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I watched Murder on the Orient Express and Wonder at the cinema this week- LOVE. Also, tryna finish this before New Years? Who's in for the ride?!

Soon the boat had hit open water, they were on the North Atlantic Ocean. After a day of Nat messing with the boat's controls to turn off their tracking systems and hide their location from the police, he returned from the Wheelhouse to the smell of instant noodles and Alex unconscious in John's arms on the white couch, his wounds tied off with somebody's shirt. Maria and Eliza had refused to say more than a few sentences the whole day, waiting for the whole group to be together before they spoke.

Nathaniel frowned and made his way over to the couch, kneeling beside Alex and brushing his hair back to hold his palm on his forehead. He was very pale, ghostly pale, dangerously pale, and Nathaniel feared he wouldn't have the tools to help him.
"What does he need? We'll just patch it up right? There's an exit wound, no bullet-removal needed," John tried to stay positive, his gaze flickering between Alex's peaceful expression and Nathaniel's completely contrasting face of worry.

"It is likely Alex needs a blood transfusion, fast, but I don't know what blood type-" Nathaniel began to sigh before a voice called out from outside.
"I can do it," Thomas called out, making his way inside with James by his side, clinging to Thomas' arm as he took small slow steps.
"That is a kind offer Thomas but not just anybody-" Nathaniel began to explain before being cut off yet again.
"No I know. And I also know we're compatible, I donated blood to him when he received his first bullet wound."

The room fell silent and John sat up with wide eyes.
"Th-that was you?" He gasped softly, Thomas nodding sheepishly. "Why didn't you say something?"
"Well what would you think if the blood of your enemy was in the veins of someone you love? It's fuckin' weird, I wasn't gonna admit to saving the life of someone who I was meant to hate," He huffed.

"F-fair enough," John murmured, averting his gaze back to Alex. "Thank you either way,"
Thomas smiled weakly with a nod.
"Well, this would be great if I actually had the tools to perform the transfusion," Nathaniel murmured with a sigh, wandering into the kitchen to shuffle through draws, dodging Eliza and Hercules who were making dinner.

The others watched Nat skeptically as he began pulling out items, a knife, straws, a funnel. He handed everything to Hercules to be thoroughly washed before looking for the medical supplies. He brought everything back to Thomas and Alex, taking a seat on the table beside Alex, shoving the ornament on it out of the way to lay down his medical equipment.
"Thomas I'm going to try a DIY strategy, can you come and kneel beside Alex?" He murmured, Thomas nodding and coming beside Alex.

"I can't watch this," James mumbled quietly, turning away. Lafayette stood and made his way over to James, taking his arm and silently guiding him to sit at the dining table in the kitchenette.

"How are you feeling James?" Lafayette asked quietly as he pulled out a seat for him, setting him down carefully. Behind them Hercules took the washed tools over to Nat.
"Alright, still... tired," he murmured with a weak chuckle, but laughing only made his head throb so he stopped rather quickly.
"You are extremely lucky, we all are," Lafayette grinned encouragingly, Maria coming to take a seat across from them at the table. James shifted his gaze down, sighing delicately.
"Nathaniel says there could be some permanent damage, but he can't run any tests yet. Sometimes I have trouble speaking or finding the right words to say, he says I need to... rest a lot," James murmured.

Lafayette sighed through his nose and reached a hand out to hold James' shoulder.
"You are doing very well, you are very strong James, there is not long to go yet, nous ne sommes pas encore arrivés, mais nous sommes plus proches qu'hier." He smiled. "We haven't arrived yet, but we are closer than yesterday."

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