Chapter 1: The Lab

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(Sans POV)

It was a normal day at home, like I always am. Dad goes off to work while I stay home with my older brother, Papy. I know I'm only 10 years old, but come on, atleast I wanna see what outside is like. Papyrus won't even let me go out as well. I mean sure he keeps me entertained at home while Dad is away, but I just wanna meet new monster, ya know? Maybe someone who doesn't say such horrible puns ALL THE TIME! It gets annoying sometimes. Anyway, I am currently sitting in my room. Papyrus said he would go get us some pizza for lunch and he be right back. I just lying on the floor trying to make magic. Like atleast summon a bone. But no matter how hard I try, it's not working. I sigh. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough. I can do this! The magnificent Sans WILL get as good as Dad and Papy at magic! I get focused, trying with all my might. Until sudden a bone surrounded by a magical blue flame appears in front of me. YES! I must tell Papyrus and Dad when they get home! The only problem is, how do I make it go away? I stand up, that's when I noticed my left eye was a flaming blue while my other eye, didn't have its pupil in it. Will that happen when I always use magic? What color is Paps and Dad's eyes when they do magic? Is it blue like mine, or another color? I had a lot of questions in my mind. I jumped when I heard a knock on the door. Did Papyrus forget to the keys again? I went down stairs to the front door and was about to open it when I hesitated. Dad said never to open the door to strangers. But what if was Papy? I wish we had a window so I could see who is was. There was a hole, but I was too short to reach it. So instead I waited for someone to speak. Papy usually spoke saying he was there. The door knocked again. A voice then came, one that I hadn't heard of before. It was a girl.

"Gaster? Are you in there? You weren't at work and I know this is your break time. I wanted to speak with you about how everythings going. So if you won't mind me coming in? Gaster? Hello?" The voice said. I didn't know what to do. How did she know Dad? Who is she? She isn't Papy! I tried to sound confident.

"I don't know who you are or what you want! But, uh, just stay away!" I said trying to sound as courageous as I could be.

"Ah, you must be one of Gaster's little boys. I will not harm you, please do not be frightened." She said again. She sounded kind, but I kept my guard up.

"Who are you?"

"I am Queen Toriel, and you are?"

"I'm S-Sans, Sans the skeleton. What do you want?"

"I'm just here to speak with you Father. Say, is he home?"

"N-no. I'm home alone."

"I thought you had a bigger brother...? Where is he?"

"He out getting food. Why would you take so much interest, though? I just met you!"

"Calm down, little one, as I said before, I will not to harm you."


"I promise. I just need to see your Dad. Do you know where he is?"

"N-no, but Papyrus would know! I'll go call him!"

And with that I left the door and to the kitchen where, with a little trouble cause of my height, I managed o grab the kitchen phone and called Papyrus's number. The phone dialed and dialed, but hit voicemail. Strange. Why won't Papyrus pick up his phone? I shrugged and put the phone down. I walked back to the door.

"Papyrus won't answer for some reason."

There was no answer.

"Hello?" I tried calling to see if she was there.

No answer again. I shrug. Maybe she left...? But maybe she is hurt? Or something happened or is happening?! Why else would a QUEEN want to see Dad?! I'm so stupid for not seeing this before! I unlocked the door and opened it. A sudden cold rushed in. It was freezing! There was snow everywhere on the floor, but atleast it wasn't snowing. I went back inside to grab one of Paps' spare jackets. I know it was a bit too big on me, but I didn't have any jackets. I stepped outside and closed the door. The snow felt weird under my feet. It made a crunching noise with every step I took. There was nothing dangerous about this. But I could tell why Papyrus always wore his orange jacket. The Queen monster girl left some big footprints on the snow. I decided to follow them. I followed the footprints past many strange buildings, I decided to not let curiosity get the best of me and continue to follow the footprints. The footprints stopped at this weird looking place. It wasn't as inviting as all the other buildings, it looked blank and unhappy and a serious place to be. I wonder why. The footprints led to a back door which was surprisingly unlocked. Hmm. Maybe it wasn't open too long ago. I pushed the door open and made my way inside. The lights inside the building was still on so I could see. It looked like a very long hallway infront of me with doors on both sides. The walls were only white, the floor had only white tiles. What is this place? As I walked down the hall, I saw that all the doors had a different name on each door. As I kept walking, I stopped when I heard talking. One of the voices was the monster girl's voice and there was another monster's voice. It was a girl. She sounded young, but not too young. I followed the voices down the hall and around a corner. The next hall looked similar to the last, but there was a strange room. I found who the voices had belonged to, entering the strange bigger room. The Queen girl, was some sort of goat monster wearing a purple cloak with gold shoulder plates. The other monster was a teenage fish-like monster with red hair in a ponytail. She was wearing a strange white coat. I didn't bother to listen on what they were saying. Maybe Dad was here? I snuck behind them, trying not to be seen as I followed them inside. The room was weird looking. Instead of white, the walls were all grey and there was 5 computers going down a row, next to a lot of buttons. The Queen was pointing out the buttons, probably explaining them. Infront of the computers and buttons, there was a glass wall. I got on a chair to have a better look. There was other monsters behind the glass, in another room, it looked like they were making some kind of machine. Those monsters also wore the same strange coat. I got down from the chair after seeing the Queen and monster girl had started walking again. I followed them. They opened a door into the strange room behind the glass. Many of the monsters working on the machine stopped and either waved or bowed at the Queen. I stepped into the room, looking around the room confused. I froze when I heard one of the monsters in the white coats call to the Queen, "Hey your magisty, I think a little someone was following you."

(Papyrus POV)

I was returning home with some pizza in hand. I couldn't wait to see that cute smile of Sans' when I brought home one of his favorite foods. When I reached the door, I saw that the door was unlocked. I opened the door which a little panic. "Sans?! I'm home! I brought pizza!" I called. But no answer. I put the pizza down on the table next to my forgotten phone. Too lazy to ever remind myself to bring it with me. I then walked upstairs to Sans' room to find, that he wasn't in his room. Though there was a random bone on the floor. I bent over to pick it. I could easily feel that it had been made with Sans' magic. I smiled. He finally was able to create something with his magic! But where is he? I started to get more panicked as I checked the whole house for him, but I couldn't find Sans. Oh no! That's why the door was unlocked! Sans is gone! DAD'S GONNA KILL ME!!!! 

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