chapter one

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"Mum",Arizona called wondering where her mom was.
"Arizona",her mom called as she appeared in front of her.
"Mom I'm scared,isn't the war over? "the three years old Arizona asked again.
"No my dear,where is Jeremy? "her mom asked after her brother who was just five.
"He went to the back mom,I can't believe we lost Dad to the War"Arizona said in tears and tears found space in her mom's eyes too "yes Zone I also can't believe he's gone "
She stared around where they were, it was an old uncompleted building. She hugged Zona and Jeremy joined them too.
"Mum I'm hungry and even thirsty"Zona complained. Her mom gave her a bottle of water which she collected and drank some water. "Have some you must be thirsty too ",she gave Jeremy the bottle, he also drank and gave her the bottle back.
"Here you go, Mom"she said as she gave her mom the bottle.
"Don't worry dear,just have the rest "
"No Mom I insist "Zone insisted.
"Alright then",Her mom said as she drank the water.
"Mom, how long are we going to stay here?Jeremy asked.
"I can't say for now cos I don't know how fine it is out there"she replied and cuddled them until they fell asleep.
"More people entered the building to hide. There Mom noticed her kids hair.She removed her ribbon and packed Zona's hair with it. Then she combed Jeremy's hair too.
After some hours, Arizona and Jeremy woke up.
"Mom, you didn't sleep?"Zona muttered touching her hair.
"I just had to take a watch on you two"
"I love you Mom"Jeremy said
"Thanks Mom, I love the hair and the ribbon but one more thing Mom"
"Anything dear"
"I'm hungry"she mumbled
"Same here too Mom"Jeremy added.
"Wait a little more, I don't think we can get anything edible here"their mum replied looking around.
"I hope we'll soon be out of here",Jeremy hoped.
"Yeah I miss our sweet home "Zone added.
     They sat on the floor as their mom mourned her husband silently. She pecked the two of them and stood up.
"Mom, where are you going to?",Zone asked.
"Just wait here with your brother   I'll be back in a jiffy",she assured.
"Alright Mom",Jeremy said and lapped his sister.
"Yeah take good care of her",their mom said and walked outside the building.After some minutes,Zona was getting impatient and she asked her brother "where do you think Mom went to? ".
"I'm also wondering Zona. I've got no idea"
         She sighed and wondered what her mom went to do. She sat still,gazing at nothing getting more impatient at every ticking second.She finally got up too and walked to the window through which she peeped outside.she  walked outside the building.
"Where are you going to,don't wander around.I'm sure Mom is on her way ",Jeremy said.
"Don't worry,I'll be fine"
"Alright then,just deal gently"
         When she got outside,she looked around and saw her mom.She ran to her.
"Mum, what's wrong.Why are you on the floor like this",she cried.
"It's nothing dear, I'm fine"
"But Mom,why are you crying?"
She noticed the red apple her mom had been holding which was now rolling on the ground.She ran after the apple to pick it.
"No Zona,dont pick it. I'm sure it has been affected too"her mom said faintly. She stopped and asked "how?"
"Don't worry,just don't pick it"
           Just then, the building which they were staying before shaked. It was as if  earthquake was about to happen.But this was due to a bomb that was thrown far away.The sound of e bomb was very loud and terrifying.
"Rizona, call me Jeremy "
"Yes Mum, what did you say?"
"Call me Jeremy",Her mom managed to speak still on the floor.
"What's wrong with you Mom? I'm not finding it easy to read your lips,use your voice",Zona cried.
"Dear Zona,I'm also not in the mood to play read-my-lips game now just call Jeremy.
"Mum, use your voice.I still can't hear you.I can only see your lips moving.
       Her mom kept speaking and she still didn't hear her. She decided to call Jeremy to make things easier.she ran inside the building and came back with him.
"You see exactly what I was trying to tell you? The other time she was playing the Read-my-lips game and now she's playing the fake-sleep game" ,Zona said as squatted.
"What! You've suddenly developed a sore throat and your voice has changed.It's not even very clear and as for mum.This isn't the first time she's playing this game with you,just play  along and tickle her then she'll wake up"
"I only managed to read your lips too,you're also playing games with me right",Zona said as she tickled her mom. Anytime  she tickled her mom,her mom will laugh out. She continued to tickle her and Jeremy was carried away. She tickled her mom for some seconds but she didn't laugh out nor wake up.
"Alright Mom, I give up, you win this time.So can you get up now? ",she said  playing with her mom's hair.
"Jeremy",she screamed. "Come over,have a look at Mom she's not getting up",she said opening her mom's eye.
         Jeremy was scared,he shook his mom's head and tried pulling her up shouting her name for her to get up.Then he remembered when his father was losing on the  floor some days ago and his mom shook his body with so much effort calling his and he didn't answer.His mom declared he was dead.
"Noooooooooooo............... ",he screamed. "Mom's gone",he hugged Zona tight.
"What are you saying and stop playing that read-my-lips game. I'm tired of it.And what's gone wrong with Mom",tears rolled down her cheeks as she was confused.
The people in the building rushed out because the building was cracking and it seemed it was going to collapse. They saw zone and Jeremy in tears with their mom's body beside them.A guy who was a doctor approached them and confirmed their mom dead after examining her. He tried to console them and Zona cried to him to use his voice.

"Little Boy, can you hear me? ",he asked Jeremy and Jeremy nodded in positive.
"Alright then,due to the sound of the bomb blast that happened some minutes ago.Your sister has lost her sense of hearing"
"You mean she'll never hear again?"
"Maybe not forever,I'm sorry",the guy patted his head and explained the situation to Zona in writing.Her eyes watered and tears escaped through and fell on her cheek.
"I'm sorry Zona. Please don't cry "Jeremy comforted her.
Darkness soon found it's way into the atmosphere while Zona laid on the rough grass,her head on Jeremy's laps. She remembered her mom died due to stray bullets that pierced into her arm. "I shouldn't have told mum I was hungry.She wouldn't have left the building and it would have been her own laps I'm laying on now. I'm sorry Mom",she sniffed.
Sleep snatched her mind as different thoughts strolled through Jeremy's mind. He patted Zona's arm as he stared at her cute face.
"Being the last wish mum made I promise to take care of you ",he said softly.

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