Chapter 5: Who Shot Him?

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Elijah woke me up by rubbing our noses together. I smiled and i looked at the time on the cable box and hopped up and said "wee gonna be late for school". Then i felt a sharp pain all in my ass. Elijah asked "are you okay" I said "no pain no game" ill be fine. We both woke up and hopped in the shower. I connected my phone to his speaker and played Demi Lovato shut up and love. We then got each other dressed. Elijah said "leave something here so i can hold on to it as a memory. I left my Miley Cyrus phone case. Elijah kissed my forehead and we left for school. Jeremy, Ryan, Jazsmin, Taianna, Henry, Kimberly, and Britney was waiting for us at the usual spot by the benches. Me and the ladies did a group hug and went to class. Jeremy grabbed me in a chokehold and said "so you lost your virginity last night now you can't speak?". I laughed and said "Your fucking crazy Jeremy". He said "see you later" and went to class. Elijah pulled me close to him and asked "what i wanna do later?". I replied "Sitting on your dick" He smiled and walked to class. Daivon walked up to me and said "can we be friends?" I said "of course we can". He wrote his number down for me and i did the same. Ryan stopped me on my way to class and said "lets go to the roof" I said "sure" Then out of nowhere Elijah texted me and said don't fall and be careful. I sent back thirty kiss faces. I felt like the luckiest kid in the whole entire school. Everything was going great for me and i loved everything about that. I had the best guy best friend, the best play brother and the best female friends. Lets not forget i had the best sex ever. Ryan said to me "thank you Rocher i really appreciate your friendship if it wasn't for you i wouldn't even wanna be a father to my kid". I replied "Ryan no need to thank me thats what friends are for I'm always going to be here for you no matter what."POOW POOW POOW" My heart started racing and i jumped so hard i couldn't believe what i just heard. Ryan screamed "ROCHER STAY RIGHT HERE DON'T FOLLOW ME LET ME SEE WHAT THAT WAS." I begged Ryan to be careful and to make sure Jeremy, Taianna, and Jazsmin is okay." He ran back into the school. My phone rung i looked at it it was Elijah i started crying asking if he was okay? He said "stay where you are I'm coming" I replied and said "I'm on the roof" He said "okay Rocher ill be there and 2 minutes. My Heart was racing. My heart finally started to slow down once i saw Eli. I rushed to him and kissed him and touched all over his body to see if he's okay. He said "I'm okay" Me and Elijah was more happy when Britney put all nine of us in a group chat and we thought everyone was okay and they all started heading towards the Roof. Ryan and Henry was the only two not replying. Everyone started worrying and i told them "its okay Ryan was with me when the three shots were fired. We all noticed the cops pulling up in front of the school.All of a sudden we heard the door slam behind us. Ryan was standing there his face was red, eyes full of tears, and blood all over his hands and shirt. What Ryan said next shocked us all. Henry is dead Ryan mumbled and fell to his. Kimberly ran to hug him as we all stared at him in shock. We couldn't believe that Henry was really gone. The police came upstairs and asked "is everyone okay lets go downstairs now".We all went downstairs. The police told us we all have to go down to the police station and give our statements. I asked "why we all wasn't there." which he replied with well your friend here did and i don't think you guys gonna let him go alone. I looked at Ryan and saw the hurt in his eyes and i told the police we will met you there. I hugged ryan and got in the car with Taianna, Jazsmin, and Britney. Elijah drove there with Ryan and Kimberly. We got to the police station and we saw this girl holding Ryan and we walked up to them she introduced herself "Hi I'm Norma Jean I'm Henry's sister" she said. We all said "were sorry for your lost" she cried and gave each of us a hug. Elijah pulled me aside and asked "how are you feelings" which i replied " I can't believe Henry is gone and i feel so bad for Ryan". Ryan came out the station and said he's gonna head to the hospital with Norma and he finished by telling us its okay we can go home and he asked Eli to take Kimberly home. I pulled Jeremy aside and said " I'm about to pull the best friend care, Go to the hospital with Ryan then take him home and ill met you at his house because if i go I'm just gonna cry because of Ryan not as much for Henry". Jeremy took a deep breath and said "fine Rocher" I hugged Ryan and I comfort Kimberly to Elijah's car. Driving Kimberly home all i can think of is what to say to Ryan. If it wasn't for Ryan clocking me in the eye we all wouldn't of known who Henry was. Nobody deserves to lose their lives that young and I'm very said about what has happen to Henry. I know if I go comfort if i cry its mostly going to because i see Ryan so devastated and i haven't seen him this upset ever. Then again this is our fifth week of school. In each car everyone was so quiet. Jazzman and Taianna was tearing up while just listening to the radio. Ryan was just driving Norma's car with teared eyes and a bloody shirt and Norma was on the phone making funeral arrangements. Elijah dropped Kimberly off to my house i told her ill be back. I told my brother Kevin to please keep her company ill be right back. I told Elijah lets stop at Walmart and get Ryan a new shirt I don't want him wearing that shirt with Henry's blood on it. Kevin cooked Kimberly some soup and she broke down and Kevin comfort her. We got Ryan a new shirt and we hurried to the hospital. I called Ryan he met me outside and i gave him the new shirt and said lets go to the bathroom and clean up. We got to the bathroom and Ryan washed all the blood off his arms and hands and changed into the the new shirt. I asked "do i keep the shirt?". Ryan looked up and just started crying and I just cried with him. Jeremy walked in and told me go talk to Eli he got Ryan. When i got to Elijah seen him talking to Saja. She saw me and gave me a hug and walked off. I leaned on Elijah's shoulders and started crying. Elijah sat us down on the chairs in the waiting room and i feel asleep on his shoulder. Ryan texted me and said Jeremy is gonna take him home he'll talk to me tomorrow. I replied and said "oaky Ryan keep your head up and I'm here for you." He sent the arm emoji and i said goodnight. I asked Elijah can we head back to his house for a bit he said of course. We got to his house i shower and feel asleep wearing his shirt and his sweat pants. He sat in the chair and his room and watched me sleep. I woke up and saw Elijah sleeping i sat on his lap and just started kissing him he lifted me up and i took his shirt and pants off and i started kissing his chest i felt his dick and i turned around and told him "to fuck me"He said "alright Rocher. At my house Kevin carried Kimberly upstairs to my bed and laid her there she grabbed his hands and told him lay with her and as he got in the bed Kimberly just started kissing all over Kevin. Kevin started kissing here back and Kim pulled Kevin boxers off and started riding his dick on my bed. Taianna and Jazsmin was parked by the beach they stopped to take a breather and smoke and next thing you know Taianna leaned in and started kissing on Jazsmin neck and Jazsmin returned the favor and they made their way to the trunk of the car and Taianna pulled Jazsmin pants and panties down and started giving Jazsmin head. Ryan and Jeremy just left the hospital and started driving to Ryan's house. Me and Elijah kept fucking until i told him let me suck his dick now. Elijah sat at the end of the bed and just let me suck his dick. We got up and he bent me over rail on the top of his steps and he fucked me. He busted all over my ass. He wiped it with the beach a was rag. He carried me into his room and he took me home too check on Kimberly. I walked upstairs and saw Kevin and Kim on my bed and I screamed "WTF"

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