Murder. | Chapter 2

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"ALRIGHT NERDS. TIME TO SHRED AND FIND OUT WHO THE KILLER IS!" Tommy shot the gun in the air. Cory,Ashlie,Nick and Jon stared at Tom. Cory sighed "Oh my god. Who gave him a gun?" Tommy shouted and laughed "SHUT UP,CARL!" Cory stared at Tom with an angry glare. "It's... Cory."Tom kept on laughing "Whatever ya freak." Nick backed away into a corner and sat there. Ashlie walked away into a nearby building..and Jon..well..sat there. 

  Nick stared at the river near a wooden,old,and abandoned shack. "Huh..This is actually..quite a nice view.." Tom shot in the air and started yelling "HAIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLL MARY! HAIIIIIIILLL MARY!" Jon stepped back "Watch your shot!" Tom shot Jon on accident "..Oooops." Nick quickly picked up Tommy's gun. "Well! That was uh..not a good guess. " Nick looked around..."Hey..wheres Cory?" A corpse flew out of a building..

     It was Ashlie! Ashlie was murdered in the building..."Ohh...Okay. So its Cory.." Cory charged out of the building and threw his knife at Tommy. Tommy collapsed to the ground,dead. It was just Cory and Nick left.. Nick shot REALLY close next to Corys head. "Missed me. Get better aim! I thought you were competitive,dude!" Nick glared at Cory. "..Yeah,uh huh." Nick shot Cory in the head. "GET WRECKED!" Nick threw the gun to the ground and went to stare off at the beautiful ocean near that old,broken,and abandoned wooden shack. 

                                                ...It's over,right...?

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