Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

Marcus left back to California for practice and me and dj are getting are stuff packed for the reunion this weekend. Wells its more like I'm  packing and dj it playing with his toys on the floor.

I told I would take him out to the store today just me and him since he has been doing so good at school. I am so damn proud of his I swear. I tell him it every chance I get.

He always stay focus even though he has to go through a lot of shit with me and daddy. I promise I will never do that again to him.  He like seeing us together, so I am going to do everything to try and keep it that way.

I heard my phone vibrating on the table next to me, so I picked it up. Speak of the devil now here he go now calling me. I pressed the talk button and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello" I said.

"What up?" he replied.

"Nothing getting are stuff ready for the reunion"

"Yall leaving in two days right?" he asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"And you waiting until now to get yall stuff packed?" he asked chuckling a little.
"Shut up marcus 'cause I already know you didn't pack yet"

"I ain't to" he replied. I stopped I was doing and sat down on the bed. What does he mean he ain't got to.

"I thought you said you was going?"

"I am I just had it packed for me"

"Okay marcus" I  replied laying back on dj's bed. I could barely fit on his little bed. It got quiet on the phone and for a second I thought he hung up.

"Where dj at?"

"He right here playing with his toys" I replied glancing over towards him. "I took him to the park today for a little and he ran around with the other kids. Tomorrow I'm thinking about getting him a -" I stopped when I saw him starring at me now.

I got off his bed and walked down the hall towards my room.

"I'm thinking about getting him a puppy tomorrow" I said as I flopped on the bed.

"What is that noise?"

"Nothing I was just laying down, but you think I should get him a dog or bike or something?"

"Get him both shit"

"Okay well if this dog shit all over my house will you come clean it up"

"Hell naw you better get somebody to handle that shit"

"Why you always think money can buy everything?"

"Because it can shit money bought yo house yo car, and -"

"I know what you can buy with money, but it ain't everything"

"Aaliyah money is power" he replied.

"Okay so money can buy family"

"Yeah if you ain't got one no matter....." I rolled on the bed, so that now I was laying on my stomach with my elbows holding my body up. He think money can buy everything. I listen as he went on about money this and that.

"So what about me?" I asked. He was quiet after I asked that, but I wanted an answer.

"Naw the one thing money can't buy me" he replied. I bit my bottom lip smiling. If he was here right now I would kiss him, so hard.

We went on talking about this reunion and who to avoid and who we wanted to see. I started laughing when he was mocking my auntie.

I was laughing, so hard on the phone my stomach hurt. I looked over at the clock and got up out the bed. I walked down to dj room and saw him sleep on the floor.

"Hold on marcus" I said before setting my phone on the bed. I took off his shoes and socks first, then his t-shirt. It was a little hot in the house, so I just laid him in bed and covered him up a little not to much.

I lean down and kissed him on the forehead and grabbed my phone. I walked to the door cut the light off and walked back to my room.


"Yeah" he replied. I started yawning and climbed up in bed."You tired?" he asked.

"Yeah its 12 over her"

"Damn I forgot the time difference, but go to sleep I will call yall tomorrow"

"Okay I love you" I said hanging up the phone before he could say anything. I laid there falling asleep until I realized I finally said it out loud that I love him.

I was almost sleep when I felt my phone buzzing. I grabbed it and saw I had a text message from marcus. I opened the message up, it said:

              -i love you 2.

A smile creeped on my face and shortly after that I was sleep. I was in a good sleep when I hear my name being called. I open my eyes, and turned my lamp on.

It was dj and he had tears coming down his face.

"Come here baby" I said. He climbed up in bed and I wrapped my hands around him.

"Whats wrong baby?"

"I saw a monster"

"You did awwwww baby" I said as I rubbed his back. I rubbed his back until he fell asleep in my arms. I turned the lamp off and laid him back on my pillow.

I rubbed his back until I fell asleep next to him in bed.

I woke up the next morning easing out of bed not trying to wake dj up. I walked down the hall to his room and finished packing up his stuff.

It didn't take me long I just grabbed 4 of his new outfits, and some swimming shorts just in case. I dragged his suitcase down the hall and left it there.

I walked back in my room and finished packing up my stuff. I heard dj getting up on the bed, so I got up off the floor to see if he was okay.

"You okay baby?" I asked.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Okay well go in the bathroom I'm about to get you washed up, so we can go see everybody"

"Yeah even dylan c'mon get undressed in the bathroom, so I can get you ready"
he tossed the covers back and ran out the room down the hall.

