Chapter 15

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I wanted to jump and cheer and happiness when I saw both of them coming through the door while holding hands. The pink tint on my baby’s face showed that Char sure did charm her. My happiness evaporated when I saw the gold band on Nadia’s hand, I got worried. I looked at Alex. He was arching an eye brow at me as well. I loved the kid but she wasn’t even a graduate as yet.

“Okay? Why is there an engagement ring on your finger?” I asked her like a concerned parent.

“It’s just that she’s expecting and I’m going to marry her next month.” Alex calmly replied.

“WHAT?!” That wasn’t me or Alex who yelled that. It was Jane, Ben and—unexpectedly Nadia. I got it that he was kidding.

“Chill, guys. I’m joking. It’s just a promise ring.” He raised both hands in defense. His parents’ released a sigh of relief while Nadia narrowed eyes at him.

“Don’t ever do that again.” Ben warned seriously.

“Sometimes I think you are my step-father.”  Char grumbled.

“If you keep making these jokes, I’d flush it.” Nadia warned Char while pointing at her ring.

“So you and Charlie, huh?” I teased my daughter.

“Well, since he politely asked me that no girl ever wants to be with him. I felt pity for him. So I decided to marry him after I start a proper career.” She explained opening the gift from Ben and Jane. Alex smiled at her.

“Oh, is that so?” Char asked as if challenging.

“Yeah, that is right. Do you think otherwise? I can always flush it.” Nadia pointed towards the finder again.

“Excuse me, Miss? You know, you take too much advantage of my love for you.” Charlie spoke while placing his hand on her cheek. On seeing this, Hansel and Gretel shouted in unison,

“NO PDA!!” We laughed.

“Mom and dad are enough to make us feel sick. Not you too.” Hansel wailed.

“Don’t you think I’d want to meet my daughter’s boyfriend in an official manner?” Alex said as seriously as he could. Only I knew he was going to pull Char’s leg.

“Umm… Hello sir, I am Charlie Benjamin Abott.” He firmly shook Alex’s hand.

“Do you have a job? What about your career?” He asked Alex.

“I am becoming a doctor like my step-mother. I work in Sally’s place right now but I’d have a proper job once my education is complete.” He said seriously. Ben and Jane gasped.

“You have a job? At Sally’s? When did that happen?” Ben asked clearly surprised by the news.

“Duh! How else do you think I have afforded Nadia’s ring? By stealing?” He said sarcastically.

“Oh honey, you could’ve asked me for money.” Jane said feeling bad for making Ben cut his allowance.

“Oh, for once don’t try to spoil him, Jane.” Ben said.

“Mooom! You think, I’d feed my girlfriend on my parents’ money? That’s ridiculous.” He said ignoring Ben’s remark.

“For how long did you work in Sally’s?” Nadia asked clearly stunned.

“May be a year—and a half. Not much.” He said sheepishly. Alex smiled at him.

“You sure have my approval, son.” He said patting his back and Nadia hugged him.

“Mom, I have a girlfriend. I need money to buy her a ring. Can I have it right now?” Hansel asked grinning.

“Absolutely not! You’re in middle school. The only ring you should want at this age is a pop ring or onion ring. ” She replied to him.

“Sometimes, I think I am your step-son.” Hansel grumbled.

“Well, we better run now. I hope you like your necklace, honey.” Jane said to Nadia and she nodded and hugged her aunt.

“And congratulations sweety. I don’t understand why you accepted my son’s proposal. But you’re clearly a good influence.” Ben said happily.

“Thanks Aunt Jane, Uncle Ben.” My daughter hugged them and as they were leaving, I saw Jane whisper something in Nadia’s ear to which she giggled. Hansel and Gretel went to the car arguing about something with their mother. Charlie told them he’d come back later. He sat with Nadia in the lawn watching the sunset. I could clearly see the love in their eyes for each other. I knew it was all Estella’s doing. I wiped a happy tear away from my eyes. Alex kissed my temple while keeping his arms around my shoulders like it belonged there. I looked into his eyes. Although he had laugh creases near the corner of his eyes, his color was dimmed and he had a few silver strands in his hair, he still looked like a person who was in love with me. And that was what had always mattered.

After Estella, we had a few ups and downs, but somehow, we solved it because we wanted to be happy. Life is never perfect. We have to make it perfect by staying content in whatever life throws at us. Becuase if you wallow in pain or rise up with laughter in the morning, life goes on. It doesn't care about your attitude towards it. But people in life are the ones that get affected by your behaviour. Although I was more than happy to get the perfect person around me. But after Estella's death, I almost lost him because of how I selfishly ignored him. No one can make you happy if you don't want to be happy. Not even your soul mate. Happiness is always a choice and not a fate. As I was entering my bedroom, a small voice from a long time echoed in my mind.

‘What’s important is that you should always have that person in your life who loves you -- and of course the faith in God that He’d make things better.’

The End.

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