What happened?

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-Disclaimer- I don't own Stacyplays  but everything else is mine! This story IS fictional so none of this actually happened. Enjoy the chapter!

-Ember's POV-

I looked at my clock and it said 3:56 A.M. I don't know what happened! One moment I was in bed... And the next this happened! So I got up out of bed and put on my bunny slippers and I pulled my hair back into a messy bun. I stepped onto my rug below my bed witch is gray and black, and I tiptoed upstairs to see if Mom is awake. Creeeak.... I stopped in my tracks and whispered, "Stupid hardwood floors!" I continued on careful not to step on any cracks. I finally make it up the stairs and I peak above the railings. Huh, Moms gone and so are the dogs! I thought. So, I ran back down the stairs and searched the rest of the house no no no no no... This can't be happening! Where is mom? I double checked everywhere, the kitchen, both bedrooms, the bathroom, the living room, the dining room, and even Milquetoast's cubby underneath the stairs and still no Stacy! That's when it hit me... Mom was kidnapped! I started to think maybe they took the dogs too? I don't know but I'm still really worried! Thump... Thump... Thump... Thump... I felt like a million bags of bricks just hit me. Whoever Stacy's kidnapper is... Is not going to stop at just her and her dogs. So I dove behind the couch and covered myself with a blanket trying to be as quiet as possible.

-Stacy's POV- (One hour earlier)

I can't get to sleep. No matter how hard I try I can't stop worrying about Ember. What am I going to do with that girl? I can't send her back, she's my daughter. I have to punish her somehow. I don't have experience! Ugggg, I'll just go on a walk that always seems to clear my head. So I grab the dogs, who seem to not get to sleep either and put them on their leashes. I quietly head out the door shushing Page and Molly as we walk past the girls room. I peek into their door to see if their alright. Robin and Ember are fast asleep, and a wave of relief passes over me. I walk out the door and feel immediately relaxed as the cool night air gently touches my skin. I walk down a nearby trail and hope that there is no moose (again). Page and Molly seem to be enjoying this extra time outdoors. The owls are whooing and the sound of the wind brushing against the fall leaves is so relaxing. I continued to walk up and down this trail until about an hour later. I started back home and when I reached the door I heard a thud. I jumped back, is there a robber in my home? I thought. So, I cautiously open my front door and tiptoe into the living room. I notice that the blanket on the couch is missing. What if the robber stole it and is looking for something else?! I walk quietly behind the couch keeping my eyes peeled on the kitchen... Crash I trip over something. "AHHHHH!" I scream as I go down. I hear another scream as well which makes us both scream even more. I turn around to find out who that mystery screamer is. "Ember", I ask, "what are you doing up?" She looked scared out of her mind. "I- I was loo- looking for you." She stuttered. We sat down on the couch as we both explained what happened. "Oh, so that's why you weren't in bed, I thought you got kidnapped!" She said. "Oh, well I thought you were a robber." I admitted. "Hey, we both need to calm down after that, so do you want to take another walk with me?" I asked. "That sounds perfect." Ember said joyfully. So I led the dogs back upstairs and we headed out the door.

-Author's note- I will update soon! I'm so sorry about the big gap between chapter 9 and 10 I got REALLY busy. Please leave a comment to tell me how I can improve. I hope you enjoyed!

How will Ember's first day of suspension go? And will how will Stacy deal with it? Find out in the next chapter!

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