A group of friends and a lover.

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You were all dressed up in a white laced dress with a chocolate colored belt your (eye color) really brought out the dress you wore. You were on the door step off your friends house and there was alot of people outside you were ingnoring there comments of how beautiful your dress was because you were to focused on Tom he's cute smile his nice skin toned color made you want to kiss him on his slick lips. He caught your gaze and blushed "hey remember we're only going as friends" he said. You smiled like a dork and said "pffft- I know that!!" You said while blushing so deep your cheeks burned but you turned away and walked in. Your eyes went lit up "holy cheese and sprinkles!!" You said there was alot of people you tried hanging on to Tom but you got trampled and kicked and thrown around the floor until a girl with
Short hair, light tan skin, red eyes and a eyebrow percing, wearing a dark grey hoodie denim trousers and orange high tops smiled at you and picked you up "HI!!!!" She screamed in your ear "ow h-hi..." You said she looked at you "o sorry I'm just very loud sometimes" you smiled warmly "it's fine" she smiled back then hey face lit up "hey want to meet my friends" "o o sure" you smiled nervously she took your and led you to them. She took you to the patio where you saw a girl with blonde hair in a ponytail with black eyes? Is he toms sister? She wore an aquamarine jacket with jeans and then a girl with brown hair and small streaks in her hair of teal, an x in her left eye and her right eye a bit red but mostly Hazel she wore a jacket ripped jeans and yea... But they're was this one girl that caught your eye she was sitting on the railing of the patio (here comes my oc =3) she has brown hair with red and orange tips with goggles that were black orange and red she had light blue eyes a ripped black jacket and with a red shirt and a lighting bolt on her shirt and jeans you smiled and spoke. "Hi.." they all said hi back they said there names jack, Madison, andera and the one that caught your eye was zero...hmm this going to be one hell of a night!

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