Cute Habits - 3

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"Okay.. Thanks" She mumbled before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and outting the glass of water down. She spun around to walk out of the kitchen until a pound crash noise hit us and she mumbled "shit"

I looked over to her feet and saw a smashed glass of water on the floor. She pulled on the sleeves of her sweater and said "I'm sorry, do you have a broom?" 

"Yeah we do" I say, walking down the hallway and getting it for her. I handed her the brrom and helped her pick up the big pieces of glass. 

She threw the glass into the garbage and bit her lip nervously while once again, pulling on her sleeve so they were over her hands like paws. "I'm really sorry about your glass" she apologized.

"Hey, it's okay" I tell her. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, blinking and looking at me.

"Is there any reason why you're staring at me?" She suddenly asks.

I noticed I was staring and quicky looked away. "O-Oh sorry, I was just admiring your habits" I stammer out. She rose an eyebrow at me and crossed her arms.

"My habits?" She questioned.

"You-you uhm... Pull on your sweater sleeves alot and it's kinda cute" I suddenly blurt out, covering my mouth after what I added on at the end. At that moment, She was playing with her sweater sleeves and she pulled them apart, stuffing her hands in her pocket and blushing.

"OH O-okay" She said before turning around once more and walking upstairs, probably to her room. 

I sighed and face palmed myself. "Ethan you fucking idiot!" I mumble to myself before turning off the kitchen lights and going to bed, considering that it was 2:32am.


Y/n's p.o.v.~

"Y/n wake up!~" Mark cooes into my ear as he shakes me awake.

"Mark! Fuck off!" I mumble into my pillow.

"Get up! It's like 1 in the afternoon and I have plans today!" He said.

"What's the point of getting up?" I ask.

"I'll give you coffee" He said. 

"Fuck" I say back, knowing that I would like coffee, but then again, I didn't want to leave the warm embrace of the bed.

"Fine, if you won't get out then" Mark said, sliding his hands under me and throwing me over his shoulder.

"MARK! PUT ME DOWN!" I groan out. I knee he wouldn't so there would be no point in fighting back. So I just lid there, my hair over my face and I looked dead.

"Uhm Mark? Did you kill your sister?" I hear a low voice ask. 

"No Tyler, She's over exaggerating" Mark said back.

"Heeeeey! I'm not that much of a drama queen!" I whine, lifting my head up. Mark dropped my down in the kitchen and ran over to the cupboard, grabbing a coffee mug, making me coffee and handing it to me.

"Thanks bro" I say awkwardly, giving him a peace sign. "ew, stop being weird" Mark said in a girly disgusted tone. I rolled my eyes and silled my coffee.

"Jesus Mark, you're the only person I know besides me who makes coffee the way I like it" I say happily.

"Oh, well thank Ethan, he's the one who taught me how to make it" Mark said, gesturing to a little blue boy sitting at the dining table eating a sandwhich.

"So, you know what we're doing today?" Mark asks.

"No Mark" I respond, giving him a glare.

"We're going to go swimming!" Mark said happily.

Oh no.. Swimming..


Yooooo ANOTHER chapter today because fuck and fuck and I litterally did nothing today but this, this was all I had to do.

But you guys I've got a meeting at my church tomorrow and it's gonna be professional and I'm scared 

Dude what if she fires me

I mean, she's not paying me to do volunteer work for the church

But still



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