Smiling Teardrops (Part 1, Chapter 1)

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I feel a warmth of light shining on my face from the window on a Saturday morning. I open my eyes after a long sleep. I lay in bed for a few minutes to let myself wake up more.I push the covers off myself and climb down off my loft bed. I go out of my bedroom to see that nobody is awake, so I fix myself some breakfast. I go into the kitchen and get a bowl, milk and cereal. I fix it all into the bowl and poor the last small bit of milk in, and put the carton into the recycling bin. I go check my computer, and see my brother walk into the living room and turn on the TV. Everyday seems to be the same. Wake up, get breakfast, go to school, come home, check my computer and go to bed.

There is nothing different. A little while later, my mom wakes up. I see her walk straight to the kitchen to fix herself some breakfast. She looks unhappy. I'm not sure why, but I'm guessing my parents had another fight last night. I heard some harsh voices when I was going to sleep, but I just let it be. "Adri" my mother calls me. Adrian is my real name, Adrian Kennith. Everybody calls me Adri, pronounced "Aw-dree". I live in a small part of London. I go into the kitchen to find my mom standing by the kettle. "Can you go down to the store and pick up some more milk, please?" she asks.

"Alright.. I'll go get dressed" I say back. I go to my room and get dressed, putting on anything I can find. I find a simple grey V-neck T-shirt and jeans. I put on my shoes and head out the door and get in the car. I drive over to the grocery store and go inside. I pick up some milk at the dairy section and along with a few other grocery things. I pick up some spices and suddenly turn around and a guy bumps into me and all the spices I was holding went flying and fell on the floor.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" he said, instantly helping me pick them up. I couldn't get a good at his face, he was wearing a hat. "That's alright" I said with a slight scoff. We both picked up the spices and put them back into my basket. He looked up at me and I was shocked, it was Nathan! Nathan was my very best friend when we were younger, until I moved away from Gloucester.

He hesitated, and we just stared at each other for a minute. "Adrian?" he said curiously. "Nathan?" I said back. We both smiled and were speechless. "Oh my goodness..." he said. "Is it really you?". "Yes, it's me! Is it you?" I said with a laugh. He hugged me before I could say anything else. "It's been a really long time" he said with a huge smile on his face. "Yeah it has!" I said. "So what are you doing here in London?" I asked. "Well... I don't know if you've heard, but I'm in a boyband now, and we are here for a gig". I wasn't too surprised, he has always been an amazing singer.

"Wow, that's so cool!" I said. "So what have you been doing?" he asked. "I'm a waitress at my great-aunts restaurant... I know it's not as fancy as being in a band but, it's something" I said with a laugh. He laughed along. "So you're in a boyband? What's it called?" I asked. "The Wanted" he replied. I recognized the name. I've heard of that name before. I'm pretty sure I saw a CD called The Wanted before. "Oh, I've heard of you! I didn't know it was you in it! You guys are getting pretty big" I said with a smile. "Yes, we've actually gotten big in America." he said. I actually couldn't believe it, he went to America?! When we were little, we would always dream of being big and famous and live in Hollywood. "Wow, that's impressive, I've always wanted to go there..." I said. "I know." he said back.

The way he looked at me and said that made me know how he remembers it. I smiled a little bit. "Well, I have to get going back home now" I said while picking up my grocery basket from the floor, where I set it to have a conversation with Nathan. "Wait" he said, stopping me. "What's your number? I'd love to ring you some time" he said. I put the basket down straight away, how could I forget getting something to contact him again with after all this time.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and he put his number into it. I did the same for his phone. "Well... I'll ring you soon" he said. "Yes, of course" I smiled. We hesitated for a second as I looked into his eyes. It was crazy how he still looks the way he did 10 years ago, he must be 19 now, because I'm 18. I payed for my things and went back to my car. I can't believe I saw my best friend again.

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