I followed behind him slowly and got him all washed up. After he was all done I got dressed next, and called for a car to come pick us up out front. He got here in no time, he grabbed are luggage and put it in the trunk.

We got in the car and headed to the airport where it was flooded with paparazzi. There must me a lot of shit happening here today. I stepped out the car with dj close behind me.

He suddenly stopped walking and just looked up at the camera's. I stopped too and looked down at him.

"Are you and marcus back together?"

"Are you two back together for your son"

"Are you pregnant Aaliyah?"

"What's next for you?"

"Is playboy next for you?"

I grabbed dj and and pulled him along. They where asking me every question there was. I was so glad they had police there pushing them back away from me.

"Can I get you take a picture with me?"

I heard someone ask. I stopped and looked in there direction. It was a group of maybe 3 people. I walked over to them and took a picture with them, and was rushed to the airport.

I guess it was getting worse because I guess I wasn't the only celebrity at the airport. We boarded the plain and that was that.

Dj rested his head on my side and fell asleep. The plane ride wasn't that long maybe three hours at the most.

We got off the plane and walked to are car that was waiting for us outside. Dj got in first and I got in behind him.

He stopped the car infront of my mom's house and we got out. We walked up to the door and before we could ring the doorbell the door opened.

My mom appeared and wrapped her arms around me. I embraced her back and let her go. She hugged dj next and we walked in.  

"Hey momma" I said.

"Hey baby and hey dj"

"He look so much like his daddy" she said. We walked to the living room and sat down. "You look beautiful" she said.

"Thank you so do you" I replied.

"So how have you been?" she asked.

"I been good. What about you?"

"I have been good"

"Where is nikki?"

"She is over her friends house she will be home in an  hour"

"Okay" I replied.

"So are you dating someone now?" she asked. I forgot my momma doesn't know about me and marcus.

"Well me and marcus are -"

"Back together?"

"Yeah momma, but its not like that we not moved in together or nothing we just taking it slow"

"Slow?" she repeated.

"Dj go play out back" I said and he ran off. "I know what you thinking momma, but its not like that at all"

"I know aaliyah it was the same with your father"

"Are you having sex with him?"

"Ma!" I said a little shocked.

"What! I want another grand baby. I hardly get to see the one I got now"

"Momma we taking it slow no grand baby from me" I replied chuckling. I can't believe she just asked me that. I kept on laughing and shook my head.

We talked a little longer on the couch about dj, my job, and this weekend when the front door opened. I turned my head and saw tyron, dylan, jamal, and nikki walk in.

I stood up off the couch and gave all of them a hug. Jamal picked me up off the ground when I gave him a hug. I haven't seen them since dj birthday.

We all gave eachother hugs and bullshit around. The doorbell rang and I went to go answer the door.

It was dion and marcus. I embrace dion so tight I thought I was hurting her. I pulled back and she walked in.

"Aaliyah look your hair" dion said.

"Yeah I know I wanted to try something new you like it"

"It looks good on you"

"Thank you" I replied.
 I turned and watched her walk in the living room. He pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around my lower back. I wrapped my arms around him as well and hugged him.


"Daddy!" dj yelled running up to marcus. Marcus picked him up and started playing with him. I turned to walk back in the living room when he grabbed my hand stopping me.

I looked down at his hand over mine then up at him. He put dj down and he ran in the living room and jumped on dylan's back.

I turned my head back towards marcus and he was grinning.

"What you smiling about?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Nothing" he replied. He took a step back and looked me up and down. "Definitely worth canceling shit for" he said.

I smiled and pulled him in the living room with everybody else. I felt his hand slide up my back and I pushed it away before anyone notice.

"Man naw!" jamal said. I looked over at jamal and he was looking at marcus. "I need to holla at you for a minute bruh" he said as he got up from the couch. He headed out back and marcus followed.

I sat down on the couch next to dion and she wrapped her arm around me and rubbed my arm. I reasurred her with a smile and tilted my head back.

Here we go again. I wonder what they are talking about. Damn. It can't be nothing bad because shit if it was they would be fighting or something.

I exhaled and stood up off the couch. It was so good to finally get a break and be around family. I haven't been over here in a long time.

"Do yall mind watching dj for me I'm about to walk around the block"

"Yeah sure you okay?" dion asked.

"Yeah I'm okay I just miss being around here"

"Its been what a year since you last been here?"

