fourty seven

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LILY has opened her chat with SCORP

Scorp please let me explain

Sure I'm listening
don't expect me understand parseltongue though I'm not the child of Voldemort like you said on the phone yesterday :)

Did I say that?! Oh Scorp! I'm so sorry I'm so stupid ughhdufrgck

I know that, continue

Okay so remember I said I would slash Bryce' throat myself?

Vaguely, a lot has happened since then

Okay well, I said that and well I went over to his house to give him a firm talking to because he hurt Maddie, I wasn't going to slit his throat though

You hurt Maddie more than he ever did

I know Scorp! I don't think I could ever forgive myself for what I said and did

But he was expecting me and cast a body binding spell and he put a liquid down my throat, that I'm guessing was amortentia because it smelt of vanilla, cinnamon and well cat


mhm, and he imperiused me and made me say all those awful things, and there were times where I would break free of the love potion and the curse and I'd see maddies depressing posts and you guys insulting me and I was utterly confused Scorp! And once he knew I seen the posts he'd do it all over again

How are you talking to me now

Roxy came over and he's distracted now


Is she under a spell too?

No she's been coming over on her own free will

Okay get out of there now and call me once you've left so I know it's really you

Okay no problem
read 16:42

Scorp | Lily

Calling Scorp....
Scorpius ?

Lily? Is that you?

Yeah, it's me I'm at my flat, where are you? You sound worried

Rox-roxy did something

What did she do?!

Well she found out about y-you leaving Bryce and came by your flat

Is that why it's so messy here? (chuckles nervously)

Y-yes and Maddie was there and she-

What did she do?!

She uh, used crucio on Maddie

Roxy? Our cousin?! Did that!

Mhm, Lils its bad. She nearly took Maddie's life

No, no no no no no, where is she? Where's Mads?!

She's been transferred to St. Mungo's

What ward?

Fourth floor, closed ward

She's not in the Janus Thickey ward is she?

No, but she might

What do you mean, she might?!

Well, you see-

Cut to the chase, Scorp

she hasn't woken up yet


She hasn't-

No, I heard what you said. But she hasn't woken up yet?

No, Lily they say she's in a coma or something


Wh-who's all there?

Well my dad, and the Potters came to visit but right now, it's me, Hugo, Dom, Vic, Rose, Al, James and Teddy.

So, most of you



Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall-

Professor Minnie?

Uh yeh, Professor Minnie and Neville came as well.

You call him Neville now?

He told me to

Oh, do you think I can come?

I'd apologise and explain yourself to everyone first Lils, instead of creating a ruckas at the hospital

The ruckas might wake Maddie up

I doubt it Lil

Uh, yeah okay I'll apologise, and Scorp?


Thanks for everything. Thanks for believing me

Anytime, Lils.

call ended 19:01

a/n ooh damnn
stay tuned for next weeks episode of Maddie gets the bad side of things once again!

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