The Waves of Clementine

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I'm sure you've heard of the Waves of Clementine
Their beautiful feeling and smell
I'm sure that's you've heard that they make you stronger
And that they will make you feel well

I'm sure you've heard that the Waves of Clementine
Are soothing and pretty and clean
I'm sure you've heard that the animals and the sand
Are the most wonderful and pristine

But you probably didn't know that the Waves of Clementine
Are filled with sharks and cold
You probably didn't know that the Waves of Clementine
Can get filthy and sickening like mold

You probably didn't know that in the Waves of Clementine
You constantly struggle to swim
You probably didn't know that in the Waves of Clementine
There is no way to reach the rim

You probably didn't know that the Waves of Clementine
Caused hurricanes that stoles lives
You probably didn't know that the Waves of Clementine
Separated husbands from wives

The Waves of Clementine sure are beautiful
That cannot be denied
But those Waves of Clementine are hypnotic
And they are the reason I have died

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