Chapter 2; Safety

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Miley's p.o.v

As I awoke I felt my head start to pound. It got harder and harder as the seconds went by. I slowly sat up and looked around the empty basement. There were only two beds and a closet, the closet held only a small amount of clothes.

I slowly stood up and tried to walk to the other bed. I felt the drugs pump through my veins, they must have injected me while I was asleep. I was used to the drugs by this point.

"Sam." I said as I walked slowly to her bed. She was knocked out, they must have drugged her too.

She wasn't like me. She had only been stuck in this hell-hole for maybe a year now and I have been here for almost 10 years.

They used me for whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. They raped me, beat me, and abused me. I was practically their slave. I learned to just do what they demanded. I behaved because I knew what would happen if I tried to stray. I was used to all this. Sam wasn't used to it. The drugs had a bigger effect on her because she wasn't used to them. I felt bad for her but I couldn't do anything. I helped her the best I could.

She was a little younger than me, she never told me her story but I knew that there was something different about her. They treated her different. They took extra care of her which made me think that there was a greater reason for her being here.

"Sam." I said again as I sat next to her. She slowly rolled over and sat up with my help.

"Are you okay?" I asked after a few seconds. The drugs made us talk slower, in fact they made us do everything slower.

"Miley!" Carl's voice boomed after he had opened the basement door.

"Pack Sam and your belonging. We are moving today. Be ready in an hour." He demanded before slamming the door shut.

Moving? We have rarely moved throughout the past 10 years I have been here. Something wasn't right. But I wasn't going to question it. I learned not too that a long time ago.

I slowly got up and grabbed the suit cases Carl left at the door. I started packing with little help from Sam. She was out of it and could barely function.

"Are you ready?" Blake asked as he entered the den, Ryan followed behind.

"Yes," I nodded gesturing towards the bags on the bed. They both grabbed a bag then lead us out holding on to our arms so we wouldn't run.

Ryan sat in the back of the van with me and Sam. Blake drove with Luke in the passenger seat.

"Is everything in place?" Luke asked Ryan.

"Yeah, just follow the plan." He responded.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. After a few minutes I felt the van pull off the road and stop. Ryan and Luke grabbed me and Sam and put us in another car. Blake grabbed our things. A group of guys and two girls got in the van we got out of and drove off. Blake hurried and drove off after we were in the car.

"Here take this." Ryan said handing me a pill and a bottle of water. "It's a water pill it will flush the drugs out of your system." He gave the same to Sam and helped her swallow it. I didn't question it and I didn't want to know.

After an hour or so we pulled into an empty lot and Ryan helped me and Sam out of the car. Sam quickly grabbed on to my arm. Everything was moving so quickly.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"I don't know." I said holding her hand. She was scared and I couldn't help but feel scared myself.

Three cars pulled into the lot. Two men exited the first car and ran towards Sam and me.

"Sam!" One yelled.

"It's me Justin." He said.

"Justin," She said and ran into his arms.

I stood there confused as ever. My mind began to race.

"Martin," She said and ran into the other man's arms.

"Who is this?" Another man said walking towards me. I looked at the ground and paid no attention to him.

"Miley, its okay we are safe. This is my brother Justin," She said grabbing my arm she pulled me closer to her and pointed at Justin.

"This is Martin." She said with a smile. "That's Alex, he looks tough but he just a big teddy bear. And that's Zach, be careful around him he's grabby." She said with a light laugh.

"That's Aussie, he is tough on the outside but he is the sweetest." She smiled lightly and squeezed my arm to reassure me.

"Okay..." I said looking at them all. I didn't know what to say. Why was she so cheery?

"We are safe now." She said looking at me.

"No..." I said pulling away. "You are safe now. They will find me and just lock me up again. They own me and I will never be safe." I said slowly walking backwards.

"They don't even know you are gone yet," Luke said walking towards me. I looked away.

"No, you don't get it." I said falling to my knees. The tears started rolling down my face.

"Hey, it's okay. We will keep you safe." Justin said walking over to me.

"No..." I said shaking my head.

"She is the only girl they kept." Luke said.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"It has something to do with her dad." Luke answered.

"Shut up, you honestly have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. You didn't seem to mind raping me just last week, and now suddenly you fucking know everything?!" I screamed. He turned around and walked away.

"We need to get out of here, Justin." Alex said walking towards me and Justin.

"Go, just go. Leave me here." I said.

"We can't leave her here" One of the guys said.

"Zach is right." Sam said. "Please!" She begged Justin.

"Alright" He said with a sigh. "Let's go" He said picking me up. He placed me in the front seat of his car and walked around to the driver's side. Sam and Martin got in the back seat.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked. I didn't answer, I just slowly drifted asleep.

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