Dragon crest acadamy

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A.N. Hi guys so I know I'm a horrible writer who can't finish one book just to start another I'm sorry but if you have read my other books you will see why. they are a complete mess

Chapter 1.

I sit there letting the salty droplets of tears fall down my face stinging as it goes. I look out the front passenger car window as I think back to what happened, my now brutally cut up face and how it became that way. The gruff voice who I know to be the driver aka Dan Constantine. He was a fit and handsome man of his age with a short haircut blond hair with greenish-blue bangs, bulging muscles, chiseled jaw, ocean blue once bright now dull eyes, at least six feet tall. He was a packaged deal in some woman's eyes. But others who know the truth of him his kind thought of him as a bringer of the end because he dealt with magic, But alas I was also apart of this. I was also sunk deep into it just as my soon to be scars would be. my ugly yet beautiful scars. I snapped back to reality when I felt a rough calloused hand land on my knee, "it's not your fault you know that right?" I nod and look at him while he was driving taking a glances at me then back at the road as we drove down the deserted road/highway "yes dad I know... But I still feel like I could of done something to save mum..." I grip my shorts in my fists tightly showing even more wounded skin that would leave scars soon. As I stare at my legs more tears fell down my face onto them landing with a small plip sound.

His sigh was a baritone one "Alexandria Pyra Constantine, we both know that there is nothing that you can do after your mother went after the rouge dragon." His grip on the wheel tightened. my lip trembles and tear well up as I try not to blink trying to keep the tears inside as I thought of all the if's, woulds, and could of's that I thought up that would bring the out come of my mother sitting in this seat and me in the back all of us relaxing in the silence of our victory over the rouge dragon.

"...dad..... What am I going to do I can't go back to school...." He looks at me finally taking a good look and hits the breaks "WHAT IN THE WORLDS!" I look at him eyes wide "the dragon dad, and I honestly forgot about it with all the stuff. I just remembered it when we got into the car I just didn't say anything..." He sighs knowing the scars will never go away. When you get cut from a dragon the flesh heals around the space that was hurt, so you have grooves in your skin that will go as deep as the claws. Same with teeth they heat up so when they slice in the wound it will cauterize the skin like when you get an limb amputated it's kinda like the old way I guess. I look out the window and hear him sigh AGAIN! Man if he keeps doing that he will pass out. I look down and watch as the wounds heal leaving big grooves from the dragon. "we can always put you into the school."

I look at him and growl, "I will not go to a school where everyone picks on my kind!" I say a cold glare settles in. 'My kind' is a mix between dragon follower and dragon hunter. My father was a dragon follower while my mother was a dragon hunter. Dragon followers when chosen by a dragon gets special skills depending on the dragon also your teeth become sharp like sharks no matter what dragon chooses you, but if your not chosen you get the minor which includes a faster healing ability, acute hearing, sharper eye site. For dragon hunters you get a keen mind, strength, and a special skill when you find a weapon meant for you. When you find the weapon you automatically learn the history of it, how to make one if you have been dumped into the wild with nothing to survive and such.

"well Alex it would be the only place you could go without people pitying you for the dragon scars." I huff knowing he's right. "Dad they haven't accepted any dragon followers or dragon hunters after that incident 20 years ago!" You see it was a prank gone wrong. A few dragon hunters thought it would be funny to tell a dragon that it's follower was dead, when the beast couldn't feel into link to its follower it snapped and went rouge killing around 300 to 350 people; they still don't know the true number.

"you know I'm personal friends with the headmaster I'm sure I could get him to let you in, in fact I already got him to say yes. Your mother and I ... we were going to tell you about it tonight." I looked at the road, "Is that why you pushed up the date of this?" I see out of the side of my vision him nodding, "yes and it was a major mistake. Anyways you leave in three days for the school." I nod knowing I can't get out of this.

An hour later we finally get home and I go straight to my room and close the door locking it. I grab some pj's and head to the bathroom. Going over to the sink I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing my teeth I look up into the mirror above the sink. Big mistake, I see how bad my face is damaged. The toothbrush slips from my mouth and clatters onto the ground. My hand reflection reaches up to my face feeling the bumps and dips from all the scratches caused by my stupidity. I got into a little fight with a hatchling and there claws are even hotter than a adults, so there are tons of deep cuts on my face. As I'm doing this I also see my hands were affected from the scratches. Luckily the skin around my eyes where not clawed up so I could open and close them fine. I look at the color of my eyes themselves to see if they changed, they change when you find your chosen dragon. Nope my eyes are still the icy blue I remember them. dad had icy blue eyes before he met his dragon then they changed to the ocean blue color. I also looked at my hair mainly my bangs and see no change from from my jet black hair. My mother's hair color being jet black I sigh and pick my toothbrush up off the ground. Cringing slightly as I wash it off in the water and reapply a smaller amount of toothpaste. Hopping in the shower and soon hopping out I get dressed in my pj's throwing my dirty and blood stained clothes in the trash and head to bed.

A.N. ~~~~~

hi hi so I'm going to try to keep this story going even if i don't feel like finishing it so.... yea. hope you liked the first chappy

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