Smiling Teardrops (Part 2, Chapter 1)

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I arrived back home and walked in the door. I see that my brother went out somewhere, because he's not in the house. I put the groceries in the fridge, and the entire time, I catch myself thinking about Nathan. I want to call him, but I just saw him.. So I wouldn't want to bother him and sound desperate. As I walk into the living room, I see my mom sitting on the couch with no emotion on her face.

She is watching TV, no expression on her face at all. In fact, she looks depressed. I slightly want to see if she is okay, but at the same time, I know she is just gonna be mad that I asked.

Every time she is upset and I ask what's wrong, she gets angry at me for asking. "Hi mom" I said, trying to sound enlightening. She looked at me and said nothing, didn't even smile. I looked down and huffed and walked to my room. If you haven't caught it yet, my parents fight a lot. And it bugs me how they make it so awkward afterwards. The entire house is awkward after they fight, and my brother ends up going out for the night and I lock myself in my room while they yell at each other every few nights.

Then, the next day, they make it so uncomfortable. And when they try to fix it, they end up fighting again, and it repeats. But I've grown to deal with it. I have no friends, except Nathan a long time ago. I used to tell him everything until I moved to London when I was 14. It's been Four years since I've last talked to him. Yeah.. Four years. That's a long time for me. But, I'm happy that I saw him today. I actually have One friend, her name is Malea. She isn't a very close friend, but we hang out at school. She is sort of a cocky girl who wants her way all the time. I don't know why I'm friends with her, but she is the only "friend" that I have at the moment.

She is quite popular at school, and goes through friends very fast. I've been friends with her for about a year now, I've never heard of her sticking with someone for that long. I go on my laptop and check my Facebook and see that Nathan added me. I add him, and he also messaged me.

Hey Adrian! It's been a really long time, we should get together soon. Cheers xx

His message made me smile, I almost forgot about being annoyed with my parents. It's about Two-Thirty PM now, and I feel like the most un-productive girl on the planet. There's nothing for me to do today, so I'll see if I can see Nathan today. I open the chat on Facebook and say:

Hey Nathan! It HAS been a long time. And hey, I've got nothing going on today, want to meet me somewhere today?

I press send. I feel like I'm asking him on a date, but I'm not. We aren't even close friends, so that would be weird. I browse around my computer and suddenly hear my phone ring. I pick it up to Nathan's voice.

"Hello?" I say. "Hey, Adrian? It's Nathan. I got your message on Facebook, and of course I'm free today." he says. My face lights up. "That's great! Where shall we meet?" I say. "Meet me at Primrose Hill" he says. "Alright, see you there" I say. We both hang up. Primrose Hill, it's so beautiful there. It's a nice park to have a picnic at. I change into something a little nicer than just a T-shirt and jeans. I put on some denim shorts and a white-flowy top and tuck it into my shorts.

I don't want to look like a fool on the first-time of me seeing him in a long time. I grab my bag and put my phone, earbuds and bike lock inside, because I'm going to take my bike today instead of my car since it's a nice day. The car I have smells and needs fixing anyway, there are a lot of leaks in the windows. Plus riding my bike will give me some excersize. I head out the door, walking passed my mom completely and hop on my bike.

I love riding my bike, the way the wind blows through my hair and on my face on a spring day relieves so much stress. I feel more free when I ride my bike, like I'm running away from my troubles at double the speed, or even flying. I arrive at Primrose Hill and park my bike on a tree, as well as lock my helmet on it. I wander around the freshly cut grass for about 30 minutes from when I arrived, and there are a few people here already having picnics, and I look like a lonely bum.

But I still walk around and look for Nathan. I just realized, I didn't even give Nathan a time! How can I be so foolish?! He probably meant to meet him here later on in the day. Feeling embarrassed, I rush back to my bike. As soon as I put on my helmet, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and I see Nathan looking at me. I smile and let out a laugh, more sounding like a huff of embarrassment. "Where do you think you're going?" he said with a laugh. "I was running away from you" I said in a sarcastic way. "I thought maybe you weren't gonna come since it's been almost a half an hour" I confessed. "I was gonna say the same thing to you" he winked. "But I was walking around the entire park looking for you" I said.

