liar liar

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Raina's POV

     She knew she was going to hell for this. She has probably went too far but there was no going back from this. When she is exposed they were never going to forgive her for this. But she had a reason why and it was JB. She was so obsessed with him to the point where it was becoming unhealthy.

   She yearned for him to like her. She hoped when she has their baby that he will soften up towards her more. But he basically told her that he wanted nothing to do with the baby or her. That had hurt Raina deep to her core.

   She vowed that if she ever recieved the opportunity to get him to like her that she will take it. Now here was her  shot. With her memories wiped clean they can start on a new slate. She will change het entire behavior to please him. But it killed Raina that she didn't fill Kiersha in on her plan.

   Her friend was staring at her with tears pooling out of her eyes. She kept hugging her saying that she should remember her because of how close they were together. Raina just faked a blank expression on her face. She was no actor but right now she was giving Leonardo Dicapio a run for his money.

"Who are you guys?" She ushered at them jumping slightly when Kiersha attacked her into a tight bear hug.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" asked bambam and Raina couldn't believe that he was starting to cry too.

She wasn't really close with the rest just JB. She was surprised to see that someone else at least cared about her.

"Maybe she remembers me" states Jackson confidently and he hobbles over to her on one leg.

He slowly grabs her hand into his and kisses the back of it.

"Hey baby girl it's me" He whispered and Raina gulped.

She had one of two decisions to make one she could act like she doesn't him or two she can be a petty bitch and make JB jealous again. But the last time she did that he nearly killed somebody.

  But if she wanted her plan to be successful she has to make him regret ever leaving her that way he can realize his true feelings for her.

"Jackson" she muttered and push herself into his arms.

Mark had to catch him because he almost fell.

"Yeah do you remember me?" he said sounding shocked that she would.

"Of course how can I forget my loving boyfriend" Raina said and everyone yelled in surprise.

"Shit just hit the fan" Mark said sighing.

"Did she really just call Jackson her boyfriend?" Jinyoung questioned looking like he was going to barf.

"Oh hell naw she's pregnant with my baby" said JB. "Get the hell away from her" he pushed Jackson's hands away from Raina's but she quickly stppped him.

"Don't touch my man" she said and mentally smirked when she saw him frowned.

   She knew how to push his buttons and it was going to be any moment before he explodes.

"Your my woman for crying out loud your having my baby!" he called throwing his hands up in the air angerily.

"Calm down JB she doesn't remember" Yugyeom tried to reason with him but it was useless Raina could pratically see the steam rolling off of him.  

"This is crazy" said Youngjae and hid behind Kiersha in case punches were going to be thrown.

"Raina I'm not your boyfriend" Jackson said to her slowly. "JB is and your having a child with him"

Raina shook her head and was satisfied when she saw JB biting his lips.

"No, you are my boyfriend and the baby is yours" she told Jackson and all the color drained from his face.

"Since when?" questioned JB sarcastically.

"Since Jackson and I fucked each other brains out" she said and that's when everything was thrown into chaos.

   JB thrown himself at Jackson and they both came crashing down on the floor. He got on top of them and the both of them engaged into a heated fist fight.

"Guys stop it!" Kiersha said and grabbed JB by his collar and pulled him off of Jackson who was screaming because his stitches came lose.

"You traitor ass motherfucker!" JB yelled. "How can you do this to me? She is mine!"

"No she's not" shouted Jackson. " You just told us that you wanted nothing to do with her or the baby!"

"Let's break it up now" Jinyoung said suddenly and he looked pissed off.

"Mommy Junior is right" came in Mark. "This is getting ridiculous"

"But we do need to get to the bottom of something" bambam said capturing  everyone's attention.

"Which is..."

"Jackson did you really have sex with Raina?"

He got quiet and then said "no"

"Liar liar!" Raina said like a three year old. "We fucked after I fucked JB"

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