I was in absolute shock!
@ethandolan sent you a message.
OMG! I quickly opened it and read the message
Ethan; Hey.
Sam; Hey. Eh did you mean to message me?
Ethan; Uh yeah😂 Why wouldn't I.Sam; Well you are like famous.
And well I'm like a random girl😂Ethan; Well I had seen that you liked one of my pics and I kinda clicked onto your profile. Then I ..well uh stalked your account a bit. 😬😂
Sam; And then you just decided
to DM me 🤔Ethan; Uh yeah 😬
Ethan; So are you one of those 'Fangirls'?
😂🤔Sam; Well I mean......
Ethan;Come one please just tell me I'll not
Judge you.Sam; Ugh. Fine.
Sam; Yes I'm a fan girl. Yes I have a crush on you. I think that you and Grayson are the most funniest, craziest, hottest people ever. You guys make me laugh all the time when I watch your videos- even thought I've already seen them about 50,000,000 times😂😂 Also..... I LIVE FOR TUESDAYS😂Ethan; WOAH! Was not expecting that. And thank you it means a lot😚 Also, you think I'm hot?
Sam; Man! Why did I have to tell you that😂 Also, you are very hot 😈
Ethan; Well this was an interesting chat. I've gtg but I'll text you later. ❤️
SeenWow! What just happened? I actually just had a convocation with my celebrity crush! Like Wtf?! I'm actually like the luckiest girl alive rn!
I was quickly snapped out my thoughts when I got a notification.@graysondolan started following you.
OMFG! Grayson too?! Could this day get any better?! Like Ethan and Grayson Dolan both started following you and you had a convocation with Ethan!
A/n So guys this is chapter 2. I hope that you like it.❤️