Trust and belief-2

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"Y/n, could I have a chat with you please?" Mark asks me, just as we were about to watch a movie. I mumble a sure, following mark into the hallway by the living room. His face laced with concern and mine laced with confusion.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Someone has brought it to my attention that you've umm.... well you've got scars" he said. I non-chalantly pulled my sweater further over my hands and placed it behind my back.

"I don't know what you mean?" I say, my stomach twisting at the harsh lie.

Mark's face went from concern to a "you're filling nobody' look and said "really? Hand me your arm" he extended his hand out and I pulled back.

"Why should I?" I ask.

"Y/n" mark groans out. I rolled my eyes and stepped backwards. "Mark I'm fine, whatever" I respond, beginning to walk away. Before I could react, mark grabbed my arm, violently ripping up the sleeve revealing light pink scars and a rough Canvas on my wrist. "MARK!" I gasp, pulling my hand away.

"Y/n" he said in a concerning tone.

"If it helps you sleep at night, I've been 2 months clean, if you would just let me be, I'll be fine" I sneer before walking back into the living room and shooting Ethan a nasty glare because I know he was the one who told mark.

I sat beside Amy who I was originally sitting by, and we started the movie in pure silence.


"Y/n wake you've been sleeping on me for almost the whole movie!" I hear Amy say to me as I'm being shaken awake. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. "Oh, sorry Amy" I say, sitting up and pushing my hair out of my way.

"Y/n, I'll show you to your room" Mark says. I followed after him as we climbed the stairs and down the hall. My room is the one at the end, Tyler's is the one beside yours and Ethan's is the one across from yours"

I walked into my room and fell onto the bed. "Made sure it was f/c sheets by the way" mark adds on.

"Thanks mark" I mumble. He smiled and closed the door on me and I didn't even feel like changing out of my clothes so I just lid there.


Ew jet lag is gross.

I can't fucking sleep.

I've been lying here for hours and I can't sleep. I fell asleep on Amy which was a bad idea because now I'm not tired, and the time zoning for me is all messed up. I swung my legs over the  edge of the bed and walked downstairs into the kitchen to get some water.

Once I walked into the kitchen, I noticed the light was already on and I saw a blue haired boy sipping on some milk.

"Can't sleep?" He mumbles to me.

"Nope" I mutter back. 

I grabbed a glass and filled it with water and drank it. "So why did you tell mark?" I suddenly ask. He pulled his glass down from his face and said "What do you mean?"

"You know" I say, gesturing to my wrist.

"OH! So, I was right with what I saw..." He mumbled. "But if you think I told Mark, then You're crazy" He added on. I gave him a confused look and he laughed.

"y/n you're quick to assume... Mark saw your wrist while you were passed out" He said. I automatically fel embarassed about the fact that I just called out Ethan for something he didn't do.

"Oh..., I-I'm sorry" I say with a flustered expression.

"Really, it's okay, I see where you're coming from, I would have dome the same thing!"

"Okay... thanks."


Hey! It's me and I'm back! Anyways, I'm trying to keep these chapter short but not as short as my star Struck book where it litterally had like, 200 words a chapter. I'm trying to keep each chapter 500-600 words so I hope you enjoy!

Also, I was texting someone and they were like, what's your name? And I acedentally messaged him y/n instead of Caitlynn and he was super confused...

❤️❤️ Bye!

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