"Yeah" I replied. I slide my foot in my black jordans and walked outside. It was so damn beautiful outside.

I walk down the block until I got to the park I used to go to when I was little. I sat down on the swing and swung for a little until my stomach started hurting.

 I saw a basketball over on the court, and I walked over to the basketball court picked the ball up and bounced it.  I shot the ball in the hoop and it missed.

"You never was good at basesketball"

I looked over at marcus and he was walking towards the ball. He picked it up and walked towards me. He handed me and ball and stood behind me. He position my hands on the ball and kissed me on the neck.

"Keep your hands spaced out and aim for the back board" he whispered in my ear. I shot the ball and it went in. "Thats how the ballers do it"

I turned around took his hat off his head and put it on. He grinned and I picked the ball up. I rested the ball on my hip with my arm and looked at him.

"Come here" he said. I walked slowly towards him and he reached for the ball, but I put it behind my back.

He wrapped his arms around me and I dropped the ball. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissed him on the lips.

I pulled back away from him and tried to get down, but he spent me around. I started laughing and he put me down.

"I'm keeping yo hat" I said smiling.

"Its koo you look sexy in my hat" he replied. I took his hat off and put it back on his head. He picked the basketball up and started bouncing it.

"So what did jamal talk to you about?" I asked. He stopped bouncing the ball and shot it.

"Just catching up" he replied as he shot the ball again. I know that was a damn lie as soon as it left his lips.

"Why you lien to me?"

"I'm not"

"Okay so you expecting me to believe my brother wanted you to come with him outside just, so yall could catch up?"

"Yeah, what wrong with that?"

"Because you lien marcus"

"It don't fucking matter anyways what we talked about" he said before shooting the ball.

"Yeah you right it don't even matter" I replied walking back towards the house. I could hear the ball bouncing as I walk back, but I didn't look back.

I was halfway home when I saw dj, my brothers, and the rest of my family making there way this way walking. I caught up to them and most of them were smiling.

"Where yall going?" I asked.

"It nice outside today, so we decided to take the kids to the park" my momma said.

"Oh okay" I replied.

"You coming?"dion asked.

"No I'm just going to go home and lay down for a little" I replied.

"You alright?" my momma asked.

"Yeah I will be" I replied before I started walking. I made it to the house in no time and went upstairs to my old room. I open the door up and saw my room exactly the same as it was before nothing changed.

I sat on my bed, looked around, and then climbed in bed. I was sleep in no time. I woke up at 11 that same night and climbed out of bed. I looked around my room, then stood up.

'Damn I was sleep for a good minute' I turned the lamp on in search for the door. I saw dj over on the bed and I walked over and kissed him on the bed. I cut the lamp off and walked out the room.

I could hear a couple of people downstairs, so I went down. There was a bunch of dudes in the living room. I walked past all  them and went in the kitchen. I just made me a sandwich and called it a night.

After I finish my sandwich I walked towards the backyard when I heard my name in the living room. I turned around back in the living room.

"Yeah?" I said as I walked in the living room. I leaned against the wall and bit my sandwich. I notice a lot of different faces here, but some of them was knew.

I saw my brothers, but I didn't see marcus. I was going to ask, but I decided not to.

"Nothing" dylan replied. I left it at that and walked upstairs to my old bedroom. I walked out on the balcony and sat down on one of the lawn chairs. Before I sat down I could see marcus outside in the backyard.

 He was just standing outside yelling. I didn't see nobody outside, but him so I figure he was on the phone.

I got comfortable in  the lawn chair and ate my food. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I knew he was arguing with somebody.

I didn't care. I pulled my feet up and got comfortable. It was still somewhat nice out, the star were out, and it was a full moon.

I finished up eating and called it a nice even though I wasn't even tired. I slid underneath the covers next to him and rubbed his head. I love him so much.

I don't know how long I just laid there rubbing his head, but I heard the door open. I turned to look, but I knew it was a dude I just couldn't make out who it was.

As soon as he sat down I knew it was marcus, because the way he smelt. After he was doing what he was doing he climbed in bed next to me, but he didn't touch me.

What the fuck wrong with him?........ .Was it something I did?. . . . .  Does it have something to do with jamal? I don't know what his problem is, but I do know this is going to be one hell of a reunion.

Sorry I had to end it like  this. But I am trying to find time to update. Oh and I have change dj to a more  younger actor since jaden smith getting too old.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2012 ⏰

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