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I took a shower when I got home from work. Sunday afternoons were mostly the time for me to get my homework done, but I had finished it on Friday. Since I only took art, communications, and a pretty easy English class, I didn't have a big workload yet.

One thing was on my mind all day, more like one person, Jane. Opening up to her was one of the best decisions I've ever made. It was the first time I have ever opened up to a friend. But that was the big issue, I didn't just want to be her friend. When I dropped her off at her house yesterday, I wanted to kiss her so bad.

She was so beautiful and didn't even realize how crazy it drove me when she sat next to me. Not to mention she is so understanding and didn't even judge me for what I told her about myself. Instead, she hugged me and made me feel like it was okay to talk about it. I wanted to see her again today, but I knew the library was closed and I'm pretty sure she would think it's weird for us to hang out again two days in a row.

"Styles!" I rolled my eyes walking out of my room. Louis sat on the couch playing video games.

"What?" I said annoyed.

He paused the game and looked at me. "I'm having female company over so if you could stay in your room for the night or disappear altogether that would be greatly appreciated."

"Jesus." I rubbed my eyes. "You have a girl over and I can't be out here in my own house."

"No no no, not just one girl...two. Come on just for a couple of hours." I rolled my eyes walking away. "So are you staying or leaving?" I ignored him getting dressed in a t-shirt, jeans and grabbing my jacket on my way out of the house. I walked over to where I had my bike covered. I looked up to the sky and noticed it was cloudy, like right before a thunderstorm. I don't exactly mind driving in the rain, but it was ideal to wear more protection than just a shirt and jeans.

I decided to start walking down the street toward a shopping center. I was hungry, yet, even if I was home I knew we had nothing to eat. As I walked, a drop of water fell on my head, I sighed in relief as I could see the shopping center in the distance. My phone vibrated in my pocket causing a smile to form when I saw the name.

Jane: good thing we went to the beach yesterday! It just started raining really hard outside.

Me: I'm walking to the store and it hasn't started yet where I am. But I can feel it.

Jane: why are you walking?

Me: my roommate has company over and I'm hungry. Didn't feel like moving my bike in the rain.

Jane: I'm going to make pizza from scratch. I just finished making the dough. Care for a slice.

I was suddenly excited at the chance of seeing her, but also eating homemade food.

Me: is that an invitation?

Jane: yes but you have to help me make it.

Me: deal, I'll be there in about an hour I have to get home and borrow my roommate's car.

Jane: I can just pick you up I have to go to the store and pick up some stuff anyway.

I told her where I was and walked to the shopping center. I texted her I was inside the grocery store. About ten minutes after I walked around looking at the sale on tomatoes three times, I finally got a text from her saying she was here. I looked around and sure enough, she was walking around pushing an empty cart. She wore a jacket and jeans and the same shoes she always wore. When she saw me she walked over and smiled.

"Jane, long time no see." I joked.

"I know it feels like forever." She joked back giving me a side hug. "Okay we can make lasagna or we can make homemade pizza. But just so you know, lasagna takes at least three hours."

"Both sound really good." She pouted her lips and looked around at all the sections in the store. "Well, what do your parents want?"

She looked at me and shook her head. "They went out to dinner and dancing, it's their date night I guess. I was just craving something with tomato sauce." She admitted. "It's just going to be the two of us."

"Well I've never had homemade pizza, that sounds good." She clapped her hands together in excitement and pushed the cart towards the meat area.

"Okay I'm excited, I'm pretty good at making pizza." We walked around putting all the ingredients to make the pizza sauce and toppings, like cheese. I took off my jacket and put it in the cart. She noticed I was wearing a t-shirt instead of a long sleeve and commented on one of my tattoos.

"I like this one." She pointed out to a rose I had on my arm.

"You like flowers a lot." She nodded.

We finished shopping for everything and she paid for the groceries. An idea came to my mind but I needed her to not be near me. We walked out of the store and told her I was going to the restroom. She pointed out her car and told me she'd be there.

I walked towards the opposite side of the store and found the refrigerator holding bouquets of roses. I took the nicest one and went back to the same cashier and paid for them. The lady smiled and said. "Are these for your girlfriend who was just here? She is so sweet."

"Oh yeah, she's not my girlfriend," I confessed. "But I'm gonna work on it."

She raised an eyebrow and looked around as if someone could hear her. "How sweet, when you give them to her say 'these flowers are beautiful, but not as beautiful as you'. Cheesy but it works." I raised an eyebrow and thanked her for my change and advice.

I went back to the car and hid the flowers behind my back. I knocked on the window and she jumped up from looking at her phone. I got in while she cleaned the windows and she began talking. "I love the rain but I have the worst-" she stopped when she saw the roses and her eyes began to water. "Are those for-"

"You." I handed them to her and she covered her face. "You don't like them?" I asked scared that I may have jumped the gun here. She looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was because the next thing that came out of my mouth was the stupidest thing I've ever said. "They're beautiful, but you're even more beautiful."

It was like a blur one second I was freaking out about what I said and the next her arms were around my neck and she pressed her lips to my cheek. "That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, cheesy but sweet." Well, I'll be damned that woman was right.

She placed the flowers in the back and hugged me again. I should kiss her but I was too scared.


Thank you for reading. Xx


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