Part 4:

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Part 4:

September 30, 2018

Dear Celestina,

Will you believe it?! Iris thinks Santiago is attractive! He's a brute with no manners! That's what he is! He might be physically attractive, but his personality could use a bit of grooming. He's nothing but an egotistical wizard, who thinks his broom flies faster than it really does. It sickens me to no end! Unfortunately, he's Jamie's best friend; therefore I am forced to suffer through his barbarity.

I suppose the same goes for girls, but I sometimes ponder the foundation in which men base their relations upon. Jamie is intelligent, kind, humble; a gentleman. Santiago is none of those things. I can only conclude that polarity, in it's peculiar workings, summoned the friendship on the notion that opposites attract. To express such a thought would sound blasphemous, but it seems to me that the Sorting Hat made a mistake in placing Santiago among the Gryffindors and not the Slytherins.

Despite having to deal with an insufferable pain in the ass, school is wonderful, as predicted. Ramblings of the Triwizard Tournament have begun to parade the corridors, among the buzz about the ball. The leaves have not yet marked their vein-y bodies with the colors of their future descent, but each witch and wizard seems to be compiling a list of potential dates for this lovely December night.

Of course, I'll be patiently waiting for an invitation, from only the most sought after boy in Hogwarts. Luckily, I've become quite the master at various practices of charming.

"Hey, Weasley!" Jamie shouts, awakening me from my stupor, which coincidently was about him.

"Yes, Mr. Wood?" My eye-brows perk up on my forehead, as I smile coyly at the brown-eyed magician of my heart.

"Formal, are we?" Jamie remarks, chuckling. For some fifteen seconds, a silence takes over and our eyes lock.

Breaking the contact, Jamie rakes his fingers through his hair, as though I've caught him off guard; made him lose his train of thought. Biting my lower lip, I resist the urge to grin at this.

" watch me play...Quidditch" he fumbles. Smiling awkwardly, Jamie continues, "Do you want to come to the practice today?"

Unable to resist a giggle, I nod and assure Jamie I will be there. I sigh pleasantly, watching eager first years scurry off to class with every possible item they can carry in their hands; books, parchment, ink, cauldrons, you name it. It's that age when you're even excited for homework, because before Hogwarts you were forced to stay at home and mind your mother, possibly the most boring of activities in all of the wizarding world. Now, I have mixed feelings about homework. Reading for pleasure can be very fulfilling, but rather than homework, I'd fancy spending my time on things that don't make me want to fall asleep...even though I could really use a good catnap at the moment.

I stroll forward, still watching the young witches and wizards pile into their classes, only to be startled by an unexpected "Boo!" from a familiar voice, that is deep but not loud. Embarrassingly, a shriek escapes my mouth. Upon realising that it's Santiago, my fist finds his arm, in addition to assaulting him mentally with a harsh glare.

"Ouch!" Santiago rubs his arm. "Geez, Weasley, it was just a joke!"

With crossed arms and pursed lips, I express to Santiago that I find no amusement in his little 'joke'. "Scaring people is very rude," I add, sounding like a miniature version of my mother.

"So is slugging people in the arm," Santiago retorts, with that cocky chuckle of his. His laugh is almost as annoying as Stori's.

"What do you want?" I demand, clearly not in the mood for Santiago's antics.

Hidden Within Me (Sequel to Hidden In the Pensieve) (HP)Where stories live. Discover now