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Well howdy-ho and away we go
Tagged by PurpleRaptor

Well howdy-ho and away we goTagged by PurpleRaptor

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1. I'm not sure.
2. If I do like them, they DEFINITELY don't like me back XD
3. Elizabeth
4. Single Pringle ready to mingle!
5. a group chat my friends and I from drama made YEARS ago and just texted it again for the first time in a while XD
6. Levi by The Old Crow Medicine Show (it's a country song, and it sadly doesn't relate to AOT, but if you listen to it with the mindset that it does, it's hilarious.)
7. 99%
8. glaceon346
9. Probably a guy I met at camp. Or someone from school. I'm not gonna say names guys, sorry...
10. ... Do I have to choose??? Ok um.... (glaceom is gonna kill me if I don't say Rivetra but...) It's down to IwaOi, Klance, and Otayuri...
I can't choose. One of those three.
11. glaceon346 pestered me until I did. And then I did.
12.  My picture, FYI

  My picture, FYI

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13. May 9th

As for tagged people, I'm just gonna say do it if you want. I'm not gonna bother people by tagging them.
No I'm not.

16hawkgirl16's Art!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora