Chapter 3

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Pic of Austins crew on side!! Anybody want to make a cover for this book? Message me!! :)

Austin's P.O.V

I watched Tay as she slept it was calming me and mostly my wolf who won't shut up. " Austin we need to find out why she was doing this and if it a person were killing that fuc..." Hey I know she's my mate to I got it under control". My wolf didn't say anything which mean he trust me. I felt Tay stur under me which meant she was waking up so I acted asleep.

Taylor's P.O.V

I woke feeling strong arms around me and I jumped then relized it was only Austin. I felt him moving so I knew he was awake. I turned over looking at  him and those eyes I could get lost in! " Hi"I said " Hi so are we going to tslk about it"? " Okay but you have to promise not to interuput and wait till the end to ask questions or make comments!" I held my pinkie out " Promise" Austin said as he took my pinkie in his. " Okay so when I was 12 I started cutting but it was only for a year! I wasn't happy with who I was or my body image, it's better now but I still don't like me. "I Lo" " hey you promised" " so I thought maybe cutting would take my mind off it so that's what I did until my Cassie found out and she promised not to tell execpt for Melanie but they both helped out of it! it was a dark place in my life and after that I non-stop worked to get respect for myself. I was my hardest judge and im still not a hundred percent sastified. But it's better I work out walk or run it's been that way for 3 years". ' one last thing and this time I was getting mad my wolf started growling and I could feel my eyes changing I was bullied for that year about my weight" " I changed i'm over it so can we drop it please"?

Austin looked at me with pure anger " who did this to you"? This wasn't Austin this was his wolf I could tell and I need to calm him down. " That doesn't matter anymore you need to calm down". With saying that I climed over on his lap and layed my head in the crook of neck and just kissed there reapidly. I could feel his heart beat slowly to normal again and his arm loosening ever so lightly from around my waist. "Taylor please tell mewho did this I won't get mad". I looked up at him if only he knew that is what partly him but mostly the girls in his group of friends. " Austin please don't it's okay and in the past lets forget. Please I forgiven most of them" 

Austin's P.O.V

I sat and just thought. " Taylor" I finally speak she looks up with those green puppy eyes that I love, which makes what I'm about to do way harder" " your going to tell me who did this too you now" She was shocked at my tone I used some of my alpha tone with her but I couldn't help it I have to know. " Please don't make me" She whispered I lifed her off of me and had her pinted her against the wall in one swift motion " Now" I growled. " Mandy and her group of friend"  Tay finally told me and her eyes showed nothing but fear. Then it me like a ton of bricks Mandy was in my group of friends at that time and even though we were 11 she was still a bitch. " it was me"? Taylor looked up at me " No it was mostly Mandy and Christa but you and your friends had a tiny part in it" I moved away from her and left to the kitchen how could I have done that to my mate, my pride and joy she probably hates me now. I can't live with the rejection what am I going to do? 

Taylor P.O.V

I saw the sadness in his eyes as he walked away, he probably thinks I hate him I need to go fix this now! After a few minutes I gathered my thoughts and followed his scent down stairs to the kitchen. I saw sadness and constrsation all over his face. He didn't see me enter so he jumped when I spoke " Austin I don't hate you if that's what your thinking" he just looked up and back down. " How could you forgive me for somthing like that"? " Oh come on Austin im over it let's forget about I hate seeing you like this. Yes I forgiven you because it's over please forgive yourself" Austin looked up at me showing happiness " Okay I guess but I will never hurt you again baby im so sorry" I walked over and pecked his lips and huged him tight I know you are"

I noticed it was getting dark so I aked Austin what time it was " about 8:45 why?" " no reason I need to be home by ten curfew on weekdays". " Aww my little good girl that's going to change soon" It was light and funny till the last part and from his body launage I knew what he meant because right after he crashed his lips onto mine. We were in a heated make out session when he started to grab for my shirt that's what I stopped it. " Austin not yet im sorry im not ready" " it's okay baby I understand but just know your beautiful". I blushed and hid while Austin just smirked. " Well maybe we should get going now because it's getting late" "Yeah let's go" We were starting on out way home and I saw Austin look at his phone and he suddenly looked different and the he speed up the car. I got worried " Austin" I said grabbing his arm " What happened are you okay"? He just glared at me and ripped his arm out of my hold and looked back down at his phone frowning. I just decided to let it go, I wasn't worried until I saw blue and red behind up. Austin must of caught on to because a line of curse words left his mouth. " Listen Tay I can't get caught I can't go to jail so were riding this one out" With that he sped up and two more lights came out of nowhere. This isn't going to end well and with my mate becoming in danger I could feel my wolf getting angry I don't let this happen often and if I can't calm her down I know this won't end well.

Sorry for all the author notes, but please share this story with people!! Right now it's a little boring but the good stuff is coming I promise!! So I left a cliffhanger I will update it tomorrow!! Thanks:) I'm currently working on making a tralior for this book! Love you peanuts!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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