Chapter 1

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Crimson liquid was planted on the shiny floor, Adam was coughing out blood while disgusting the guy that punched him across the facade. Jack sighs in such disgust, little did Adam know Jack didn't want to hurt him he was forced to. He is quite ashamed of his work.

"Why the hell are you doing this to me?!"

He looked down, soon meeting with Adam's cobalt blue eyes. He ignores his question as he kept staring into his beautiful eyes. "Answer me! I asked you a damn question!" He shouts, with such grief and hatred. Jack tried to speak but words won't come out. While he was doing this, Adam weakly rose up from the floor and snarls, "Whatever, dude. I'm out of here, there's no point for me to stay here any longer." He starts walking away.

Finally, Jack seems to finds his voice back, "W-Wait!" The injured teen halts as he hesitantly turned to face Jack, "What do you want, jackass? Beat the crap out of me again?" Jack sighs, he deserves being called "jackass" for what he had done.

"No, I just want to apologize for-"

"Shut your filthy mouth, I don't wanna hear it! You don't need any of my forgiveness!" Adam growls, feeling pissed off. He wants to hurt him brutally, but he knew better not to, or else, he'll get a good beat by Jack's jock friends; he didn't want get his ribs crashed.

"Listen! I begs for your forgiveness! I didn't mean to-"

Jack was caught off by Adam's voice, "Didn't mean what?! Didn't mean to hurt me? Damn right, why don't you go fuck with sluts like the piece of shit you are!" Adam starts to tears up with so much anger; hatred and betrayal. Jack never felt a sharp pain going through his stone heart before. He wish he can stop Adam running away, away from his beastly presence.

He growls angrily at himself, "Fuck! He's right, I'm just a piece of shit!" He storms off to the parking lot, he is glad that everyone left no one was at the school building. So no one watched the scene, which is good. There won't be any gossip tomorrow, or so, he thought.

Adam's POV

I sighs in frustration, as I made my way to the stairs but soon, I stops halfway once I heard my older brother Nathaniel, "Hey dork, why did ya came late?" Fuck...I need to lie! I starts cursing under my breaths, I was glad he didn't understands what I'm saying.

"Hey, stop mumbling and turn around so I can see you." He demands. I groans, I really wants to disobey his order, but he's my bro so I have to obey him. I gulp nervously as I slowly turns around and quickly looks down at my dingy converse like they're the most interesting things on earth. I heard Nathan gasps in shock, I gulped once more.

"Why is there blood trailing down from your nose and lips?" He question me, as usual I didn't replied.

I felt he place his hands on each shoulders, "Adamson Zurich...look at me." I did what I was told; I looks directly at his crystal clear blue eyes. He shook his head, in such pity. I rolled my eyes, man he's acting like Mom.

"Bro, grow up please. I'm fine, see? I just bashed my face against the lockers in accident while carry a heavily huge book from the library," I lied. He seems to buy it, good. "So, you don't need to worry about anything," I declares. He disagree with me as he replied with, "It's my job to worry about my lil bro, Adam. Let's go to the bathroom so we can treat your wounds." I nodded at him and heads to the bathroom and then, sat on the toilet's coverage while waiting impatiently for Nathan to get his ass here. I sighs at myself, "What a day." Being the idiot I am I touched my busied nose, I winced in great agony.

"Fuck!" Idiot me, why the hell did I do that?!

Just then, my bro enter the room with first aid kit on his left hand. This will be painful as hell, I let out a mental sigh, preparing for the pain. I shut my eyelids tightly. Then, my bro starts treating my wounds. I moans in pain, "Ow...ah...ahah...ow!" Nathan sighs, doing his best to stop the bleeding.

With Jack

He drove furiously his condo to his house like an insane person, soon he parks his condo in the garage and walked out then locks the condo. Making his way to the living room, his bitchy sister Amber noticed her brother's nasty behavior, "What got ya worked up?" She rise an eyebrow, studying his body language. He ignores her question with a scowl on his facade.

"Hoe, I asked you a fucking question." She rolled her chocolate eyes.

Within a blink of eyes, Jack grabs her shoulders tightly, she winces slightly. "Don't call me a hoe, you bitch!" He growls threateningly. She slaps him, bringing him back to reality. He shook his head, he was very confused. He can't remember what happened.

"The hell happened?" He asked her, while looking soft unlike earlier. She sighs at her brother's stupidity.

"You were like a monster for a moment, what the fuck happened at school?" She crossed her arms and tapping her foot, waiting for an answer.

However, he didn't reply to her question; he just left her in wonders, and he made his way to his room.

"Hey! Don't leave me hanging! Get your fucking as-"

Jack closed his door on his sister, not wanting to hear her annoying voice anymore. He went to laid on his comfortable bed, laying on his side.

His eyes wonders around the room, he soon found a picture of himself standing next to a pitched black-haired boy, his features seem similar to Adam's. The boy had his eyes closed, was wearing a purple baggy pant and a red sweater, along with red converses. Jack study the boy's facade, his hazel eyes widen as the realisation hits him.

" could I forget Adam is my childhood best friend? What...had I become?"

He deeply sighs, "I doubt he'll ever forgive me...I shouldn't had left him, I chose having popularity over our friendship. How selfish of me..." his mind starts wondering of how much grief and vulnerable poor little Adam felt, he felt betrayed by his own best friend whom was now ex-best friend. Jack felt salty liquid running down his cheeks, he starts sobbing in his hands, trying to silent his sobs.

💖💞Author's notes:

I sure do hope, you're enjoying this chapter. I wanna know what you guys want me to write next, if there's any mistakes, please let me know in the comments, and I'll fix them😊 Have a lovely day/night/afternoon/evening~💕 Bye-bye~

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