Shocking news

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A.N. Hey guys and gall's how are you today this fine day huh? Anyway hears a new chappy :3

~~~~~~~~chapter 3~~~~~~~


Groaning I grab my alarm clock and throw it at the wall smiling in satisfaction as I hear it stop and possibly break. Snuggling into the warm fluffy blankets I try to go back to sleep. Falling back into blissful sleep I don't hear my father come in with a pair of scissors brand new ones that have the classic snip sound.

~~~Dan p.o.v (aka father)~~~

Slightly smiling, scissors in hand I go over to the side of the bed pulling hair away from her ear. making sure their was no hair any where near the scissors as I made the lovable snipping sound. I made sure to make it sound loud know it would wake her right up.

Her hand shoots up grabbing the scissors and throws them into the wall behind me.

A loud sh-thunk sounded as the scissors embedded themselves into the wall. I hear a low growl in a voice that belonged to my daughter, "And. What. Do. You. Think. Your. Doing?" Looking at her a deadly glare set in her eye the scars making it even more deathly looking. I nervously smile, "um...just waking you up. you know to help you pack for dragon crest..." I say slowly backing away.

~~~~Alex's p.o.v~~~~

looking at him i growl getting up, my head pounding from a headache now setting in. i groan blinking trying to see but only able to see kaleidoscope lines across my vision making things blend into other things, while making me sick to my stomach. I look around and notice dad was gone from the room. Getting up I step on a Lego of all things,

ooh a Lego what's it doing....

"MOTHER OF ALL GOOD AND GREAT, IT HURTS!!!!!!" I jump around holding my foot in my hand cursing. I jump onto another Lego with my other foot and trip landing in a pile of lego's "HOLY MOTHER OF DRAGONS, WHERE ARE ALL THE LEGO'S COMING FROM!" (A.N. see what i did there game of thrones reference :3)  I am now impaled all over with the devils lego's that will magically appear to reek havoc on mankind. I'm serious no joke lego's are the devils little infiltrators! I see a small mouse like thing dart across my doorway laughing (Le mouse like thing's laugh: ku ku ku). I sigh and look at my creepy doll on the shelf shivering as I felt it's eyes on me even when it wasn't physically around i still felt it's eyes on me.

(Author p.o.v: SHIT SHE SPOTTED US DUCK AND WEAVE PEOPLE DUCK AND WEAVE!!! *moves direction of viewers' camera into a plushy bunny on another shelf* hehe now she will never find us right usa-Chan? *plushy bunny nods*)

I get up and shake off all the lego's stuck to my skin and pull out three suit cases. I get out a change of clothes for tomorrow  and put the rest of my clothing all of it in one and a half and started putting things i wanted to take with me to the school. Soon finishing packing looking at my bare room i head down to the kitchen. Glancing at the time as i drink a glass of water 2:28pm i shrug then do a double take 2:28 PM!?!. Chocking on my water slamming it down on to the counter and run to the living room. Grabbing my phone off the charger, i check and see i have 39 missed messages 14 missed calls from Jax and Amelia. I gulp and call Amelia,




Alex: calm down i was packing up my room...

sighing knowing i was going to get another ear full for that


i growl and grit my teeth,

Alex: Amelia please calm down i have a headache. And with you yelling it's only going to get worse, Ill tell you more about it in person ok? 

Amelia: sorry, Barns 'n noble Starbucks? 

Alex: Yea and tell Jax also ok?

Amelia: okay, see you later alligator.

i roll my eyes and give a small smile,

Alex: in a while crocodile.

I end the call putting my phone in my pocket and i go grab my wallet, house key, and mask that my dad went and picked up from the teacher while reporting the incident to the principle. Putting on the mask doing the same thing as i did yesterday with it. (pulling the strap on to keep it on my face and hiding it beneath my hair) "DAD I'M GOING TO BARNS 'N NOBLE!" I say heading out the door. right as i close it i hear a feint ok come from my dad. now time to take the pain staking walk to the book store.


Opening the door to the shop i immediately head over to the cafe. spotting Amelia and jax right away i head over to them. Jax had a irritated look on his face and Amelia was in tears. I sigh, she jumped to conclusions again and told Jax her exaggeration i bet. Once Amelia spots me she gets up and runs to me glomping me into a death hug.

"c..can'" she lets go sniffling and leads me to our table and sits down. I grab the only seat left next to Jax. Looking down at the table noticing a crumb my eye twitches with the urge to flick it off the table. "why did you say packing?" I look up at Amelia and sigh "i..." I break off not quite sure how to say it. "there is a school that excepts people with..." i pause to think of the word "unique things.." i pull on my sleeves that cover my hands. Her eyes go wide and Jax's jaw tightens. "but why do you need to pack?" i sigh "its a boarding school." I see Jax get up and walk away hands clenching and unclenching. We watch as he disappears in the bookshelves. I look down at the table " Alex, are you really going?" i nod continuing to look at the table afraid to look at Amelia. she sigh's "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, i leave tomorrow."

i say looking up at Amelia and see her with tears in her bronze brown eyes. I frown and get up and pull her into a hug. Right after i do that i feel her hug me back even tighter her shoulders shaking and i stand there awkwardly as i try to comfort for her. Soon she calms down and looks at her phone. "My mom is here to pick me up, i have to go" she says frowning, collecting her stuff i nod and wave and head over to the books to pick one out. I go over to the cash register and buy the book. I head back to my seat and read.

my head pops up when i feel my phone vibrate. So i pull it out and see a text from dad,

Dad: Time to come home you have to get up early to get going to the school

Packing up i head out as I'm heading down the street Jax lives on. i see him on his porch swing staring at nothing in particular. I head up to him stopping at the edge of the swing and ask, "may i sit?" He blinks as his mind comes back into focus. "what?" i laugh and sit down next to him taking off my mask, "are you going to be ok with out me?" I say looking out at his lawn. i hear him sigh "i think i will live..." I hear him say his voice deeper from being sad. (It can happen people IT CAN) I nod "Alex... i need to ask you something..." he says his tone now shaking. i look at him and finally realize our close proximity.

I soon realize he is lean his head closer to mine and i look at his eyes and see the color is different from their normal dark blue in one eye and the other light green now they are a striking violet color. he stops leaning in, "isn't she cute?" next thing i know there is a little tinny lizard in his hands and in my face the lizard has a dull violet color. My eyes widen and i nod. Jax smile showing sharpened teeth and i see a strip of his hair the same violet color. "Jax I'm sorry i have to go and yes she is majorly cute, bye!" i say getting up running down the walk way and soon down the street to my house.

Once i get there i head to my room and dive bomb for my bed and grab one of my pillows and pull the blankets on top of me and soon go to sleep while thinking about the lizard and the changes in Jax.


ok so updates are going to be even slower. i am now in high school and i am in a club and in marching band. plus tons of homework equals me only getting less than around 6 hours of sleep so yea toddles till next update see you then 

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