My little Neckochan

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It was the first day of school and I seemed to be the loneliest person here. I just started middle school and it was heartbreaking to find out that none of my friends weren't going to the same school. My name is October Barbiel. I got my name through my characteristics and my being a male, it just embarrasses me to have such a girlish name. My name mostly came from my amber brown eyes which led to my mother giving me the name. My mom is over protective and my dad could care less about me or my mother. But seeing that I'm small, over pale, and Emo-looking because of my raven black hair, its only natural for my mom to be like that, and my father to be disappointed in my existence.

Like I said. No friends. Nothing but my ipod. I was afraid of things like school since the first day of kindergarten because I'm always alone, and when I actually have a friend or two, they just leave me after so long.

As my first period class was about to start, a girl with green eyes, long reddish brown hair, and a smile that showed fang like canine teeth. She wore a blue t-shirt and white jeans and blue converse. She walked up to me, and I couldn't help but stare. She was very pretty. "Hello" she said "who is your teacher for 1st period?" I couldn't help but blush. I never know how to deal with girls who suddenly talk to me like this. "M-Mr. Everest... for math" I shyly replied. Her eyes lit up and her smile grew wider. "Hey I have that class too!" She exclaimed. "Lets walk there together" she suggested. I smiled. Hopefully, just hopefully, I wont be alone this year. Or maby even longer.

*1st period*---------------

"Okay class, as your math teacher, I need to help you get the textbooks you will need for the school year." Mr. Everest explains as the other students and I walk into class. I shudder. I'm not a strong person. Holding five or six large textbooks is hard enough with me being so weak. I look over to my new friend and i realise, i know nothing about her. "s-so. um... i really dont know anything about you, and you just walked with me to class." i started. She smiled brightly and said, "my name is Necko. My name means 'cat' in Japanese. Everyone says I'm just like a cat, too." She giggled and continued. "My age is 12, and I like the color blue." I smiled, and said "I like your name. I also like cats too." She beamed and said, "I love cats. ... funny. I don't know anything about you.." It took me a little while to register what she said, but when I did, I quickly replied with " my name is October. I'm named after my mom's favorite month, and what I look like... I like the color blue too..." I blushed afterwards. Necko laughed a little and replied with, "You're funny," I couldnt help but smile at her comment.

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