Brian x Reader: Meeting

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Ship: Brian x female!reader
Prompt: you are a teacher aid volunteer at Daisy's school. You meet Daisy without knowing she's Brian's (your boyfriend)kid and later you two come across with her with Brian.
Key: (N/n) nickname
You were in the back of the class room organizing the books as the teacher had asked you to. The only reason you volunteered for the school was because your job was at night ( you worked at ummm McDonalds...idk) and you needed something to keep you occupied. Plus your niece went to school here.
Currently in the class the teacher was done teaching and was letting the students do whatever. All of them were goofing off... except a quite child. She sat reading, 'To kill a mockingbird', you always admired that kid. When you were her age you were doing what the other kids were doing.
You walked over to her. She looked up to you.
"Uh, hi?", she said awkwardly.
"Hi I'm (y/n)", you said holding your head. She nervously took your hand.
"I-I know... oh I'm Daisy", she said. You gave her a warm smile.
"I notice you like to read", you told.
"Oh, yeah. I started reading this the other week, I think it's very moving at the fact that they are trying to get Finch to understand people's problems. I'm sorry I'm trying not to spoil it, or have you read it", she asked.
"Well I read it my freshman year, so it's been quite a while", you answered.
"Well I would highly suggest you read it again", she said. "I enjoy this classic."
You looked at her and gave her a smile. She than went on to ask if you read a bunch of books. Most of them you answered too.
"Would you like to read the Great Gatsby with me sometime? Like we start reading it at the same time and than one day we compare thoughts on it", Daisy suggested.
"Sure that would be lovely", you answered. You two than agreed to start reading it than you both keep talking about books for the rest of class.
•later that night•
You sat in the coffee shop near your boyfriend's home, you were off tonight so you both decided to meet up. You sat waiting for him, you two were going to talk about you meeting his daughter. You heard a little bell of the coffee shop ding. You saw your breaded face boyfriend walk towards you.
"Hey, (n/n)", he said taking a seat at the table your were at.
"Hey Brian", you said. He put his hand on your hand and gave squeeze.
"You ready to meet her?", he asked. You nodded nervously.
"She knows I'm dating you but I also told her I would show her what you look like and what your like when you meet her", he explained. "She has no idea she's going to meet you."
"I also can't believe you've never showed pictures or say what she's like", you said. Brian thought the first time you two meet is the first time you both see and learn about each other.
Brian gave you peck on the cheek and gave you his classic smile. You gave a smile back. To say we're a little nervous was an understatement, your were beyond nervous. Hoping that this kid would like you, if she didn't yours and Brian's relationship was done for. This little girl meant the world to him, and if she didn't like you Brian might just dump you.
You and Brian walked to his house, rather than leaving her at the babysitters house he would have Carson come over to his house.
You and Brian walked hand in hand. While walking Craig was on his usual jog and stopped to talk to you both.
"Brian! (Y/n)! Great day, am I right!?", he asked.Craig was talking to Brian than you noticed River was asleep in her baby carrier. You thought it was adorable the way she could just fall asleep even though her dad was on a run.
"So, (y/n) are you ready to meet the kid?", Craig asked. Your guessing he knows about Brian's whole meeting thing.
"Well... I'm really nervous", you answered. Craig gave you kind smile.
"Look I've dated a couple of people since Ashley left me and I've introduced them to the twins. All the girls cared about was if they were a good person and if they actually care about me", he explained. "I'm sure that's all Da- Brian's kid will care about. She won't care if you look pretty, if your rich or anything like that. I know this kid and I'm sure she'll like you, if Brian thinks she'll like than I know she will", Craig assured you.
You gave him a reassuring smile.
"Thanks Craig. That means a lot", you said. You, Brian, and Craig said goodbyes and parted ways.
You and Brian continued to walk.
"Ya know... what Craig said it helped me a lot. Knowing that's what his kids cared about", you said.
"Yeah. And I'm sure my little girl will love my girl", he said. He placed a kiss on your forehead.
You two reached his front door, Brian told you to wait here while he told Carson to leave. He entered the house, you stood, waiting. A few moments later Carson walked out and weaved at you as she walked home.
Brian walked back out and looked at you.
"Okay. She's in the leaving room reading. Just stay behind me she'll never see you behind me. Just step out when I say so ", he said. You nodded and walked behind him as he walked in slowly.
"Hey sweetie I have surprise", Brian said.
"Yeah what is it", a voice said. Wait that voice is familiar.
"Well you see you remember the woman I've been dating I told you about?", he questioned.
"Yeah." That voice... was so friggin familiar, but who.
"Well here she is", he said. That was your cue to step and so you did.
Daisy?! That's who you saw.
"Daisy!?" "(Y/n)?!", you both said at the exact same time.
Brian looked at you both. Daisy stood up and looked at you. Her eyes began to light up.
"Your my dad's girlfriend!? That's amazing that's going to make our book club so much more easier. Come on I'll show you my books", she said taking you by the hand and leading you to her room.
"Wait what just happened?", Brian asked himself.
I love putting the kids in these or having them be the apart of the main plot. Anyways I've started working on some request but a lot of them are smut which take me a bit.
Much love for you buggies!
           ~Graycee 💕🌙

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