Steam~Loki x Takeru

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(Mature content warning)

The tripwire was hooked. The barrel was full. The camera was ready. The trap was set. All that was missing, was an innocent God to prank.
Loki hid behind a desk, waiting for an unsuspecting God to fall victim to another one of his tricks. He'd worked hard on pranks before, but this one was one of his finest creations. It wasn't necessary a complicated prank, but Loki knew that the God caught in his trap would be highly pissed off for days, possibly weeks.
Just as he had anticipated, the door opened, and he couldn't believe who was about to be caught in the best prank of all time! "Hello?" Takeru called out into the classroom, "Thoth? Bro? Hades...?" Loki cursed quietly, noticing that Takeru had stepped over the tripwire. Maybe I could jump out and scare him, then push the barrel? Loki thought. "Surprise party, my ass..." Takeru grumbled under his breath, "Probably some stupid trick Thoth and Yui pulled to get me to come to class. Well it's not going to work! Not today!" Takeru proudly stepped backwards and out of the classroom, or, he would have. The back of his sandals caught onto the wire, and he fell backwards onto the ground, but not before a huge barrel of glitter was dumped directly on top of him, followed by a bright flash. Loki burst out laughing, rolling around on the floor and grabbing his sides. The glitter had settled to the ground before Takeru had realized what had happened: He'd just fallen on his butt after clumsily tripping over a wire, while a mountain of glitter was dumped on him, and to top it off, he wasn't getting a surprise party. And Loki had a picture of it all happening.
Loki wiped the tears from his eyes, practically screaming out " was ruined! There...there was no way it was going to work! And you idiot! You some how managed to screw yourself over, all on your own! Priceless!" Takeru stood up, his face the color of a fire truck. "God damnit, Loki!" He swore, "I should've known you were behind all this shit!" Loki could barely breath, he was laughing so hard. He yelled out between gasps for air, "And...I...Got...A...Picture!" "Shut up!" Takeru roared, throwing his head back  to dump the glitter off. He was covered in it, from head to toe! Sparkles clung to his clothing, his skin, and even his tongue. As he pulled his shirt out away from his body, a pile of glitter that had been stuck in it fell to the ground. His face flushed from red to almost purple, as he screamed, "Loki Laevatein, you better watch your damn back!" He stormed out the door, slamming it shut and causing more glitter to come loose. All Loki could do was laugh harder.


