Chapter 2: Detention

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Mr. Mckell stayed in the room with us until Mr.Jesse walked in. Mr.Mckell informed Mr.Jesse about the situation and he said if anything happens in here remember Ryan and Rocher will be held responsible. Then they both stepped out and had a three minute conversation. Ryan looked me dead in the eyes and smirked. Jeremy shouted stop staring. Kimberly mumbles under her breathe " why they all defending the new kid" Taianna lashes out and says "shut up kim before i rearrange your face again" Ryan shouts so do it! Jeremy says and if she do Ryan what you gonna do about? Henry says he's gonna deck rocher in the other eye. Elijah says "No one is touching Rocher". The whole room got quiet. Everyone was shocked after Elijah's comment. Then Mr.Jesse walked back in and says "Since none of you animals know how to act in the hallways we are gonna do a group activity and I'm pairing Ryan with Rocher, Taianna with Kimberly, Jazsmin with Britney, last but not least Henry and Elijah. I asked Mr.Jesse do you think thats such a good idea? he replied I'm the boss in detention and whatever i says goes, and remember whatever goes down in here today or the two weeks you guys are in here Ryan and you will be the ones suspended with a hearing. After writing a two page apology letter for Mr.Mckell our hands was killing us. Then Mr.Jesse said "Everyone do sit with your partners". The girls rolled their eyes while the guys just didn't really care. They all just wanted to go home instead of being in the same room with people they despise. Elijah stops me on the way going to sit with Ryan and says "If you don't feel comfortable with working with him just let me know" I looked at him with a curious face as in what was he gonna do. Ryan had the look of disappointment as i sat next to him. Mr.Jesse shouts "You each have one hour to get to know 10 important facts about one another and whoever refuses has an extra week added to their detention sentence". Henry stormed out the room. Elijah was excused from the activity. I turned to Ryan and asked want me to go first or you? to my surprise Ryan replied nicely and said go first. I began stating 10 facts about me. I love Miley Cyrus , favorite song is the climb by Miley Cyrus, favorite movie Hannah Montana the movie, favorite food spaghetti with shrimps, i love giving massages , i have one brother and one sister, i make youtube videos, i have a Instagram, I'm new to Reynolds High School, and I'm a happy person 24/7. Ryan says "damn all that?" He ask i couldn't tell all that about you. I smirked and said of course you didn't you was just so quick to bully me. Ryan says "I'm not bully. Ryan says "i love baseball, i'm a fighter, i hates being disrespected, im my little brothers keeper, i live with my dad my mom not around anymore, me and kimberly started dating in 9th grade, i lost my virginity to Allison Philips, i wanna learn the piano, i like my new car, and i apologize for blacking your eye. I was so shocked i automatically accepted his apology. Ryan says grinning "Where does this leave us now? just earlier we was pounding each others faces in!" I chuckled and said "My friends will probably hate you until they get over being in detention for two weeks. I Asked Ryan what is he doing after school, he says "nothing why whats up?" i say"wanna learn the piano keys for 30 minutes he smiles and says "Really?" I say "Yes really" Then i get a text messages from a unknown number saying look up. I decided to look up and Elijah waved and worded hey. I Blushed and quickly looked down and Ryan says "you okay Rocher?" I wave my hand up and say "yes I'm okay Ryan" The other kids all put their heads down accept for Elijah, Ryan, and I. I thought to myself why couldn't Ryan be this nice earlier and we could of avoided all of this trouble and i also reminded myself my dad is going to tear me a new one and Kevin is still pissed about my black eye. Ryan says "Are you really going to show me how to play the guitar or are you just yanking my chains?" I say "i can honestly teach you and i said Ryan why would you think i would do that to you?" He replied and said "You might want to get back at me for making you look like a raccoon." I laughed and said "I forgave you from the kindness from my heart so i wouldn't get payback" Ryan smiled and said lets start all over again. I smiled back and said yes. Ryan got up in front of the class and said Mr.Jesse I have something to do he replied "Sure". Ryan said "Rocher come up here and i got up. Jeremy, Taianna, Jazsmin, Kimberly, and Britney looked up. Ryan says"Hi I'm Ryan and your name?" I replied and said "Hi Ryan I'm Rocher i just moved here. We shook hands and everyone mouth drops. Mr.Jesse says bathroom break Rocher and Jeremy first 5 minutes only. Jeremy held the door for me. On the way to the bathroom noticed Jeremy didn't say one word to me and i was thinking he must be mad at me for making up with Ryan. He's only in detention for punching Ryan because he backed my left eye. We got to the bathroom Jeremy locked the door and grabbed me by the neck and screamed "ARE YOU KIDDING ROCHER" He continued to yell "IM ONLY IN DETENTION FOR DEFENDING YOU! I teared up and he let go and said "Im sorry I'm just pissed off" I said "I'm really sorry Jeremy. He gave me a hug and we walked out the bathroom and i bumped into Elijah. He said"Rocher can we talk" Jeremy said "Bro ill meet you in class" I said "Eli whats up?" Elijah smiled and said "Eli i like that name. Elijah said "can i take you home later?" I said "Sure after i teach Ryan the piano keys" Elijah said okay. I Walked back to class as he walked into the bathroom. Elijah texted me "Eli is what you should save me as in your contacts" I texted back saying "LOL good idea" I Got back in the class room found out Mr.Jesse dismissed the ladies early. He said " Ryan, Jeremy, Elijah, & I are suck with each other until Jeremy and Ryan makes up". I said "can me and Jeremy step outside please Mr.Jesse?" He said yeah sure. I asked Jeremy "are you still pissed at me?" he answered "i can never stay mad at you Rocher" and sorry for choking you." I said "its oaky and followed by Jeremy please go in there and fake it. Jeremy went back inside and called Ryan up and said "i apologize for swinging at you i was just defending my new friend." Ryan said "understandable i accept your apologize and i apologized as well. They shook hands and bumped chest and sat back down. Elijah then introduced himself to Jeremy and started asking questions about me. Jeremy gladly answered all. I turned to Ryan and said "glad you and my best friend made up." Ryan said with a fake laugh "he only apologized because of you." I said "theres nothing wrong with that is there?" He said "of course not he's just being a good friend. I said "Ryan after today I'm pretty sure we can be friends after this black eye disappears. Ryan laughed. Jeremy walked over to me and said "can me and Ryan talk for a minute you and Elijah can talk for a little while" I said "okay sure" Elijah laughed when i approached the table. I asked "whats funny?" he said "you look so nervous" and i said "i have a confession." I told him what i thought about him when i first saw him on the field. He looked me in my eyes and said " How do you feel about me now" I answered and said "A little scared . He grabbed my hand and said "I don't ever want you to be scared of me Rocher" I said... (Bell Rings) i moved my hand away and got up and went towards Jeremy and he said "I'm gonna go home do you need a ride?" I said "nope Elijah offered to take me home after i teach Ryan the piano keys." Mr.Jesse said " You fellas are dismissed. Jeremy hugged me and said "see you tomorrow morning" Jeremy and Ryan shook hands. We all headed towards the door. Elijah said "I'm gonna study for an hour in the library so just text me when Ryan masters the key boards." Ryan laughed and said "you have jokes i see." I said " Ill text you Eli. Ryan said "Rocher you ready to be what we all hate the most?" i said "what?" A teacher says Ryan.

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