the beginning of blue...

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You lived in a small gray house with your pet lizard chipetto you loved him but he got sick you took him to the doctor and he could not be cured so you had to put him down you were sad for the last few days and worked all day you worked at a coffee shop then one day

Y/n P.O.V
(At work) you were standing by the counter bored out of your mind until a man walked in the had no eyes? And spiky hair he was pretty cute to be honest you smiled as he walked in "hi may I get you something" he looked at you "huh oh yes I'll have the vanilla cream coffee" he smiled and you nodded

Tom's P.O.V
She was really cute I like how her E/C eyes sparkled when she smiled she pretty much made my day I sat down at a table when she walked up to me and handed me my coffee "hi again I have break so you don't mind if I sit by you" she spoke while smiling brightly which made me blush a tint "yes you may sit by me" I smiled and Blushed a bit "okai!" She laughed a bit

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