"Obviously you didn't look hard enough, I was over there" he pointed to a spot of the park that was so obvious that I could have found him, but knowing me, I'm pretty slow. "Well I was over here and you didn't see me, so what does that say about you?" I said sarcastically. "Yeah, well... uh..." he said, not knowing any comeback. "I just owned you, sir!" I said with a wink. "Fine then, you win!" he said with a laugh. We walked around the park, having random conversations about little things. I've missed this, I've missed him. We used to be so close. "So I can't believe you're in a boy band now." I said, bringing up something a little more interesting. "Yes, I have been since 2010." he said. "Really? It's only been Two years and you're THIS famous?" I said. Speaking of "famous", as we were walking, a group of girls interrupted us while calling "Nathan! Nathan Sykes! It's Nathan from The Wanted!". I was a little confused, I guess he is pretty famous.

It was quite weird for me. There was about 10 or more of them, a big group for people coming out of nowhere. He smiled as they came and asked for autographs. He signed their T-shirts and took pictures with them, and I just smiled because I didn't know what to do. One had her arm around him and looked at me. "Who's this?" she asked. She was tall and very pretty, she had long dark brown hair and a tan. I'm very short, blonde and pale, so I felt a little small around her. "This is my friend, Adrian" said Nathan. The girls came and talked to me and asked me questions like "How did you guys meet?" and "Are you guys together?".

It was quite awkward for me because we aren't together and never will be. I only just bumped into him today, literally. They were making jokes, they were quite nice, but I've never been around "fans" before, especially Nathan's fans. Soon, they all spread out and sooner or later Nathan and I were alone again. We resumed walking around the park. "So, who were they?" I asked Nathan. "Oh, those girls? Those were fans" he said. I giggled at the thought of Nathan, my old friend having a bunch of fans. "What?" Nathan asked, seeing me giggle. "Oh, nothing... it's just... You've always been a wonderful singer and I always knew that some day you would make it big" I said.

He smiled, and looked into my eyes. "Well, thank you very much" he winked."You've always been wonderful at baking" he said, nudging my arm with his elbow. I did a "pfft" sound and laughed. "As if! I suck at baking!" I said. I am extremely insecure about everything that I do.  If anyone compliments me, I can't take it because I just know that I am horrible at everything. "Don't say that, you are so good! Do you remember that cake you made me for my 15th birthday?" he said, smiling at me.

I smiled, remembering it. I have always loved baking cakes, and have dreamed of having my own bakery one day. All I did was make a simple cake and make a little mini Nathan sitting on it out of fondont. It wasn't that special, in fact, in my opinion, it sucked. I felt like I ruined his birthday cake. "Yeah, I remember..." I said with a slight smile. I'm a perfectionist, so if something doesn't look the way I want it to, I feel like it's the end of the world and I ruined everyone's lives. "That was a really cool cake, I never thought I would have a mini-me on a cake!" he said with an expression of remembrance on his face.

We continued wandering, it's been about Four hours of us being out. The sun has slowly been setting hour-after-hour and I looked at my phone and checked the time. It's almost Seven O'clock now, and I suspect dinner is ready at home. "Oh Nathan, I should get going. It's almost Seven" I said, looking at my phone. "Oh right, me too. And hey, I should introduce you to the other band members some time" he said. "I'd love that" I said with a smile. I walk over to my bike and put on my helmet, take the bike-lock off and put it in my bag.

I turned around and saw Nathan watching me get ready. "Do you have a ride?" I asked. "Oh yeah, I'm walking down the street and they'll pick me up there" he said. I walked closer and hugged him good-bye. I smiled at him and walked over to my bike. "Hey" said Nathan, before I got on my bike. "I've missed you, Adrian" he said while smiling. It made me smile, too. I've missed him so much. "You can still call me Adri, you know" I said with a wink. I hopped on my bike and rode away, with him watching me leave. I've really missed him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2012 ⏰

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