     The hiss of the shower as it came to life was always one of Takeru's favorite sounds. As the God of the sea, he always loved to be in or near water whenever possible, even if it was only for a quick shower.  Today was no exception, and as Takeru stepped into the shower and the chilled water washed over his skin, he felt himself starting to calm down.
     As the glitter finally started to wash off, he dipped his head under the water and ran his fingers through his hair, combing all the gel out of it. It clung to his skin and hung down into his face, and he gently moved it behind his ear. Looking in the mirror, he realized how different he looked with his hair slacked down. His hair was about his brother's length, but with more volume, and an obvious color difference. He slicked it back up with shampoo for a moment, smiling and chuckling to himself with amusement. Anyone who knew Takeru knew him and self centered and arrogant, but his personality flipped almost entirely while he was in his element. He was almost pleasant to be around. Dipping his head back under the water, he hummed to himself, roughing up his hair to rinse it out. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
     "Takeru?" Loki called, peeking into the room. His signature smirk curled his lips, as the shorter god gasped in surprise. "Loki!" Takeru yelled, "What the hell are you doing? Get out!" "Were you just humming?" Loki questioned, snickering. "None of your damn business!" Takeru snapped. Loki pretended to leave, but snuck inside and flung open the shower curtain, yelling "Hya!" At the top of his lungs. Takeru jumped, almost slipping. "You moronic bastard!" Takeru screamed, too angry to even cover himself, "What the hell are you doing?" Loki rolled his eyes, "I was going to apologize, but then I had a better idea." "I'm going to beat your ass!" Takeru raged, swinging a fist at Loki. He neatly ducked and teased, "What are you going to do? Spank me?" Takeru grabbed Loki by his braid and pushed him against the wall of the shower. "Whatcha gonna do now?" Takeru smirked. "At least undress me first!" Loki smiled. "You faggot!" Takeru laughed, roughly pushing Loki's head against the wall.
     Loki stayed still for a few seconds, before catching Takeru off guard and reversing their rolls, leaving the shorter god backed up against the wall. "Oh come on, Take. As if you don't want me. Look at you! You're too excited to even cover yourself!" Takeru blushed bright red and rushed to cover himself with his hands. Horrified, he felt himself start to stiffen up in excitement. What the hell? He thought, I...I don't like Loki! I'm sure... Loki chuckled, gently rotating Takeru's body so his back was facing him. He grabbed onto his shoulders, pressing his body against Takeru's. "S-stop it! Takeru yelled, "Get the f-fuck off me!" "You love it," Loki whispered to Takeru, "don't you?" "Loki..." Takeru whined, quieter this time. "You want me..." Loki whispered, pressing his face to Takeru's shoulder, "And I want you more..." Takeru was blushing brighter than a strawberry, and he said with slight edge in his voice, "Loki Laevatein...If this is some kind of sick prank..." "You're cute." Loki laughed, playfully. He grabbed onto the back of Takeru's neck, turning it slightly and kissing hard. His kiss was sloppy and hot, practically burning at the shorter god's skin. He kissed down Takeru's neck, biting at his collar bone and leaving lava red hickeys all over his body. He grabbed firmly at Takeru's waist, grinding against him. Takeru groaned gently, the feeling of pure arousal washing over him. He pressed his hands against the wall, allowing Loki to run his fingers up and down his soaking wet body. Loki paused for a moment to admire the turquoise-haired god. Although he was the shortest God out of all of them, he was extremely well built and strong-looking. He had broad shoulders, and his hair ran down his neck onto his muscular back. Loki placed his hands back on Takeru's hips, biting hard at his shoulders and teasing him by running his fingers up and down the shorter god's waist. Takeru, now completely immersed in pleasure, moaned and whimpered at Loki's touch. He shifted his body, allowing the red-headed God to access more of it. Obeying Takeru's wishes, Loki wrapped his arms around Takeru's chest, playing with his pecks and massaging his biceps. "Oh...oh L-Loki..." Takeru groaned, his face more red than wine. Loki grabbed him by his hair, yanking him off the first wall and slamming him against another. Takeru pushed himself out from the wall, allowing room for Loki room to reach around him and play with his long, aroused cock.
Loki pressed his head into Takeru's neck as he grabbed harshly onto the turquoise-haired god's member, growling slightly as he began to pump it up and down. Takeru felt himself melt, with waves of pleasure washing over him and driving him insane with tension. Loki made his rhythm uneven, pleasing Takeru with different speeds and controlling him entirely. "You like that, don't you?" Loki crooned into Takeru's ear, " have no idea how bad I need you..." Getting fed up with Loki teasing him, Takeru spun himself around, pushing Loki to the other side of the shower.
Loki was shocked, and he fell against the wall in surprise. Takeru placed his arms on either side of Loki, staring into his eyes, the red headed god's baby blue irises reflecting in Takeru's melted gold ones. He bit his lip, bringing his face close to Loki's before slamming his lips into him. Loki wrapped his arms around Takeru's waist, kissing back hard. He shoved his tongue into Takeru's mouth, taking no care to be gentle. Takeru bit down on Loki's tongue slightly, and Loki pulled out, only to be greeted by his lips being pried open by the shorter god. As they kissed, a faint trail of steam rose from their mouths, heating the room even more.
As the kiss began to slow, Takeru turned his attention to Loki's body, slowly stripping him. First, he tugged off Loki's purple and black jacket, flinging it out of the shower to get it out of the way. Next, he unbuttoned his school uniform, twirling his tie in his fingers and yanking on it to pull Loki farther into the kiss. Slipping the uniform off, Takeru began to kiss and nip at Loki's impressive body, slowly pulling down his shorts and leaving Loki in nothing but a gray pair of boxers. Loki was already rock hard with anticipation, and locked his hands in Takeru's hair as the shorter God kneeled to his knees and looked up to glare teasingly into Loki's eyes. The red-haired god ripped of his boxers, practically throwing Takeru's mouth over his aroused cock.
Struggling to fit him in all the way, Takeru groaned and grabbed at Loki's hips, using them as leverage to deep throat the taller god. Loki moaned, smiling naughtily, "Oh...Oh you bad boy..." Takeru's warm tongue added extra pleasure for Loki, as Takeru started to use it to tease the base of his partner's  member, massaging him softly. Takeru had no interest in going slowly as he rocketed himself over Loki's cock, pulling at his skin and sucking hard. Loki moaned erotically, his hands tangling themselves in Takeru's wet hair. "T-take..." He moaned, his signature smirk still shining on his face, "Damn it're so good..." Takeru blushed a little more, if that was even possible at this point, and sucked Loki faster and harder, bobbing his head up and down at almost a painfully fast pace. To pleasure Loki even further, every once in a while, Takeru would bite down on Loki, just slightly. It hurt a little, but Loki found it so sexy that he was afraid of reaching his peak every time it happened. He moaned louder, his incredible voice ringing throughout the bathroom. "Oh...Oh! T-Takeru! You're g-gonna make me..."
Loki pulled Takeru's head to his body, shooting his burning hot cum down the shorter god's throat. Takeru's eyes widened, as Loki grinned as he moaned and launched his seed into the turquoise-haired gods mouth. After giving Takeru all he had to offer, Loki released him and Takeru yanked himself away, swallowing quickly then gasping for air, nearly choking on Loki's semen.
The hot water from the shower ran down his face, and for the first time, Loki realized how beautiful Takeru was. Collapsing against Loki's body, Takeru wrapped his arms around Loki's legs, panting. Loki bent down so he was face to face with the shorter god, pulling him into his lap and letting Takeru lean up against him. Takeru tucked his head under Loki's, sighing softly, making Loki's heart melt. He stroked the sides of Takeru's body, looking down at the shorter God and slipping the hair out of his face. He gazed into Takeru's eyes, making Takeru embarrassed after he realized the fact that he was cuddling with the God he hated. Takeru shot him a quick glare, making Loki smirk, kiss his forehead, and whisper to him, "You're so cute." Takeru glared harder, grumbling "I'm not cute." "You're right," Loki teased, "You're adorable."
Takeru, gaining his energy back, growled and pinned Loki to the ground. He was still rock hard, not having reached his climax yet from when Loki was teasing him. He gently pushed the tip if his cock into Loki, kissing passionately down on his neck. Slowly, he moved in deeper, pushing in the last part of himself in faster and much rougher than the rest, causing Loki to yelp sharply. Takeru set himself to a moderately fast pace, thrusting himself completely inside Loki then pulling back out. Loki moaned, loving every second of their heated positions. Getting more rough, Takeru started to use Loki's braid to force him into the rhythm. He grabbed at Loki's hips, his nails digging into the red-haired god and making both of them yell with pleasure. Frustrated with not being able to please Loki perfectly, Takeru threw Loki's legs over his shoulders and fucked him harder, pushing in deep and hitting every one of Loki's sweet spots. "Oh! Oh...Fuck yea, right there!" Loki yelled, slamming his hands against the shower floor in a burst of sexual energy. Takeru groaned louder with every thrust, throwing himself into Loki at a rapid pace, no longer able to control himself. Suddenly, he arched his back with pleasure, moaning like crazy and shooting cum inside Loki until there was no room anymore. Loki yelled, "Aah...Takeru!", hot with orgasm as well, their two voices bouncing around the bathroom walls. When he'd filled Loki to the brim, Takeru pulled his cock out, squirting cum all over himself. Loki panted for a moment, chuckled and traced his finger up Takeru's member, licking the hot seed off his hands. "Mmh..." Loki whimpered, savoring Takeru's slightly salty flavor.
Takeru forced himself to stand, shutting off the water. He began to dry himself off with a towel, handing one to Loki as well. After they had dried off, Loki followed Takeru to his bed, slipping silently past Tsukito's room. Loki pulled Takeru into bed with him, snuggling up against him and spooning him. Takeru blushed and pushed himself away from Loki, embarrassed. Loki smiled to himself, knowing that Takeru would be Takeru, and laid on his back, closing his eyes. However, just before he drifted off to sleep, Loki felt Takeru lift his head and place it on his chest. Loki chuckled down at him, whispering, "Change your mind?" Takeru answered him by placing a gentle kiss on his lower jaw, blushing even darker and closing his eyes. Loki wrapped his body around Takeru's, turning sideways so they were completely pressed together. He slipped his arms around Takeru's waist, and the shorter god did the same, but his arms locked around Loki's neck. Loki kissed the adorable god's forehead, whispering, "Goodnight, cutie." And this time, Takeru didn't object.


