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Hello! I've recently been woken up to receive word that my first art book (the whole 82 chapters) and other books from my friends on a website that is Vietnamese based.

At first I freaked out, not knowing what the website was about, but my good friend Spud did some digging. TheFriendFryPotato has figured out that the website just shares content from other websites and has credit by username on the books. Take a look at their chapter in their art book.

My first impression was: wow, rude. Ask me first.

My second impression after seeing credit: oh, they at least credited me. Still, rude and ask me first.

My third impression after scrolling down to see both Spuds and dacatnextdoor14 's art: not okay guys.

(Dacat also made a chapter in their art book about this, go check that out as well)

This website has reposted my entire first art book word for word. When I drew random dumps, when I introduced Layla, when I first started answering questions. All without my knowledge. And my friends have their art and writing on the website too. This, my blanket burritos, is not okay. Though I don't have to tell you that, since you are all knowlege able in copyrights.

They didn't say our content was theirs, but it still wasn't classy at all when reposted my content without any of my permission behind my back. It's my copywrite material.

It would've been nice if they contacted us through pm and said 'hey, can we translate your work and repost it on our website so more people can see and appreciate it?'. I would've said something like, 'okay! I'm totally okay with people who can't read English see my stuff. Tell me what you'll do.' It would've been soo nice to collaborate with a different website and let other people see my work.

But no. Not a word, not even a single pm. They take my entire artbook, still crediting me, and let their website get views instead of me over here on Wattpad who should be getting those views. I don't mean to sound snotty or pretentious, but what they did still wasn't fair to me or my friends.

If anything, if they refuse to take down my content or even answer me in my email, I can take this to legal stages.

And I will if I have to.

My wonderful train of blanket burritos, if you find that this website has your content too without your knowlege, please contact them in a professional and mannerly fashion. The last thing that they need is raging teens they can just flat out ignore and delete our emails easily. Take it in stride, ask them to take down your content if you wished, or just shame them for not letting you know first if you still want your content to stay there.

Also the tags on my art book had NaLu on it. I never posted about NaLu.

Okay now I have.

I know nothing of the Vietnamese language, I just hope they have a translator and that they'll read our emails instead of just tossing them.

Here's the website link to my first art book to see it for yourselves!

I'll update again if anything else comes up. Tag or spread this around to make sure more people know about this! Here are my tags.


Good vibes all around!

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