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"Wrong." Lewis piped up from the register, bringing his phone away from his ear, 911 pre-dialed on the screen.

"What the fuck man?" John hissed as he, Laf and Hercules all advanced towards the register menacingly. Lewis squeaked and quickly dove under the counter, fumbling around before he shot back up, a gun clutched in his shaking hands and aimed at the crew.
"Mate two can play it that game," Hercules growled as he retrieved a gun as well.

"I-I'll shoot!" Lewis hissed, shifting his aim between everyone cautiously. Maria emerged from the candy shelves and threw her head back with a laugh, sauntering up to the register and hooking her fingers through the metal grate separating her from Lewis, much like she had at Columbia when she first met the boys.
"Honey put the gun down. Nobody needs to get shot." She pouted. "Just call off the cops and maybe I can do something for you in return," she hummed, sliding her hand down the grate and leaning forward a little, scanning her eyes over Lewis' body.

His eyes widened and he stumbled backwards into the corner.
"Ma'am p-please step away from the register," he gulped, his cheeks flushing bright red.
"Oh Lewis you-" Maria began to toy, reading his name tag before someone stopped her.

John placed a hand on her shoulder but on reflex she immediately spun around and grabbed his wrist, throwing his hand against the metal grate. John yelped in surprise until Maria realised who it was and smirked, their faces just inches apart.

"Maria," Alex warned with a slight growl. She sighed and gave Lewis one last wink before she spun around, releasing John's wrist and walking away, swapping with Alex who came over to stand beside John, holding his hand protectively.

"Look, if you're doing this because it's your job, we can kill the security cameras and say we managed to escape," Alex reasoned with a frown. Lewis stayed quiet, pressing his lips into a thin line of thought.
"Uh guys," James squeaked, looking out beyond the glass doors.

"Just because we've done bad things doesn't mean we're bad people, there are some much worse people coming after us and every second you hold us here, they're getting closer and closer." He sighed desperately. Lewis glanced around the crew nervously, biting his lip.
"Guys," James tried again a little louder.

"Oh for god's sake you either let us go or get shot, I know which option I'd be choosing," Thomas exclaimed over James with a bitter laugh, throwing one hand on his hip and one around James, who was not impressed.

Lewis opened his mouth to respond before screeching sirens and skids snapped the atmosphere outside. Everyone's heads shot to the side at bullet speed, panicked expressions painted on everyone's features.

Eliza was standing right by the doors outside as a set of cop cars began pulling up outside the gas station.
"How did they get here so fast?" John snapped in shock, backing away from the doors.
"I tried to- " James groaned but was cut off yet again.

"Weapons!" Maria called out.
"Wait, we don't want a bloodbath." Alex frowned, keeping his gun hidden. Maria turned to Alex with her mouth hanging open slightly, her features quickly transforming into an accusing scowl.
"So we're just going to let ourselves get caught?" Maria snapped, throwing her hands up. "I think the fuck not," she hissed, spinning her knives excitedly.
"Maria! Killing everyone isn't solving anything!" Alex sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "Those officers have families and lives too, you can't just kill everybody who gets in your way."

Maria glared at him for a moment, police officers stepping out of their cars in formation and hiding behind their doors, guns raised while Lewis lifted the metal lock up bars.
"WEAPONS DOWN AND HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM." An officer ordered through a loudspeaker outside.

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