Pt.4 Why Don't We Boys

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It's 8:00 a.m and I just woke up, I pick up my phone front nightstand and I see that I got a text from Jake.

Jake- Hey! Can't wait to see your tommorow. Everyone in the house is so excited to see you! It's gonna be littt!!!

Rio- Can't wait to see you guys too! And it's always lit!!

I smile, I can't wait to see Jake and Ericka and everyone else in the team10 house tommorow. I get out of bed Emma is already up, so I head to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Then I say goodmorning to Logan and Emma

Logan: "Some of my new friends are coming over later to discuss a music video I'm directing"

Rio: "Music video?! Directing?!"
Logan: "Yea, they are in a boy band called Why Don't We and I'm directing their new music video"
Rio: "Oh, cool" I say, I'm honestly kinda excited to meet them.

I eat my cereal and then go take a shower, after my shower I put on a Maverick hoodie and some black shorts. I have about 30 more minutes till the boys get here so I sit down on the couch with Emma and go on instagram. I figure since the Why Don't Boys are my brothers friends I might as well look them up on insta, I look them up and find their account. I'm suprised because all of them are really cute. I show them to Emma and she instantly agrees with me. Then I hear a knock on the door, and I get up to answer it.

I'm greeted by five very hot guys. Logan quickly runs over and pushes me to the side, while he hugs all of the guys. He shows them inside and then he finally introduces me.

Logan: "Guys this is my little sister, Rio. And this is her bestfriend Emma"

Emma smiles and waved to the boys and I say hi. All of them smile and say hi and there all just so cute. I go to sit down on the couch next to Emma and Logan leaves to go take a shower. I invite the guys to come sit on the couch next to us and Jonah sits next to me and Jack sits next to Jonah. Daniel sits next to Emma and Zach is next to Daniel and Corbyn next to Zach. Once they all sit down there's an awkward silence for about 5 seconds then Emma breaks the silence.

Emma: "So you guys sing huh?"

They all reply and say yes. Then Jack asks us if we can sing.

Emma: "oh hell no. I can dance though"

All the guys laugh, and I laugh too. Then Corbyn asks if I can sing.

Rio: "No, I wish I could though.  But I can dance" I reply without hesitation.

Zach: "You guys both dance?"

Me and Emma both say yes.

Rio: "I do more hip hop and Emma does ballet"
Zach: "That's dope"

Everyone laughs.

Emma: "Yea I guess"
Daniel: "So what brings you guys to LA?"
Rio: "Well I missed Logan and Jake alot because I usually never get to see them, but it was originally Emma's idea to move here"
Jonah: "You guys are gonna love it here"
Emma: "I already do!"

Everyone smiles then Emma asks the boys to sing something. They sing one of their songs and they all have the voice of an angel, Zach sings his solo and as he's singing he looks up at me and smiles, I cant help but smile back and blush a little. Once they're done singing we talk a little bit more and I learned that Jonah is 19, Corbyn, Jack and Daniel are 18 and Zach is 16.

After that Logan comes out of the bathroom wearing a Maverick shirt and some black pants. He sits down on the couch and him and the boys start discussing their new music video, I learned that it's called "Nobody Gotta Know". Then I look at my phone and check instagram. I like most of the posts in my feed and then I get a text from Tessa Brooks.

Tessa- Hey girlie! So excited to see you tommorow! And the Martinez twins are excited to meet you and Emma too.

Rio- Hey!! I'm so excited to see you too! Tell the Martinez twins that me and Emma are excited to me them too!

It's an hour later and Logan leaves because he has a meeting, he tells the boys that they can stay as long as they want. It's almost dinner time and me and Emma tell the boys that they can stay for dinner if they want and they agree.

We order two pizzas and we eat in the living room while watching a movie. We watch the Lion King because Emma had apparently never seen it. I finish my pizza and get up to put my plate in the sink when Zach comes up behind me.

Zach: "Hey"
Rio: "Hey"
Zach: "It was really nice meeting you and Emma today, you guys are really fun"
Rio: "Thanks! It was great meeting you and the boys too, you guys are great"
Zach: "Ya, we should all hangout again soon"
Rio: "Definitely"

Me and Zach exchange numbers and we go back to the couch. Once the movie is over we decide to watch another one, Jonah and Corbyn are already asleep. We put on Pitch Perfect. Jack falls asleep with 10 minutes of the movie and so does Emma and Daniel. Then it's just me and Zach, we mostly stay quiet and watch the movie. Then I notice that Zachs arm is right around my shoulder, I dont mind and I even put my head on his chest. Then I soon fall asleep.

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