don't make Sally angry

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Jasmine:*in the emo corner still*
Sally:*angry that her older sister well she sees her as an older sister is sad* EVERYONE TO THE LIVING ROOM NOW!!!
(Minutes later)
Sally:ok we are going to try and cheer up Jasmine
Bill and Tyrone: but we like her like that
Creepypastas: uh oh
Sally: what was that
Tyrone and bill: we said we like her like that
Sally: I dare everyone but Jasmine to beat the shit out of Tyrone and bill
Creepypastas: ok
Dipper and will:no
Sally:*looks all scary and shit* what was that
Dipper & will: *scared shit less* nothing
(After one beating)
Jasmine:*still in the emo corner*
Sally: it didn't work
Jeff:fuck ok hey readers give Jasmine a dare to get her back to normal well her old self
Jasmine:*from emo corner* * throws frying pan at Jeff's head*
Jeff:* gets hit with a frying pan to the Head* fuck that hurt just give the little devil a dare and by little devil I mean Jasmine not Sally Sally is a little demon well bye

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