-New rooms new lives-

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-DISCLAIMER- I do not own Stacyplays I do own all of the other characters and Waterfall Orphanage. This is my story I didn't steal it. The book IS fictional so none of this actually happened. Enjoy the book!

-Stacy's POV-

I look at my clock 8:20 looks like I'm early. In the meantime I tweet my fans. "I'm adopting two amazing little girls!" And update my Instagram. I take a picture of myself in front of the Orphanage and post it. The clock says 8:25 I wait in my car until 8:29 and then I walk into the front office. I'm greeted by two girls their face shinning brighter than ever. "Are you two ready?" I ask enthusiastically. They still look speechless but they quickly nod. "Okay then let's go pack up the jeep." I say. We throw in Ember's pink suitcase and Robin's rainbow suitcase. "Is that all?" I ask. "Ye- yes i- it is." Ember speaks up. "Great!, you two get in the back." "Stac- Mom... Thank you, this will be the first home I've ever lived in.... I've been in the Orphanage since I was a baby. I can't thank you enough for getting us out of that treacherous place....thank you so much." Ember said. She called me Mom.....she called me MOM! That's when it hit me....I'm responsible for two more lives. I have to feed them.....and clothe them....and keep them safe....I'm a mom...." You're welcome sweety. " I say. "You two get to meet Page, Molly, and Milquetoast!" I exclaim. "Where's Polly?" Robin asks. I answer, "She's not in town today, but she'll be here next week!" "I really want to meet Page!" Says Ember. "I'm sure she'll love you! Robin anyone in particular you want to meet?" I ask.

-Robins POV-

Mom just asked me if I'm looking forward to meeting anyone. "I guess I want to meet Milquetoast..... Speaking of Milquetoast did anyone else hear a meow?" I ask. "I didn't hear anything." Says Stacy."Me neither." Ember said. Weird... When we arrive at the cabin Stacy leads us to our room.

-Embers POV-

"OMG our room is so pretty!" I squeal. It's forest themed with wild animals hand painted on the walls. "Thank you. I had a painter come in and put up forest wallpaper and paint cute animals on it. I'm so glad you both like it!" Says Stacy. "I'll leave two to unpack and, I'll call you when its time for brunch!" She continues. Once mom is gone I open my suitcase and spot two dressers on the other side of the room. One is white and the other is black. I walk over to the black one. I open the top drawer, and I stuff my undergarments in there. I fold my pants and put them in the second drawer. Then my shorts in the third. Then my PJs in the last. I put up my drawings of Stacyplays on the wall and lastly I open my closet door and hang up my dress and my shirts. I finish unpacking before Robin so, in the meantime I  take a quick cat nap.

-Ember's dream-

I'm in a hospital....why am I in a hospital... I look over to a newborn crying. "She's so cute!" I coo. "What's her name?" I ask. "Doctor please let me see her." The mother of the baby demands. The doctor hands her the baby. "Hello...HELLO!" I scream. No one can hear me. The father was writing something on a piece of paper it read: We didn't want an abortion, this was the only option. No...no it can't be! These can't be my parents! I start to sob. THESE STUPID UNLOVING MONSTERS.....I take a closer look at my parents....my Mom had blue eyes with straight brown hair...just like me. My father looked just like her....... "WHY WHY MEEE WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME TO THE ORPHANAGE!" I yell.

-End of dream-

I jolt up out of bed with sweat running down my face mixed with tears....

-Stacy's POV-

I'm making grilled cheese sandwiches for the girls. I set the table. Put out three place mats and plates. Pour three glasses of milk........is that crying I hear. As a walk down the hallway to their room the crying gets louder. I open the door and I see Ember sitting up in bed crying, I also see Robin saying soothing words to her trying to get her to calm down. I walk over to her and crouch down to her level. "What's wrong sweety?" I ask calmly. "I- I my... par- parents!" She sobs. I pick her up cradle her in my arms running my hands through her hair. "It's alright sweety. Your with me now." I say trying to soothe her. I continue to say soft calming words. About 5 minutes later she stops crying completely. C'mon let's go eat. I lead them to the table. They sit down and eat. I feed the dogs and Milquetoast, let them out and then I joined Robin and Ember.

-AUTHOR'S NOTE- I will update as soon as possible on this book. Tomorrow or whenever I have free time. I hope you enjoyed!

In the next chapter both of the girls appear in Mineclash! They also meet the pets. How will that work out will it be okay? Find out in the next chapter?

Adopted.....By Stacyplays?!Where stories live. Discover now