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Hey thanks for checking out my book💕 btw CAMILAUNIZER helped me get the plot together.


"Jesus Christ, learn how to drive!"

"We're in the city where you have to make a left to make a right, cut me some slack." I said back to my best friend, Normani.

"Laur, don't park in the handicap. I know you can compel the officers, but that's such a dick move." She warned so I groaned and backed out of the helpfully close parking but she continued angrily glaring at me.

"Okay...I'm sorry, I won't park there again."

We got out of the car and walked into school.

My day was the same old same old, the only fun I have here is threatening nerds to do my homework and admiring the hot teacher, ally Brooke. Fuck, she's gorgeous. And she's into me too.

I can have any girl I want - without compelling - but 'love' is fucking stupid if you ask me. I don't even understand why people waste their time on it so much. If we're being brutally honest it annoys me and almost grosses me out, whenever I start to get feelings for someone I keep my distance.

"Hey, Lauren." Lucy greeted me while I was minding my own business rummaging through my locker.

"Lucy, we talked about this-"

"I know, I just missed you." She admitted. Blah blah fucking blah.

"You were nothing but a girl who kept my bed warm, quit taking the fun out being a teenager with your 'fairytale' shit." I walked into the bathroom just to get away from her.

When I did, I noticed a unfamiliar face. I've never seen this girl before. She had long brown hair cascading down her back in waves, and this innocent look on her face. She flashed her whiskey brown eyes at me when she finally acknowledged my presence.

"I haven't seen you here before..."

"The name's Camila."

She killed the sink and flicked the water of her hands leaving exudes on the mirror before getting about 85 paper towels to wipe them dry.

That Attitude sure didn't match that face.

"Look, I can see you're new here, I'm Lauren and this is my school."

"Really? I don't see your name on it, jauregui." How the fuck does she know my last name?

"Don't try to fuck with me-"

"Oh, Lauren," she possessively stepped closer to me "I've heard all about you, but it's clear to see you haven't heard shit about me." She ended her sentence with a smirk.

I decided to scare her away by flashing my fangs, what's the big deal I'll just compel her to forget later.

"Oh no! I'm so scared of little Dracula" she sarcastically pouted and those whiskey eyes...turned a ice blue.

"What are you?" She chuckled at my question, and I saw her wolf fangs.

My heart started racing but I swallowed my fear and said "I'm not afraid of a little pup."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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