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My parents, Phoebe, Louis, and Olivia all sat beside Harry and me as we waited for the judge to see us. It was Harry's birthday and we are about to get married. Daisy was fast asleep in my dad's arms and I held Harry's hand as we waited in the first row with him. "You have a ring?" He asked me. I nodded. "You still want to marry me?" He whispered.

"Yes, do you?" I asked him.

"More than anything, I'm excited." He smiled. I looked down at my long pink dress. It was nice yet nothing too over the top. I wanted to wait to wear white at our actual wedding. "You look beautiful." He said putting an arm around me.

"Thank you, you look very ready to get married." He chuckled. Just then the judge came in and smiled.

"Good afternoon, how is everyone?" He picked up the paper as we greeted him. "Well, I understand we have two people here who want to be married. Will they stand and come to the front." We stood and walked in front of the judge. He looked at the paper. "Harry Styles, and Janine Irving?"

"That's us," Harry stated.

"Good, now it is my understanding that you two have a mutual share of love and respect for one another, and would like to be married." We both said yes. "Okay will you turn to each other, do you have rings?" We nodded both having them in our hands. "Okay Harry will you repeat after me, I Harry Edward styles."

He smiled, "I Harry Edward Styles."

"Take you Janine Prudence Irving, to be my wife."

"Take you Janine Prudence Irving to be my wife." He held my hand and slowly put the ring on my finger. The judge said the next line and Harry repeated.

"To be with, in times of need, sickness and in health. To be with you and only you, to love and respect you forever."

He told me to repeat what Harry had said and then asked us. "Do you take this woman as your wife?"

"I do with all my heart." Behind us, I could hear Olivia awe.

"Do you take this man to be your husband?"

"I do with all my heart." Harry winked at me.

"Well then with the power invested in me and the great state of California, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." The applause was heard by our friends and family as Harry picked me up and kissed me for a moment. I pulled away and smiled big.

"Love you," I told him as he set me down.

"I love you more." He hugged me.


Harry opened the door for me to the tattoo shop and smiled at the man behind the counter. "Holy shit Styles is that you fool!" The man who was covered from his neck down in tattoos said happily. He walked around the counter and hugged Harry.

"How are you bro, it's been too long." He said patting his back.

"Too long bro, what almost two years fucker." He punched Harry's arm. "Who's the beautiful lady in pink?" He reached over to shake my hand.

"This is my wife, Jane." I got butterflies in my stomach when he said it. Harry always called me his wife, but now it was true.

The man looked at Harry with wide eyes. "You're married now too, damn. How long?"

"Like an hour." I looked at Harry's watch on his wrist. The guy laughed and smiled big.

"I have a daughter now too," Harry said proudly taking his phone out. They talked while I went to look at some of the pictures he had of people he had tattooed. In one small picture, I noticed someone. It was Harry, a much less tattooed Harry. He looked younger and more tired. His smile wasn't the same. "That's the time I got the rose tattoo on my arm." He said behind me.

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