The horror begins

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Ever since he inherited the doll from his grandfather, he keeps having those dreams. He buried his head in his hands. The laughter echoing in his head, Alex got up and went to the bathroom. He glanced at the mirror at his side and was horrified to see that the mirror was engraved with ancient words - words only understandable to historians. He turned his focus to the shower, and words scribbled with toothpaste can be seen on the wall "YOUR TIME HAS COME ALEX, GIVE UP!!!" The words then caught fire. Alex quickly grab the shower handle and turned it on. After stopping the fire from spreading, he turned to see the doll. A knife at hand, the doll spoke "ITS. OK. IT WON'T. HURT" the same robotic voice echoed "NOT. AFTER. WE. KILL YOU" the doll's voice turning deep, almost demonic. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME" Alex shouted. The doll laughed "REVENGE" Alex stumbled out of the bathroom, "YOU WON'T GET TOO FAR ALEX" the doll laughed maniacally. Alex's heartbeat increased dramatically, sweat trickled down his temple, and he stopped to catch his breath. All of a sudden his phone rang, an unknown number '000 0000 666' showed on his screen, "Hello??" Alex answers, it was static for a few minutes then a voice came through "a l e x" the voice was faint, it could barely be heard "a l e x" it spoke "a l e x, Alex, ALEX" the voice screamed "DON'T. YOU. WANT. TO. PLAY. WITH. US?" the same robotic voice of the doll came through "WHAT DID I DO TO YOU" Alex screamed, his voice shaky and filled with fear "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID" the doll replied. Laughter can be heard from the other side and the doll hung up.

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