chapter 1

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Taylor time to get up!! God I really hate school, I'm not a morning person. As I got up I got in the shower and let all my stress leave my body. Once I got out I but my towel around me and got dress in a pink high low dress with black combat boots. I put on my pearls from my grandparents, applyed light make up only two my my eyes. I hate them there a weird green which changes to blue with my moods and there so small. Sorry maybe I should introduce myself I'm Taylor Moon im 15 going on 16 tomorrow March 10. My dad and mom are the alpha and Luna of the cresent moon pack. If you haven't caught on im a werewolve but I personally don't think it's that big of a deal.

 I picked up my bag and was walking when I looked down oh Shit im going to be late!! I ran down gave my mom a kiss and ran out. Before I got out my mom yelled don't forget honey it's the day before you 16th birtday be sure to keep a eye out for your mate you will know when you see him. " Yeah Whatever mom bye" I don't really like the whole mate idea because I don't want to get rejected but wether I like it or not I know it's going to happen. As I walked into school I saw Cassie and Melanie waiting by my locker " Sup babe" Said Cassie " Oh go away I hate mornings" " Love you too". Hey might sound harsh but im not going to be happy till at least 9 it's 7:10 2 hours to go ladies. " Whatever lets get to Spanish" Melanie said " We're coming" We yelled. Cassie was already in class seated when aiting for c;ass to start as we walked in. As I walked in something stopped me and I felt my heart pace get way faster and soon I met big brown eyes starring at me. I tried to look away but I couldn't then it dawned on me I have found my mate Austin Mahone Highschool bad boy 18 years old alpha of the locks pack. " HELLO EARTH TO TAYLOR" yelled Melanie " Huh what oh yeah I'm coming sorry" What was that about asked Cassie um... I said I think I found my mate guys! They both screeched and whispered yelled Mason Lockwood the hottest gut in school!! Wow your lucky I smiled at them but inside I was terrifed and ready for this class to be over what if he rejects me. After 55 minutes of pure hell I was out of there like the first one.

I ignored my name being called and ran to my locker to put my spanish book away and get back to the library. Once I was in the library I felt a little better being neverous from the whole mate thing. Luckily there's only two other people in 2nd bell study hall so I can be left alone in peace to pull my thoughts together. I went to my usual spot in the back veru isolated area and sat down to domy math. I heard the door open not thinking anything about it until I feel someones hot breath on my neck. As soon as they spoke I knew it was Austin . " Come on were getting out of here".what I thought but most of said it out loud so he repaeted him self" Come on were leaving" I looked at him like he was crazy and he was smirking like crazy " No thank you I would rather stay here" " Come on pllleaseeee" " Fine" that supid smirk still played on his face dear Lord what have I've gotten myself into? 

Hey Loves 

this is my first story so if you have any suggestions or anything to help message me!! Please vote and follow!! I will update again tonight!! Thanks for reading please leave comments if you want!! :) 


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