Chapter 1 - Help Me

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A/N I've changed the name Phil to Alex as there was some confusion. So If I have accidentally not changed the name Phil in here somewhere then that's why! Happy reading.

I slide down the wall. My hands shaking, blood covering them. It's like a continuous thing. Over and over again. The cries and screams, the shouts and lastly the pain and blood. The baggy jumpers and leggings. The makeup applied professionally. The constant feeling that there's nobody there for you. No one there for you to confess to, let them know about all your troubles. Theres no such thing as a good day to me. Everyday is just like a living hell. You feel a constant pain whether it be walking about or being in the same room as him. I'm Amanda Oakley and a victim of domestic violence.

I rock back and forth, singing a comforting song under my breath. Trying to ignore the pain. Trying to relax. But it's not working.

There's heavy footsteps getting louder by the second. I close my eyes and bury my head into my hands, frightened for what's about to come. I hear the door slam open and I still don't look up. I feel a rough grip on my wrist and I'm dragged up off the floor. It takes me a few seconds to adjust to the light and that's enough. I'm dropped the the floor with a thud. All my bruises against the hard wooden floor makes my whole body hurt. I grit my teeth and hold in the scream that's threatening to escape.
"Amanda" the low voice mumbles. I look up to see the once caring, good looking, kind boy I used to know, Alex. But now he's just a monster. "What are you doing?" He asks "I-I" I stutter, for once I don't have an answer to that question. I really don't know what I'm doing "stand up" he commands. I stand on my feet. Quietly yelping in pain as I do it. "Go be doing something a woman should be doing. Cleaning or earning money for me" I scurry out the room leaving him in there with nothing but the small pool of blood where I was sitting.

Tears fall down my face from the amount of pain. This has been going on for a while now, the beating. And I think now it's got to the point where there is not much time left. I never leave the house except from to go to the inclosed places to deal his drugs to the terrifying people. The ones who are so ill from the drug abuse. He makes me do it so he's not caught in the act but I am. Luckily I've never been caught.

I go into the kitchen and look around the dirty room in disgust. I hate it here. I just want to get out but I can't. I'm stuck in here until the end.

I hear footsteps and quickly start to pretend to be washing up the dishes. He comes up behind me and breathes his alcohol ridden breath on me. "Baby" he says, I carry on cleaning and ignore him. He holds something sharp to my hip, I look down to see a knife and gasp and stop what I'm doing. He keeps digging it in. Pain. So much pain. I cry out "please" I say, now feeling blood dripping down my side. He kisses my shoulder and carries on doing it. I'm in so much pain I feel I could collapse. You know. I can't do this anymore. I grab a knife and pretend to wash it up. When I feel he's going to far I quickly turn around, knife in hand. I knee him in the genital area and stab him with the kitchen knife. He collapses to the floor crying out. I look around and see all his money on the table. I grab a few wads and put them in my pockets. I rush to the front door. I try to open it but it's locked. I grab a stool and muster up all the strength I have. I bang it into the glass causing it to smash and thousands of pieces shatter onto the floor. I climb outside and run away from the house and as fast as I can. I keep running until I feel I can't go anymore. I collapse on the floor in the middle of nowhere and lay back. "I'm in so much pain" I think to myself. My eyes get heavy and I enter the darkness.

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