Alright, my dudes, y'know the drill. I was tagged by KellzWritings to put some crap on the internet about myself. There are rules:
-You can't tag me back
-You can't refuse to do the tag (If you do, I won't tell)
-List 13 things about yourself, then list 13 others to do the same
-The tag must be in a book of yours, not in your comments or on your wall (Thank God I made this book, amiright, guys?)
-Can't change the rules
-Have a creative title (this is creative enough fight me)
Alright, well:
1) After much self reflection, I've decided I'm a snapback gay, not a beanie gay
2) I'm a Ravenclaw
3) I am afraid of heights, but I'm working on not being afraid of heights
4) I really really *like* like my best friend, and apparently she likes me back, but we're doing nothing about it because reasons
5) I have so much anxiety, buds, it's bad
6) I have the most random taste in music. I listen to Queen, P!ATD, Fifth Harmony, Avril Lavigne, The Beatles, and Vivaldi, among many random others
7) I hate loud noises and get overstimulated easily in situations involving more than one conversation going on, more than one song playing, and vacuum cleaners
8) I hate Donald Trump with a passion
9) But I don't want him to be impeached/assassinated because Mike Pence scares me so bad
10) I'm of the opinion that we as a species do not deserve Katie McGrath
11) My two vices are chocolate and pizza
12) I use cinnamon gum as a coping mechanism
13) I am subpar at piano, voice, and guitar
Imma tag lexbianshipcentral katieMcfuckme pixiebook JAZZY164 stallytrash LoveWarior catolive kuhlissa wowitskaren RI-EAZY camrenisforreal clexa3316 clevenger
I know like none of you, but I know like no one in general, so if I tagged you and you're bitter, feel free to send me an angry message so I can work my awkward charm and befriend you.