Twenty Three

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Shawn's P.O.V
"Mom the person I wanted you guys to meet is at the door can you invite her in please " I say as there was a knock on the door
"Alright , what's her name " she asks 
"Arron , mom" i shout from the stairs .
"Alright " she responds

Arron's P.O.V.
"Wait , Arron " a woman voice calls causing me to turn around
"Um yeah that's me" I say akwardly
"Shawn said to welcome you in for dinner " she says smiling
"I - I think Im going to have to cancel " I say rubbing my right arm with the left
      "O come on Arron , I think you can stick around a little while " she says as Shawn appears by his mom
      "Please Arron!" Aliyah says grabbing my hand and pulling me in
      "Fine just a little while " I smile softly
      As I enter last Shawn waits for me to walk together . He puts his arm around my waiste and pulls me closer.
     "Why did you ignore my texts and calls" he whispered in my ear
      "If I were you I wouldn't be pushing me" I say getting loose from his grip
     "We have to talk about this later " he says pulling my chair out for me to sit next to him.
     Gosh I fricken hate him. He acts like he doesn't know what he has done wrong  . But he gets to me everytime . I have to admit using his mom to make me stay was smart . Instead of taking a seat I went and helped his mom finish up dinner with Aliyah .
      "So how long have you and my Shawny been dating for?" His mom asks
      "We aren't dating , we're just really good neighbors " I smile
      "O you seemed really lovely I was thinking you were going to be the perfect daughter in law . But I'm not going to loose hope on it " she says making me blush .
      "I doubt it , he seems to be the type that doesn't stay in relationships . I hunk he just wants to have fun while he is still young " I say walking out with the bowl of salad. Aliyah helps set up the utensils, while Karen brings out the main course of the meal . Manny and Shawn had to bring the lemonade and whine for us.
      "How long have you known Arron?" Manny asks
      "A little bit under a year "he responds looking at me in the eyes which cause me to sheepishly smile.
     "Thats a long time " Aaliyah says (btw I'm sorry if I have been spelling it Aliyah , it's autocorrect and honestly Iv been too lazy to go back and fix it )
     "Yeah I guess it is , but we only knew eachother for a couple of months if you dont count the 6 months he left for tour" I say
     "How old are you if you don't mind me asking  ?" Karen asks
      "I'm 18 " I say , she just had a shocked expression on her face
      "Well who's ready for desserts? " she says trying to forget the subject was ever touched .
       " Shawn why don't you help me get them" she says getting out of her chair
     "Be right back " he says
Shawn's P.O.V.
      "Shawn the girl you wanted us to meet was 17! When you met her!"she whisper yelled at me
      "Mom I love her , it doesn't matter she is 18 se is legally an adult. I can date her now" I say back
      "Shawn answer me this, if she was 17 that meant she was a student in the only high school around here! Please tell me you didn't have sex with her while she was under age !" She said
      "Mom I- I ... Yes i met her thru school , and yes I had sex with her but she only needed 3 more months to turn 18. We got carried awa..." I was stopped by a burn on my cheek
      "Do you know what the consequences of having had a relationship beyond teacher and student and on top of that having sex with a minor can be ! Do you know the hell that is going to get loose when people find out ." She asked
       "Mom no one I going to know , it's between us " I say trying to convince her that it's ok
      "It doesn't take a smart ass to put all the puzzle pieces together what are they going to say when they find out that your girlfriend used to go to the high school you taught at and just a year later you dated her ! Forget about that silly relationship " she says
      "Mom I cant I love her too much , she has grown on me like no other girl Iv dates before " I say with tears forming
       "Shawn understand that I am just looking after you and your singing career , you need to drop that girl before you get attached any more " she says to me making me drop tears .
      "Mom I understand , just give me time to let her go please " I begged
       "You have before you start tour again " she offers
      "thank you so much Mom . " I say wiping my tears away and taking the dessert out to the table
       "Where is Arron?" I asked my dad
      "You guys weren't quiet enough and we heard everything" my dad says
      "How much did se hear?" I asked
      "Everything" Aaliyah states
      "Well atleast you don't have to worry about how u were planning letting her go " my mom says. I just was fed up and exploded
       "Are you fucken serious , she has panick attacks when she has overwhelmed feelings , and hearing the conversation might trigger them ! " I say worried as I ran out the house looking for her . First thing that came in mind was her house . I ran there as fast as I could .
       "What do you need?" Tyra asks
       "Where is Arron I need to talk to her" I say out of breathe
        "Chill she isn't here I thought she was at your house for dinner ?" She says and I know she isn't lying
        "Alright thank you , I'll keep looking for her any idea where she might be?" I asked trying to get any hints I could get
      "Look for her where people are the happiest and forget about their problems " she says shutting the door
       I stood there lost as hell. Then it hit me. She is at the park !
       "Arron where are you!" I shout stepping foot on the grassy field
       "Arron please answer me!" I shout making my way to the tree she was under earlier.
       "Where are you , we need to talk !please answer me " I cried . I fell to the floor against the tree . I sobbed for a good minute and looked up realizing that no ones awake and won't be able to see me . Then I see her . She's on the swing set staring at me . I can tell by the moon light reflect that she was crying as well. I ran to her and hugged her . She stood up and role down in tears . I hugged her tighter than ever and leaned my chin on her head .
       "Your mom doesn't approve of us , I'm scared Shawn !" She says silently crying
        "I understand her point of view ..."
Authors Note
      Hello lovely people , sorry or the cliff hanger . I would like the share with you that I'm so close to 3k , we have come such a long way and I want to thank every single one of you guys who show their support 😭❤️

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