Chapter Two - The Landing

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The next few months were quite relaxed. I sat at my computer all day, switching from webcam to webcam to monitor the crew. Dan was usually pretty quiet, just keeping to himself and working on anything that he needed to get done. Bob and Wade were often together goofing off or discussing important mission topics.

Mark and I talked often. We talked while Mark was exercising, working, or just whenever Mark was bored. He seemed like such an interesting person with a lot to say all the time, and I was there to listen.

"It's always a nice feeling to be in space. It's very relaxing for me." Mark talked while he worked on his computer.

"I'm pretty sure I would freak out if I was up in space. I love space, and it's very fascinating, I just don't think I'd ever survive up there." I chuckled. The control room was empty, since it was late at night, but I wanted to talk to Mark more. I didn't want to leave him all alone.

"It's beautiful here, you should come visit." Mark joked.

I laughed, "I've seen lots of pictures. You should send me a post card while you're there."

"I'll try my best." Mark laughed along with me. "Do you think there's a gift shop around here?" I rolled my eyes.

"Mark, lights out was two hours ago." Wade peered into the room.

"Oh, sorry!" Mark shut his laptop, and Wade left. "Why didn't you tell me? What time is it there?"

"Nearly midnight, but-"

"Why didn't you tell me? You should be asleep." Mark interrupted me, picking up his camera and carrying it with him.

"You were still working, and I didn't want to leave you alone..." I shrugged.

"It wasn't that important. I was just getting ahead on work for tomorrow." Mark set the camera down on a desk next to his sleeping quarters.

"I don't mind. My job is to talk to you guys, anyway." I wanted to convince him to stay, but I didn't want to keep him awake.

"I'm going to go to sleep, and you should, too." Mark smiled softly at the camera.

"Alright. Goodnight, Captain." I stretched tiredly.

"Good night." Mark waved to the camera before walking into his room and shutting the door.

I took off my head phones, then yawned. I stood up, cracked my back, and started walking to my bedroom. I turned off the lights to the control center and walked down the dark hallways.

I left his bedroom door open—as always, in case if there was an emergency—and walked over to my bedroom laptop. I switched my intercom from Mark's earpiece to the entire ship, and set it to emergency communication. The communication to the ship wasn't completely cut off, but we wouldn't be able to hear each other until someone opened communication. If the crew needed to get ahold of me, an alarm would sound from my laptop to wake me up. I could instantly open communication with the ship if something happened at the control center.

I flopped into bed, tugging my blanket over my body. I immediately drifted to sleep, tired from my long day of work.


"Preparing for landing." Mark announced, pressing buttons and flicking switches, watching the monitor above him.

"Orion ready to land at the MCS." Dan confirmed their preparation for landing. The ship rumbled deeply, the flight capsule shaking and rattling. "Orion has entered orbit." The sounds of metallic clanking pierced everyone's ears as they watched the astronauts on the monitor. "Orion is about to land." Dan announced as Mark tried to control the ship's landing. There was a loud crash, and the crew jolted in their seats from the impact of landing on Mars. Everyone at the control center held their breath as Mark looked up at the monitor.

He looked down to the camera, "Mission Control," He said breathlessly and with a grin. "We have landed on Mars." Everyone cheered and shook each other's hands. This mission that seemed so impossible just a few years ago had finally been accomplished.

The crew cheered, high giving each other excitedly. They got out of their seats, and the transmission was switched to Mark's camera. He grinned into the camera, then brought it into another room. His face was overcome with awe, and there were gasps and whispers from the crew. Mark turned the camera, and showed everyone what was outside of the window.

Mars was even more magnificent than any of us could have ever imagined. The desolate, dusty red plains seemed to go on forever. The rocky structures seemed to tower over everything, presenting the majesty of a planet that was Mars.


"We are now on live television." Felix announced.

"Greetings, Earthlings!" Mark joked, and Wade shook his head. "I'm Captain Fischbach, and the ship Orion has just landed on the planet Mars." He paused as people from the control center cheered. "Now, we are about to see the first man to set foot on Mars." Mark put on his helmet, and waved to the camera. Once his helmet was secured, and everyone else double checked their suits, Mark opened the door.

They were hit with a wave of chilly air. Mark looked out into the landscape of what would be his new home. He walked slowly down the stairs. Dan waited at the top, recording Mark. Finally, Mark set foot on Mars.

A small cloud of red dust poofed up every time Mark took a step. Dan followed behind and filmed his own feet as he stepped on Mars. He filmed the others as they made their way down, then turned back to Mark. Mark was giddily looking around in disbelief at the vast landscape beyond.

Suddenly, a little rover drove up to the astronauts, bumping Bob's foot. "It looks like we better get going." Bob turned back to the ship and started opening a large hatch to the compartment on the side of the ship.

"Well, thanks to everyone on Earth for joining us today." Mark turned back to the camera. "I'd like to thank my mom, and my dad," Wade punched Mark's arm, and Mark laughed. "We are now heading to the Mars Colony Station, where we will begin the first colony on Mars. See you soon, Earth."


Long time no update

I don't know if I'm going to continue updating this book soon. I'm definitely going to continue it, I just don't know how soon. I have a bunch of ideas I can't wait to share with you guys

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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