Takeru awoke to the sound of knocking on the dorm door. He gently slipped out of Loki's arms, threw on some clothes, and ran downstairs. He opened the door to find Balder, his normally happy face clouded with worry.
"Have you seen Loki?" Balder said, frantically, "He didn't come back to the dorm last night, and no one can find him anywhere!" "Oh yea..." Takeru stalled, "We...He needed some help for some school stuff, so he came for Tsukito, but by the time they were done it was real late so we figured he could just stay here...?" Takeru could tell Balder wasn't buying it, and was about to come up with a better excuse, but Balder's face brightened when Loki appeared next to him. "Loki!" Balder smiled, "Where have you been?" " know, doin' school stuff." Loki said, smoothly, "Come on Balder, let's get back to our dorm." As the two walked off back to the Norse dorms, Loki turned his head to look back at Takeru, blowing a kiss and winking at him. Takeru felt the heat rise in his face again, and started to walk back to his room. For a split second, before he had turned to walk through the door, Takeru could've sworn that he'd caught Balder practically glaring holes in the side of his head.
"You know," Balder said suspiciously, "Thor would've been happy to help you study." "Hm," Loki pretended to realize, "That didn't occur to me." Balder's eyes narrowed slightly, and he wrapped his arm around Loki's shoulders, whispering under his breath, "I hope you watch your back, Takeru Totsuka, or you could easily get hurt..." "Did you say something, Balder?" Loki said. "Nope, you must have misheard," Balder smiled, innocently. Silently, the two continued the long walk back to the dorms.

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