Chapter 71

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Dadi and Dida comes discussing that how, sometimes even good security can be a problem!
"Maa Sa and Maa, how was social gathering???" Sumi asks her mother-in-law and mother, giving them glasses of water. Dadi and Dida looks at each other as if asking what social gathering Sumi is talking about and then realization dawns upon them.
"It was amazing!" Dadi says and Sumi raises her eyebrow mocking Dadi, b'coz she knows that Dadi does not enjoy these social gatherings and if she is saying that she liked it that means something is fishy.
"yeah! You know what I met Ms. Banerjee today, she was just walking by and came here to see both of you!" Sumi continues with her questions just like very well trained officer.
"Yeah???" Dida extends the conversation dreading what excuse both old ladies would give for their lies.
"Yeah! And she told me that there was no brunch in the morning"
"There was! But she was not invited!" Dadi quickly makes the lie and looks at Dida as if to say 'see! I saved you".
"Oh! I see!" Sumi let it go very well knowing that they are lying about them being at social gathering b'coz Mrs. Banerjee is wife of MLA and no one would take the chance of not inviting her.
'They are doing something and only god knows what' Sumi walks away smiling in herself thinking about Dadi's and Dida's crazy ideas.


Laksh looks at Swara, Sanskar sitting on different benches and groans loudly making Ragini look at him as if he is mad.

"They have fought, again! God why is it that we have to sit away from each other because of their fight?" Laksh asks to Ragini. Ragini just rolls her eyes.
'Thanks god! We are sitting away from each other because I don't think I can sit with Lucky and not tell him that his statement of not marrying me has hurt me' Ragini thinks and without saying anything goes to sit with Sanskar. 'Before doubting his intentions I should talk to him. Yeah, I would do that! But would he think that I am desperate to marry him if I will tell him that he has hurt me by saying no to marriage???? Is he even serious about me??? I am not his first girlfriend after all. What if I am just like her other girlfriends for him? What if he does not love as much as I love him?' Thinking all this Ragini groans loudly, making whole class look at her. Not liking the attention she ducks her head and uses her hair as curtains to hide her blushing cheeks which have turned crimson red due to embarrassment.

Sanskar looks at Ragini, amusement clear in his eyes and waits for Ragini to sit beside him so that he could tease her about being lost in Laksh's thoughts as she loves to do with him whenever Sanskar is lost in his dreamland with Swara. Just thinking about Swara, fills his full self with guilt and regret. He should not have shouted at her! He is really sorry for talking to her harshly. He is never gonna do it again. It pained when she flinched away from him. God knows his boring self does not deserve a bright angel like her but still she want to be with him. And Sanskar is not gonna make her realize the truth and run away from him by pulling another stunt as he has pulled today.
He has to apologizeto her! But he is not sorry for not letting her travel alone. Her safety comes first for him, even before their relationship and he'd do anything to keep her safe.

Ragini keeps her hand on sanskar's shoulder softly, for she does not want to startle him and pull him away from his dream world harshly. By the longing look he is sending Swara's way, Ragini can guess that whatever he is thinking does surely include the love he has for Ragini's twin sister.
A soft touch on Sanskar's shoulder pulls him away from his thoughts, making him look at Ragini who is through her hands, asking him to shift so that she could sit. One look at Ragini and Sanskar can tell that whatever thoughts she was having about Laksh were not so good. What happened?

'What happened' This question was not by Sanskar and neither it was by Ragini. It was the look on Ragini's face, so real that Sanskar could actually hear those words, that look was asking Sanskar to tell him about what happened between Sanskar and Swara. For one second Sanskar was tempted to tell his best friend about his mistake but then he remembered thinking how fierce Ragini can get when it comes to Swara and Sanskar really does not want to face wraths of both gadodia sisters. One at a time is enough. Sanskar makes face and gestures her that he can't exactly tell her.

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