routine of getting his big brother ready for bed. Those unaware of Dionysus's habits would asume because of his calm personality and laid back demeanor, that he was the more mature of the two and took care of his little brother. However, it was often Apollon who dressed and undressed his brother, made his lunch, and packed his things for school, if he even bothered to show up. It didn't bother him though, he was used to it and considered it bonding, even thought half the time Dionysus was unconscious.
     The tall, maroon haired god had fallen asleep on his back, making it much easier for Apollon to undress him. Starting with his black long-sleeve shirt, which Apollon easily pulled over his brother's head, he began to expose his brother's bare skin. Dionysus was in impeccable shape, especially for someone who drank so much alcohol. His large biceps and shoulders, along with his perfectly molded pecks and abs, caught Apollon's eyes in a way they hadn't before. Apollon shrugged the strange phenomenon off, and began to pull down Dionysus's grey jeans, when something caught his eyes again. The large bulge pushing out from his brother's boxers...
Huh...Apollon thought to himself, Was Dee-Dee always so...big? A strange feeling overtook the blonde god, washing over his entire body and flushing his face an embarrassed shade of pink. Something inside Apollon was urging him to pull down Dionysus's boxers, to leave him bare in all his glory. Apollon bit his lip, his hands grabbing the hem of his brother's boxers and holding tight. He started to sweat as he played with it with his fingers, trying to decide what to do. Suddenly, he snapped out of his transe, shocked and embarrassed of himself. He rocketed out of his brother's bed, dragged himself to the bathroom and staring in awe at his reflection in the mirror, almost as if he expected it to explain what had just happened. Maybe Dee-Dee wasn't the only one who had a little too much wine... Apollon thought to himself. He quickly got changed into pajamas, hoping to sleep the whole experience away. However, not long after climbing into his bed, Apollon's thoughts returned to his sleeping brother...
     He did have a lot to drink, more than usual, Apollon thought to himself, maybe I should stay with him, just for tonight, to make sure he's ok. Apollon, happy to have come up with an excuse to be close to his brother again, slipped out of bed and joined Dionysus in his. He snuggled up to his older brother, positioning himself so that Dionysus was spooning him, carefully adjusting the older god's arms so they were wrapped around Apollon's waist. With his back pressed to Dionysus's chest, feeling his heart beat, Apollon finally drifted off to sleep.

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