Chapter 5: Questions

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(Papyrus POV)

As I listened to the story, I was shocked on what Dad had left out about what had happened to Sans. I thought the effect was just a broken eye! Not this! Well it explains why Dad wanted me not to tell Sans anything about magic and not to let him see me doing any magic. Lil' squirt found about it anyways. Oh Sans, why must it be so complicated with you and you're only 10! Jeez! I can only imagine what you must be like when you're older! I froze when Dad said, "Why was Sans using magic? What for? Start explaining Papyrus." Should I tell him? I feel like I shouldn't, but Dad won't stop nagging me until I say it so calm yourself Papyrus and start explaining.

"Ok so we were at home and it was around lunch time. I told Sans to stay home-"

"Papyrus, we've been through this! Never leave Sans alone! Plus we have plenty of food to cook!"

"Well he really wanted pizza and wouldn't stop fussing about until I did get pizza! Anyways, so I went out to go get pizza, the line wait took longer than I expected it to take. When I came home, Sans was gone! Searched the whole house! So I went outside and searched. Felt like I searched the whole underground! I gave up after a while, going to Muffets, the only place I hadn't checked yet in Snowdin. And of course he was there. Muffet had put him in the back of the restaurant and had given him a small lollipop. When she pulled me into the back, it was a mess and I found Sans with my jacket and his eye was glowing. You should have told me this would happen Dad!"

"Papyrus, you know you're not ever good at keeping secrets, especially when you're drunk," Dad stated. You'd be surprised how many secrets I keep without anyone knowing Dad. "It was for the best to keep it secret from both of you, though I told you the certain restrictions that I placed on Sans."

I looked down at the floor, feeling sort of guilty this happened. Dad noticed.

"Papyrus, it's ok. Accidents happen. I'll tell you what, I will close the store for a week and watch over Sans with you. Now cmon let's go home."

Dad placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you want me to do it, or you?" I asked.

"I'll do it, for safety precautions." He answered.

Then we both teleported back home. Dad had placed Sans in his bed, taking off my jacket that was on him.

*Time Skip to next morning*

(Sans POV)

I woke up really confused. My head hurt and I blinked to clear my vision. Where am I? I felt and looked around. A bed. My bed. At home. Last thing I remember is blacking out at Muffets. Questions ran through my mind. Like for example, what happened? And to top it off, I had a killer headache that kept me from thinking strait. I felt like I smashed my head into a wall. Maybe I might have done that? I dunno. As I slowly got myself out of the cover I couldn't help but notice my feet had CLAWS on them and instead of where my normal toenails should be. When I looked at my hands, the same thing! Claws! Also my legs felt awkward moving in the way they normally do. What happened to me? As panic started to rise in me, I heard a thumping on the bed. I looked around to see what it was and then I spotted a long, bony tail, just right for my size, thumping on the bed beside me. Took me a few seconds to realize it belonged to me! Well at least that's cool! I swished it around, playing with it. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. After some minutes of trying to grab my tail while turning around. I slid off the bed onto my feet. I wobbled a bit and tried using my arms for balance. I was able to balance once I stood on the front (or the ball) of my feet. I started taking a few steps forward, trying to learn to walk like that. Soon I got the hang of it and started towards the door. I opened it and took a peak outside, that's when I noticed something sticking out of my face. I touched it with my hands, felt like some sort of thing a dog would have on its face. I also tried to cross my eyes to see what it was, but I ended up screwing them up. Maybe if I can find a mirror, I can see myself better! So I took a step outside my room. The house was quiet, but there was light outside. Maybe Papy and Dad are out. So I crept down the stairs and spotted Papyrus on the couch, asleep. I tried to sneak past him without any noise. Making my way into the kitchen, that's when I realized how hungry I was. So what to eat? I first went to the pantry and found some potato chips. We don't get much of the stuff, Dad had said, cause it's from the surface. Maybe one day I could go to the surface? And see what Dad describes as "sunlight" and not the magic light from this place called The Core that lights up the Underground.

I reached out to grab the bag of potato chips, but hesitated. If this stuff was so rare, would Dad get mad at me for eating it? So, that changed my mind. So I grabbed some canned salmon (we had a lot of canned food) and tried to open the can. I tried biting down on it with this awkward mouth, seeing how I could get a good grip on it. Let's just say that it didn't work. What was that machine that Dad used to open cans? Frustrated, I tried opening it with my hands, but the can ended up flying out of my hand and on to the floor. That's when I heard footsteps coming my way. Then I saw Papyrus come into the kitchen and spot me. I froze. Did I wake him up with the can? Is he mad at me? He didn't look mad. Just tired, like usual.

"Sans?" He asked.

Not sure if he was mad or not, I didn't say anything, just kinda starred.

He looked down at the can in my hands. "Hungry hun? Here lemme open that for you."

He reached for the can and I gave it to him. He then got out the can opening machine that Dad uses and opened the can. Then he gave it back to me along with a fork. I took them both and tried to position the fork in my hand so I could eat, but it was so difficult to hold it like usual for some reason. I looked up at Papyrus, he was watching me, maybe he can help..?

"Can you help? I can't hold the fork properly," I said.

I was a bit confused why Papyrus gave me a very confused and sort of worried expression.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" He asked.

Had he not heard me? I repeated myself and then Papyrus said something that shocked me a bit.

"Sorry, but I can't understand you. You're only talking in chirps and barks."

I gave him a puzzled expression and tilt my head head to one side a bit. Ok now I'm confused. Chirps and barks? I'm not a dog!

Papyrus then turned to leave. "Here I'll go get Dad, you stay right here."

As I watched him leave the kitchen, I sat in place. As I turned to the open can, all worries were washed away from hunger and I stuck my face in the can, eating what I could reach with my face, I also summoned a magic tongue to help me. After the can was empty, I questioned myself. Why did I just do that? It felt like an urge to do that when I saw food. Like instinct. But I haven't eaten that way since I was just a baby bones. I tried to shrug it off. Forgetting what Papyrus told me, I went to the front door. Outside wasn't THAT bad. It was cold, yes, but weird and full of new things. If I could only go out again. Maybe I can. 

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