Chapter 2

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Adam's POV

"Done, little bro." Nathan finished cleaning and treating my wounds. Finally! I gestures him to leave me for a moment, he nods in understanding. I'm lucky to have an amazing brother like Nathaniel. "Though, I'm not very lucky to have an annoying little nephew-"

"Uncle A!" I groans. I guess I has spoken too soon. I fake a smile, a little blonde hair boy came running towards my direction and soon jumps onto my arms. I hopelessly wraps my arms around his torsos and stomach.

"What's up, Billy?" I looks down to his beautiful eyes, he has Nathan's eyes. Lucky bastard, I longs to have such dazzling orbs. But oh well, life is a Karma after all.

"Can you bathes me? Mommy and Daddy is busy," he did the most adorable puppy eyes. Oh shit, I must resist this idiot's cuteness. A minute passed, I tiredly gave in. "Fine, you won this round, buddy." He cheers happily. I smiled a bit, I wonder why I suddenly stops being happy like I used to be- oh I remember why. It's all because of Jack. My mind clouded with thoughts, I didn't notice Billy miserably tries to get my attention. He shook me, I snaps out of my fantasy.

"Huh? What? Oh, yeah. Let's give you a bath," I weakly smile, still sad of the memories with Jack. I felt Billy tugged my sleeve I gazes down, "Yeah?"

"You okay? You seems...sad..." he sadly pout, making me slightly feel bad. I ruffles his messy hair, telling him not to worry about it with a smirk.

That little fuck, retarded bitch! I'll make him pays for what he done to me, I don't give a shit if his fucking jock friends beat the crap outta me. I'm done- done of all his craps.

Couple moments later, I was done giving Billy a bath and changes him into a plain underwear, a green t-shirt with a batman logos on front, white baggy short, and red and white vans shoes. Hehehe, I'm making this kiddo to be me, to be badass! But he's only 5, turning to 6 soon. Man, is he too young to be a ladies' man? Nah! I chuckles at myself.

"Hey, Bill. Wanna be cool like me?" I asks him, with pleading eyes. I hope I don't get deny. I crossed my fingers behind, please god...

"Yes!" Billy cheekily giggles, while clapping his hands. I fist punched the air, in such excitement. 'Yes!' I picks him up and starts spinning him around.

"Let's get you a badass hairstyle~!" I coos out, not realizing I said a harsh word out loud for his innocent ears.

"Yeah! Badass!" He awed.

Oh shit, hopefully Nathan doesn't kill me for this. Eh, he won't. He loves me, he won't punished me for teaching his son a strong language, and changing to be me. "Alrighty, then. Let's go!" I place him down and grabs his small hand.

"Are we there yet? Are we th-"

"Now, we are. Stop messing around, please. It's annoying." I grumbles, in annoyance. He cheers, jumping up and down. I led him to the hair salon, he gasps. I halt and glance down, "What's wrong?" My heart quicken its thump, why is he surprised? Did he had a horrible haircut and has nightmares ab-

"I want that one." He points a picture, I hope it's a good one. My eyes travels to the picture, my heart stop beating.

"Oh, my god! Billy! That's an amazing choice! Though, I thought of something else, but that doesn't matter. Let's get you what you want!" I know I was getting too excited because I noticed the workers and customers were giving me weird looks, but of course, I just shrugs off. I don't give a damn of what people think about me.

But his choice was awesome, he chose out a Mohawk- a small one- along with tiny spikes on the side, surrounding the Mohawk. I thought for a second, "Hey, don't you think something is missing?" He nodded his head, cutely. "Green hilight," aww, how cute he tried to pronounced highlight. Wait! Highlights, that's it!

"Damn, only for a five year old, you're very smart when it comes to hairstyle," I smirk, rubbing his hair.

Just then, a lady came up to us, "Hello, what can I do for you today?" I told her what I want for Billy, she smile and nods her head then takes Billy's hand. "Bye, bye~" he waves at me with a giggle and a smile on his face. I waves back, with a smirk and sat down on the chair, waiting.

I checked the time on my phone, it's already 6:04. I hope the lady is about to finish soon. Once I looked up, the door opens. I didn't pay any mind to the new customer, I heard footsteps stop in front of me.

"Hey Adam. Whatcha doing here?" A oh so familiar voice spoke to me. I groans, don't tell me who I think is it. Before I can speak, the lady came back with Billy in hands, "He look very handsome, doesn't he?" She giggles, I can tell there was a hidden flirtatious in her tone. I thanked her and took Billy's hand, ignoring the figure that leaking me and went to the cashier.

"That will be 83 dollars, sir." The cashier blurts, without any excitement in her pretty emerald green eyes. Instead, it was dull with a hint of sadness held in them. That's how my eyes are. I nods at her and pay for the hairstyle and highlights.

"Thank you, have a nice day." She smiled, softly. I smile back at her and starts leaving, while waving her goodbye.

"Badass!" Billy squeaks happily.

I sighs, yep...Nathan is going to kill me. "No, Billy. Don't say badass. It's very bad." I scolds him, even though it's my fault. Those beautiful eyes starts bawling with tears that threaten to fall.

"No no no! Please, don't cry!" I begs, I don't want my bro takes away my video games for a month or no more anime for the rest of my life (yes, I'm an otaku, got a problem with it?) as a punishment.

"How about some ice cream?" I starts smiling nervously, I don't wanna make my nephew cry I'm not that kind of guy to hurt an innocent people and make them cry. But if it were my enemies, then obviously, yes.

"Yay! Ice cream!" Billy was happy again, that's good. I let out a breath of relief.

"Okay, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

I carry Billy on my back, while he snores away quietly. We didn't have time for ice cream, we needed to go home. My brother called in, 30 minutes ago, asking me where we were and needed to heads home before supper.

Hm. Today was fun, expect for the part I got beat up twice in school. But I'm highly used to it, everyday I get beat up. Nothing has changed, nothing is new.

Maybe, if I carry Billy in bridal style we will make it in time for supper. Walking home would take 15 minutes, and beside, it's already 6:50 and we gotta be there at 7 o'clock sharp. So running it is, I carry Billy in bridal style and starts running.

Within a couple minutes later, Billy soon woke up from his little slumber. "Why are you running?" He asked, still tired. He rubs his eyes and wipes off some drools.

"'Cause if I didn't, then we'll miss supper." His eyes widen and hit my arm. I halts into a stop, I narrow down at him.

"Why did ya do that for?"

"I want to get down. I want to race against you, Uncle!" He puffs his cheeks out, while smiling and cheering. I rolled my eyes and placed him down to his feet.

"Alrighty, get ready, get set-" I was cuts off, with Billy running away from me.

"Hey! Traitor! I didn't said 'Go!'"

"Now, you did!" He giggles. I growls playfully, soon catching up with him.

"Oh no!" He cries out, quickening his speed, zigzagging me. Hmph, smart kid.

"We're home!" Billy and I shouts in sync, while panting with lacks of oxygen left in our burning lungs. Billy fell forward, landing on his stomach. "Ah..home sweet home." He smile exhaustively.

"" someone said, I look at my right, seeing my sister-in-law staring at her exhausted son in shock. I panicked, am I going to get in trou-

My sister-in-law, Mary, starts bursting out with laughter. I was in shock, why is she laughing? I rose an eyebrow at her direction, "What's so funny, Mary?"

She wipe her tears away and calms herself down, "Oh Billy honey, you look so much like your dad when he was in high school." Oh, yeah. That's true, I can't believe I didn't realize that sooner. I smile at Billy's confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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